
Mrs. Barranda– room 201

Course Syllabus and Expectations 2015-16

Course Description: Geometry is defined as, “The mathematical study of the properties of measurement, and relationships of points, lines, planes, surfaces, angles, and solids” (The American Heritage Science Dictionary). This course is designed to do just that as we apply inductive and deductive reasoning to angles, lines, planes, polygons and circles. In addition, we will study perimeters, areas, and volumes integrated with planes and transformations.

Lessons and assessments for this course have been developed collaboratively using best practice as a guide and IndianaState Standards as a framework. Students will be expected to complete formative evaluations throughout the year and final summative exams at the end of each semester. The formative tests are designed primarily to inform instruction, giving the teacher a measuring stick of the student’s understanding of the essential outcomes of the course content. The final exams are summative in nature and will provide information of the student’s learning of the material.

Essential Outcomes: 1. Inductive reasoning and proving the validity of conditional statements

  1. Segment relationships
  2. Types of angles and angle pair relationships
  3. Ways to prove congruency of triangles (SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS, HL and CPCTC)
  4. Right triangle relationships (30-60-90, 45-45-90, geometric mean, Pythag. Th., etc.)
  5. Quadrilateral family and special features of each
  6. Proportions and similarities of figures
  7. Circle relationships (formed by radii, arcs, secants, tangents and chords)
  8. Area of 2-Dimensional polygons and circles
  9. Surface area and volume of 3-Dimensional solids

Course Content:


CH 1 – Points, lines, planes and angles CH 7 – Proportions and Similarity

CH 2 – Reasoning and Proof CH 8 –Right Triangle and Trigonometry

CH 3 - Parallel lines and perpendicular linesCH 9 –Areas of polygons and circles

CH 4 – Congruent triangles CH 10-Surface Areaand Volume

CH 5 - Relationships in trianglesCH 11- Circles

CH 6 –QuadrilateralsCH 12- Transformations


Student Evaluation:

Student grades will be determined using the following

weighted percentages:

18-week grade:

Tests: 60%

Quizzes: 25%

Homework: 15%

Semester Grade:

18-week grade:85%

Final exam:15%

Classroom Rules:



Show respect for others, yourself and the school… no put-downs, swearing or talking back.


Be in your seat when the bell rings.


Have all materials (including completed assignments) and be ready to work.


Don’t blurt out answers or comments. Raise your hand and wait to be called on.

Class Expectations:

  1. Be in the room when the bell ringswith materials out and ready.
  2. Any purse, bag, or electronic device must remain on floor, under your desk during class. Cell phones will be turned into the school office if I see them out, (see student handbook). Keep them in your locker during class.
  3. Playing games on calculators, laptops, tablets, etc. will not be tolerated.
  4. Work on math assignments when given time. If done, work on other homework or read a book.
  5. Actively take part in all examples and notes.
  6. Keep track of your grade on a daily basis, and keep assignments in case of grade discrepancy.
  7. Clean up after yourself.
  8. Have appropriate supplies everyday:

*textbook, *paper, *pencil, *folder, *calculator

You will not be allowed to go to your locker to get materials once class has begun. Come prepared to work!

*If you repeatedly do not have needed supplies in class, disciplinary actions will be taken.

Absent for a Test or Quiz:

Remember to use your chapter syllabus - you have advance notice of all quizzes and tests. When a student is absent the day a test or quiz is given, the student is expected to take the test or quiz immediately upon their return. If many days were missed, discuss with the teacher when the test will be taken. It is best if the test can be made up during study hall or before school as to not miss another day of class.

Absent/Late Work Policy:

Students are responsible for gathering missed work and notes on their first day back to school whether they have class or not (block days). Any work due on the day of absence should be turned in immediately upon return.

Late homework will be accepted on the day after it was due with a penalty.

If a student is participating in a school field trip, the student is not considered “absent” and therefore assignments are due as if the student was present.

If you go on a field trip or a family vacation, all work must be obtained before going and completed upon return. (See student handbook.)

Homework Guidelines:

You will need to explore ideas covered in class and practice skills learned, so homework is important. In fact, it is essential to success in this class! You can expect an assignment every night. Each chapter has a syllabus that will give you advance notice of all assignments, quizzes and tests. Refer to it daily and plan accordingly. Syllabus is subject to change as needed to prepare students adequately – pay attention to any adjustments.

  • Homework is due at the beginning of the next day class meets (unless otherwise noted by teacher).
  • Homework can be turned in late (the next day) with a penalty.
  • If a student gets part of an assignment finished but not all, then he/she has the option to turn in what is complete on the due date, then complete and turn in assignment again (the next day before school) with a penalty. If student does not turn in remainder of assignment the next day, what he/she turned in originally will count as the grade.
  • Students may check even answers on completed homework before school for correctness.
  • All homework assignments are important to the learning of geometry. However, all assignments might not be graded.
  • Most homework assignments will be graded for completion and some will be graded for accuracy. Student must give every homework problem an honest attempt, and learn to ask questions as needed.

Geometry Assignment Guidelines:

All papers need a heading in the upper right-hand corner of the paper. This heading should include:

Name (First and Last)




For each homework problem include the following procedures:

  1. Carefully copy the original problem from book.
  2. Show steps to solution, working vertically (each successive step below the previous one.) SHOW ALL WORK! Diagrams are very helpful.
  3. Practice checking solutions if possible (both on your own and with the back of your book for odds)
  4. Try EVERY problem assigned.
  5. Note problems that you missed and don’t erase your work.
  6. Ask questions.

Restroom/Locker Pass:

Plan to use the restroom and go to locker during passing periods. A student will be given 3 timesto use the restroom or locker pass per semester. Student will ask permission and sign out on the white sheet on the podium. Teacher will keep track of passes.


We will follow all school policies for tardiness. If you arrive to class after the bell rings, sign in upon entering the classroom. Do NOT bring your pass to me or tell me why you were late. This disrupts the class and learning of your classmates. After signing in on the log sheet on the podium, quietly take your seat, get out your materials and join in the class activity.


1. Math help sessions (Before and after school)

7:15 – 7:45 am / 3:00 – 3:30 pm
MONDAY / Mr. Sloffer (room 211)
Mrs. Johnson (room C20) / Mr. Taylor (room C22)
Mrs. Shade (room 204)
TUESDAY / Mr. Stoffel (room 203)
Mr. Ginder (room 216)
Mr. Scholz (room 205) / Ms. Weimer (room B19)
WEDNESDAY / xxxxx / Mrs. Tobias (room 207)
Mr. Dinan (room 206)
THURSDAY / MrsBuranj (room 215)
Ms. Faust (room B13) / Ms. Weimer (room B19)
Mrs. Hanes (room 208)
FRIDAY / Mrs. Johnson (room C20)
Mr. Beasley (room B15)
Mrs. Baron (room 212)
Mrs. Barranda (room 201) / xxxxx

Find the teacher that best works for your schedule and your learning style and utilize this program. You can get help from any of the CHS math teachers. I will only be available BEFORE school.

2. Canvas

Sign in to CHS website and find answer keys and extra help on Canvas site.

3. Rose-Hulman Help Line (7PM – 10PM Sunday – Thursday)


4. Book Help (practice quizzes, examples, review, etc., etc.)


6. Graph paper

I want our class to be a place where you feel welcome, safe from humiliation and heard (of course, after you have raised your hand ). How much you learn and how much we enjoy each other is directly related to how much effort we ALL put into our class time. Let’s have a great year!

Mrs. Barranda