A1: School's context /
Key sources of evidence /
Your evidence base (word document for your use)
* IN SCHOOL ONLY / Guidance documents Hyperlink
A1.1 The context in which the school works /
- Awards, accreditations, specialist status
- Socio-economic contextual data
- Attainment on entry (statutory assessments; school-based assessments)
- Profile of pupils, staff and governors (including ethnicity profile)
- Nature and extent of pupils with special needs
- Proportion of pupils learning English as an additional language
- Pupil mobility
- Significant partnerships, community services, extended provision, special units
- School improvement/ development plan
A2: Outcomes: how well are pupils doing, taking account of any variation? / Key sources of evidence /
Your evidence base (word document for your use)
* IN SCHOOL ONLY / Guidance documents Hyperlink
A2.1 Pupils' attainment /
- National and Hertfordshire test data [Raise Online, Pupil Achievement Tracker, Fischer Family Trust and MIU data, Census]
- Teacher assessment data and schooltracking information, including progress in achieving targets set in IEPs
- School’s analysis of the attainment of different groups including that of vulnerable groups
- Attainment as shown by test results available in school but not validated or benchmarked nationally
- Lesson observation outcomes
- Work scrutiny outcomes for each subject
- The broad range of other pupil achievement including achievement through extra-curricular activities
- Pupils’ opinions
- Parents’ and community’s opinions
- School Development/Improvement Plan
- SIP Reports
- Subject leader SEFs
A2.2 The quality of pupils' learning and their progress /
- Lesson observation
- Outcomes of work scrutiny in each subject
- Pupil opinions
- SIP, LA and Ofsted survey visit evaluations
- Teachers and support staff opinions
- Parental opinions
- Raiseonline data (CVA and VA measures)
- FSP scores
- School’s analysis of the progress made by different groups
- Governing Body- monitoring/ minutes/training
- The school improvement plan
- Curriculum plans
- The school race equality/diversity scheme
- Analysis of recorded data and actions relating to incidents of bullying, racism and other oppressive behaviour
- Exit interviews
- Trends in results over time
- Records of evaluation of teaching and learning
- Performance Management programme
A2.3 The quality of learning for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their progress /
- The same evidence above is used to make judgements about learning and progress of vulnerable groups
A2.3a The quality of learning of the school’s other vulnerable groups /
- The same evidence above is used to make judgements about learning and progress with special educational needs and/or disabilities
A2.4 Pupils' achievement and the extent to which they enjoy their learning /
- This judgement is made after making the judgements on attainment and learning and progress
A2.5 The extent to which pupils feel safe /
- Pupils’ opinions – across all groups
- Parents’ opinions
- Staff’s and governors’ opinions
- Curriculum planning relating to safety issues
- Incidents of bullying, racism and oppressive behaviour
- Behaviour policy
- Safety policy
A2.6 Pupils’ behaviour /
- Observations around the school including playtimes and assemblies
- Lesson observation records
- Behaviour management policy
- Exclusion records
- Parents’ and pupils’ opinions on the standard of behaviour
- Targets for personal and social development (where appropriate)
- Records of incidents of bullying, racism and oppressive behaviour
- The use of rewards and sanctions
A2.7 The extent to which pupils adopt healthy lifestyles /
- Participation in ‘The Healthy Schools’ programme/ award
- Uptake of school meals and selection of healthy food
- Participation in physical education
- PSHE curriculum planning
- Extra-curricular activities – range and attendance register
- Views of parents and carers, staff and governors
A2.8 The extent to which pupils contribute to the school and wider community /
- Participation in community projects
- School Council and Class Council records
- Mentoring/counselling records
- Pupil survey outcomes
- Participation on local, national or international charitable work
- Views of parents and adults (including the local community)
A2.9 Pupils' attendance /
- Attendance and exclusion data (RAISEonline, LA and school)
- Attendance data of different groups and vulnerable pupils
A2.10 The extent to which pupils develop workplace and other skills that will contribute to their future economic well-being /
- Attendance data
- ICT policy
- Opportunities to work in teams
- Punctuality records
- Views of parents, carers and pupils
A2.11 The extent of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development /
- PSHE curriculum planning
- SMSC curriculum planning
- Artistic, sporting and cultural opportunities in the curriculum
- Pupil survey
- Record of cultural visits/visitors
- Record of sporting activities eg participation in sports competitions
A3: How effective is the provision? / Key sources of evidence / Your evidence base (word document for your use)
* IN SCHOOL ONLY / Guidance documents Hyperlink
A3.1 The quality of teaching /
- Curriculum plans
- Lesson Plans
- Teacher assessment
- Pupil opinions
- Observations of teaching and learning over the past 12 months
