Rajiv Gandhi University Of Health SciEnces, KARNATAKA. BANGALORE
Completed prOforma for registration of
subject for dissertation
MD Scholar
Department of Post Graduate studies in Dravyaguna
Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences,
Manipal 576104
Head of the Department,
Department of Post Graduate Studies in Dravyaguna,
Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences,
Manipal, Karnataka.
6) Brief Resume of Intended Work
6.1) Need for the study:
Ayurveda is an ancient science of medicine; in precise we can say that “Ayurveda is the mother of all medical sciences”. The term Ayurveda consist of two words namely “Ayu” and “Veda”, meaning science and life. It is considered as 5th Veda or as an Upaveda of Atharva Veda.
According to Ayurveda, every material or substance of this universe is medicinal1. Ayurveda deals with thousands of medicinal substances for the betterment of mankind and it also given freedom to utilize any substance as medicine because each and every substance of this universe is made up of Panchamahabhuta similarly humanbody2. Ayurveda stands on the foundation of Panchamahabhuta. The manifestation of a disease is due to variation in Panchamahabhuta configuration in body. Therefore any substance or drug having the similar constitution to body stimulates it while dissimilar causes depletion3.
All Dravya (drugs) can be used as remedy or medicinal provided the condition that it is suitable for curing the disease. The science which deals with study of drugs is called Dravyaguna shastra. The Dravyaguna shastra incorporates all the three basic sources of drugs such as plant kingdom, animal kingdom and mineral kingdom. In fact most of the drugs obtained from these sources are explained in terms of Ayurveda concepts. However in present scenario they have to be explored with appropriate scientific measures to throw more light on them so that whole of the world will come to know about their uses scientifically. As a part of this, an effort is made on the drug Alambusha and its botanical sources. Since from the beginning, a lot of confusion has been created in the identification of botanical sources of various herbal drugs described in Ayurveda. Many a times a drug (herb) has been given with several synonyms and these are also repeated with several other drugs (herbs), hence the confusion arises. By conducting experimental evaluation, these controversial drugs and uncertainty about their identification can be resolved easily.
In the case of Alambusha there are two botanical sources as described in Kaideva Nighantu. The term Alambusha is coining with Sravani and Alambusha in separate headings4, 5. Therefore to find out the more beneficial botanical source of Alambusha, this experiment is being carried out on the basis of pharmocognostical and phytochemical studies.
The botanical sources of plant Alambusha are
Biophytum sensitivum (Linn).DC (Oxalidaceae family)6 and
Sphaeranthus indicus Linn (Compositae family) .7
6.2) Review of literature:-
References from various Ayurvedic literatures regarding plant Alambusha, analysis of its botanical sources through botany literature are taken for the study. In kaideva nighantu shloka no 687 and 2604 coining to Alambusha but the botanical sources are different. Other references are from Bhavaprakasha Nighantu8, Nighantu Adarsha,9 ,10Raj Nighantu11, and Dhanwantari Nighantu12.
Classical references of Alambusha
In Kaideva Nighantu oshadhi varga shloka no 687 and 2604 the drug Alampusha has mentioned.
6.3) Previous works done:
· Jagan Mohan .R -Study of Mundi ( Sphaeranthus indicus Linn), D.G department,Trivendrum Ayurveda medical college,Kerala,1989.
· Lalitha .B.K -Experimental evaluation of vedana stapana action of Mundi ( Sphaeranthus indicus Linn) w.s.r to Ardhavabedaka) , D.G department, Govt. Ayurvedic Medical College, Bangalore, 2000.
· Dr. Shyju Ollakkad -Evaluation of comparative efficacy of Alambushadi yoga and Dhanyamla Kayaseka in Amavata. (rheumatoid arthritis) , K.C department, DG.Melmalagi Ayurvedic Medical College, Gadag 2001-2004.
6.4) Objective of the study:-
· Identification of botanical sources of drug Alambusha.
· Pharmacognostical study of botanical sources of Alambusha will be carried out by macroscopic and microscopic features of their roots, stem, leaves, flowers and fruits.
· Phytochemical analysis.
Ø By advanced techniques like TLC and HPTLC
Ø Physio-chemical analysis of the drug by using various parameters like loss on drying (moisture content determination), extractive values, ash values, pH values and chemical analysis for active constituents (active principles) and various other elements.
7) Materials & Methods
7.1 Source of Data:
· Well grown plants Biophytum sensitivum (Linn).DC and Sphaeranthus indicus Linn. are collected from their natural habitats.
· The herbs will be identified by the taxonomist.
7.2) Method of Data Collection
· Identification of botanical sources of drug Alambusha
· Identified sample of Alambusha and its botanical sources will be subjected to pharmacognostical and phytochemical studies at R&D department of the Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Manipal.
· Pharmacognostical study of botanical sources of Alambusha
Macroscopic and microscopic aspects of roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits are studied.
· Phytochemical analysis.
Ø By advanced techniques like TLC and HPTLC
Ø Other quality control parameters like extractive values (water soluble extractive values, alcohol soluble extractive values and chloroform soluble extractive values, etc ) loss on drying, ash value (total ash ,water soluble ash ,acid insoluble ash, etc),etc
Ø Qualitative analysis of elements present in the herbs.
Assessment criteria
· Passport data of plant material.
Place and date of collection
Parts of plants
Botanical description
· Assessment of organoleptic characters.
Texture of drug
· Macroscopic and Microscopic study of Alambusha.
· Determination of foreign matter13.
· Determination of moisture content value (loss on drying)14
· Determination of pH value15
· Determination of ash values such as Total ash, Acid insoluble ash, Water soluble ash, etc16.
· Determination of Extractive values (Water soluble, alcohol soluble, chloroform soluble, etc.)17
· Determination of volatile oil percentage18.
· Chemical finger printing by TLC19 and HPTLC20.
· Qualitative analysis for active constituents.
· Qualitative test for heavy or toxic metals21.
7.3) Does the study require any investigation or any intervention to be conducted On Patients or other humans or animals
7.4) Has ethical clearance been obtained from your institution?
8.0) List of reference:
1. Vagbhata, Ashtanga Hridayam, K.R Murthy Srikanta, 4th edition 1999, Vol .1,sutrastana, chapter 9 ,shloka no 10,Choukambha krishnadas academy Varanasi, Pp 523, page no 138.
2. Agnivesha ,Charaka samshita,English translation based on Chakrapanidatta`s Ayurveda Dipika by R.K. Sharma and Bhagwan Dash, 6th edition1999, Vol .1, sutrastana,chapter 26, shloka no 10, Choukhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, Pp 619, Page no 451.
3. Agnivesha ,Charaka samshita,English translation based on Chakrapanidatta`s Ayurveda Dipika by R.K. Sharma and Bhagwan Dash, 6th edition1999, Vol .1, sutrastana,chapter 1 , shloka no 44Choukhambha Sanskrit Series Office Varanasi, Pp 619, Page no.26
4. Prof. Sharma Priyavrat & Dr. Sharma Guruprasada, Kaideva Nighantu, 1976, Chaukamba Orientalia, Varanasi, chapter Oshadivarga, Pp 696, Page no 182.
5. Prof. Sharma Priyavrat & Dr Sharma.Guruprasada, Kaideva Nighantu, 1976, chapter Oshadivarga, Chaukamba Orientalia, Varanasi, Pp 696, Page no 642.
6. Kirtikar K.R & Basu B.D ,Indian Medicinal Plants, 2nd edition 2005, vol 1, International Book Distributors, page no 440-441
7. Kirtikar K.R & Basu B.D, Indian Medicinal Plants, 2nd edition 2006, Vol 2, International Book Distributors, Pp 1592, page no 1346-1348.
8. Bhavamisra, Bhavaprakasha Nighantu with vidyotini tikka by Misra Bhramasankara and Vaisya Rupalalaji, 9th edition 1999, vol 1, Guduchyadi varga,Choukambha Sanskrit Sanstan Varanasi, Pp 658, page no 457.
9. Vaidya G. Bapalal, Nighantu Adarsha, 2002, vol.1, Chaukamba Bharati Academy Sahadevyadi varga, Pp 919, page no 771.
10. Vaidya G. Bapalal, Nighantu Adarsha, 2002, vol.1, Chaukamba Bharati Academy, Changeryadi varga, Pp 919, page no 217.
11. Pandit Narahari, Raja Nighantu, by Indradeva Tripadi, 2nd edition 1998, krishnadas Academy, Parpatadi varga, Pp 703, page no 107.
12. Dhanwantari, Dhanwantari Nighantu, translated by Amrithpal singh 1st edition 2008, Chaukambha publishers, Guduchyadi varga Chapter, Pp 317, Page No 53.
13. Lavekar G.S,laboratory guide for the analysis of ayurveda and siddha formulations,central council of research in ayurveda and siddha, Government of India, Department of AYUSH,Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, 2010, page no26
14. Lohar D.R , protocol for testing ayurvedic, siddha & unani medicines, Government of India, Department of AYUSH,Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, pharmacopoeial laboratory for indian medicines, Ghaziabad, Pp 200, page no 50
15. Lohar D.R, Protocol for testing Ayurvedic, Siddha & Unani medicines, Government of India, Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, pharmacopoeial laboratory for indian medicines, Ghaziabad, Pp 200, page no. 112
16. Lohar D.R, Protocol for testing Ayurvedic, Siddha & Unani medicines, Government of India, Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, pharmacopoeial laboratory for indian medicines, Ghaziabad, Pp 200, page no.49
17. Lohar D.R, protocol for testingayurvedic, siddha & unani medicines, Government of India, Department of AYUSH,Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, pharmacopoeial laboratory for indian medicines, Ghaziabad ,Pp 200, page no 50.
18. Lavekar G.S,laboratory guide for the analysis of ayurveda and siddha formulations,central council of research in ayurveda and siddha, Government of India, Department of AYUSH,Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,2010,page no70
19. Mroczek Tomasz , Thin Layer Chromatography in Phytochemistry, Edited by Monika Waksmundzka-Hajnos , Joseph Sherma , and Teresa Kowalska , CRC Press 2008, Print ISBN: 978-1-4200-4677-9, eBook ISBN: 978-1-4200-4678-6
20. Sharma Vivek, Sharma Nisha, Singh Bikram, Gupta C Raghbir, Cytomorphological studies and HPTLC finger printing in different plant parts of three wild morphotypes of daturametel L. “Thorn apple” from North India, International journal of green pharmacy, January – March 2009, page no. 40-46.
21. Lavekar G.S,laboratory guide for the analysis of ayurveda and siddha formulations,central council fo research in ayurveda and siddha, Government of India, Department of AYUSH,Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, 2010, page no.113