- Work scrutiny
- Progress against targets on IEPs
- Parental/Carers opinions
- Periodic summary reports to governors on the main outcomes and actions from lesson observations and work scrutiny
- Accessibility plan
- Teaching and Learning/ SEN/ Inclusion policies
- Pupil Tracking/ progress
A3.2 The use of assessment to support learning /
- Assessment records
- Pupil tracking records
- Intervention strategy/records
- Lesson observation outcomes
- Lesson plans (differentiation)
- Work scrutiny (feedback/marking)
A3.3 The extent to which the curriculum meets pupils' needs, including, where relevant, through partnerships /
- Curriculum planning (long, medium and short-term)
- Lesson plans
- Collaboration with other schools and organisations
- Pupils’ views
A3.4 The effectiveness of care, guidance and support /
- PSHE curriculum planning
- Safeguarding procedures
- Pupils’ and parents views (on information, advice and guidance)
- Transition arrangements for pupils leaving or joining the school
- Transition arrangements in school eg R-Y1, KS1-KS2
- Care, guidance and support for vulnerable pupils
- Attendance policy and targets
- Evaluation of out of school care managed by the governing body
A4: How effective are leadership and management? / Key sources of evidence / Your evidence base (word document for your use)
* IN SCHOOL ONLY / Guidance documents Hyperlink
A4.1 The effectiveness of leadership and management in embedding ambition and driving improvement /
- The school improvement plan
- Procedures for implementing and monitoring the school improvement plan
- Trends in results over time
- Targets and target setting
- Pupil progress indicators (RAISE online)
- Performance in tests over time (RAISEonline)
- Tracking procedures of the learning and progress of cohorts, groups and individuals across different subjects
- Lesson observation procedures and outcomes
A4.1 The effectiveness of leadership and management in embedding ambition and driving improvement
A4.2 The leadership and management of teaching and learning /- Lesson observations
- Curriculum plans
- Records of evaluation of teaching and learning
- Teachers and support staff opinions
- Performance Management programme
- Exit interviews
A4.3 The effectiveness of the governing body in challenging and supporting the school so that weaknesses are tackled decisively and statutory responsibilities met /
- Minutes of governing body/ committee meetings
- Head teacher’s reports to governing body
- Governors’ monitoring policy/ procedures/ outcomes
- Records of governor training
- Governors procedures to ensure compliance with statutory requirements
- Evaluation of compliance with statutory requirements
A4.4 The effectiveness of the school's engagement with parents and carers /
- Views of all parents/carers, including those for whom English is an additional language, as expressed in a variety of formal and informal ways including through parent questionnaires, interviews, feedback on reports, letters of congratulation or complaint, parents meetings.
- Letters to parents
- Newsletters
- Ofsted survey of parents
- Reporting/ consultation arrangements
- Complaints procedure
- Mechanisms for helping parents support their children’s learning
A4.5 The effectiveness of partnerships in promoting learning and well-being /
- Partnerships with other schools
- Participation in a cluster of schools
- Links with external services and agencies
- Pupil opinions
- Parental opinion
A4.5a The effectiveness of the school’s extended schools partnership /
- The same evidence above is used to make judgements
A4.5b The effectiveness of the school’s work on integrated practice /
- The same evidence above is used to make judgements
A4.5c The effectiveness of the school’s partnership with Children’s Centre(s) /
- Links with external services and agencies
- Pupil opinions
- Parental opinion
A4.5d The effectiveness of the school’s work with its other partners /
- Links with external services and agencies
- Pupil opinions
- Parental opinion
A4.6 The effectiveness with which the school promotes equal opportunity and tackles discrimination /
- Analysis of recorded data and actions relating to incidents of bullying, racism and other oppressive behaviour
- Performance data of different groups of pupils including vulnerable pupils
- Staff training records
- The school race equality/diversity scheme
A4.7 The effectiveness of safeguarding procedures /
- School policies for:
Health and Safety
Harassment and Discrimination
- Child protection procedures/ responsibilities
- Outcomes of monitoring and evaluation of policy and practice
- Procedures for recruitment and vetting of adults working with children
- Training and support records for adults in safeguarding pupils
- Communication with relevant agencies
A4.8 The effectiveness with which the school promotes community cohesion /
- Views of stakeholders in a variety of formal and informal ways including feeder schools, local communities, extended services, local partnerships, agencies working with the school, as expressed through surveys and interviews
- Impact of the school’s work in the local community
- SMSC provision
A4.9 The effectiveness with which the school deploys resources to achieve value for money /
- Financial monitoring information
- Use of the school’s accommodation
- Care of the school’s environment
- Views of parents, carers and pupils re suitability and availability of resources
- Deployment of staff
- Professional development programme
- Deployment of funding (especially for SEN)
A5: How effective is the Early Years Foundation Stage? / Key sources of evidence / Your evidence base (word document for your use)
* IN SCHOOL ONLY / Guidance documents Hyperlink
A5.1 Outcomes for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage /
- MIU data (Early Years Foundation Stage Profile)
- Tracking of progress (group and individual)
- Outcome of lesson observations
- Lesson planning
- EY curriculum plans
- Opportunities for sharing and co-operating and for making choices
- Health and Safety policy
- Uptake of school meals and selection of healthy food
- Participation in physical education
- Views of parents and carers, staff and governors
- Opportunities for play (indoor and outdoor)
A5.2 The quality of provision in the Early Years Foundation Stage /
- Outcome of observations of the quality of teaching
- Short, medium and long term curriculum planning
- Teacher assessments
- MIU data
- Safety Policy
- Comments from children and parents
- Behaviour policy
- PSHE policy
- Audit of resources (including outdoor provision)
- Procedures for when children are ill
- Procedures to prevent the spread of infection
A5.3 The effectiveness of leadership and management of the Early Years Foundation Stage /
- Individual and group records
- Policy on safeguarding
- Staff (and other adults ) list with qualifications
- Risk assessments
- Resources audit
- Records of Inset provided and attended
- The EY (school) improvement plan
- Procedures for implementing and monitoring and evaluating the EY (school) improvement plan
- Lesson observation procedures and outcomes
- Communications with parents
- Policy on inclusion
- Links with other providers and services
- Trends in results over time
- Tracking procedures of learning and progress of cohorts, groups and individuals across different subjects
A5.4 Overall effectiveness: how well does the setting/school meet the needs of children in the Early Years Foundation Stage? /
- Tracking records/ provision map
- Short, medium and long term curriculum planning
- Policy on safeguarding
- Safety Policy
- Partnerships – eg other schools/ LA
- Improvements over the last three years
- The EY (school) improvement plan
- Procedures for implementing and monitoring and evaluating the EY (school) improvement plan
A6 How effective is the sixth form? / Key sources of evidence / Your evidence base (word document for your use)
* IN SCHOOL ONLY / Guidance documents Hyperlink
A6.1 Outcomes for students in the sixth form / A6.1 Outcomes for students in the sixth form
A6.2 The quality of provision in the sixth form / A6.2 The quality of provision in the sixth form
A6.2a Effectiveness of partnerships with Post 16 consortia and Strategic Area Partnership Group inpromoting learning and well-being / A6.2a Effectiveness of partnerships with Post 16 consortia and Strategic Area Partnership Group in promoting learning and well-being
A6.3 The effectiveness of the leadership and management of the sixth form / A6.3 The effectiveness of the leadership and management of the sixth form
A6.4 The overall effectiveness of the sixth form / A6.4 The overall effectiveness of the sixth form
A7 How effective is boarding provision? / Key sources of evidence / Your evidence base (word document for your use)
* IN SCHOOL ONLY / Guidance documents Hyperlink
A7.1 The effectiveness of the boarding provision, taking into account whether the school meets the National Minimum standards / A7.1 The effectiveness of the boarding provision, taking into account whether the school meets the National Minimum standards
A8 Summative judgements / Key sources of evidence / Your evidence base (word document for your use)
* IN SCHOOL ONLY / Guidance documents Hyperlink
A8.1 Outcomes for individuals and groups of pupils /
- Judgement based on seven prime judgements:
- How well pupils achieve and enjoy their learning
- The extent to which pupils feel safe
- Pupils’ behaviour
- The extent to which pupils adopt healthy lifestyles
- How well pupils contribute to the school and wider society
- How well pupils develop workplace and other skills that will contribute to their future economic well-being
- Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
A8.2 The school’s capacity for sustained improvement /
- National and Hertfordshire test data [Raise Online, Pupil Achievement Tracker, Fischer Family Trust and MIU data, Census]
- Teacher assessment data and schooltracking information, including progress in achieving targets set in IEPs
- School’s analysis of the attainment of different groups including that of vulnerable groups
- School improvement plan and records of improvement since the last inspection
- SSE procedures and outcomes
- PMD procedures and summary of staff professional development objectives
- Inset records
- Planned Inset schedule
A8.3 Overall effectiveness: how good is the school? /
- Judgement takes account of:
- Outcomes for individuals and groups of pupils (Section A2)
- The quality of provision (Section A3)
- The school’s capacity for sustained improvement (section A8.2)
© Hertfordshire County Council, Standards & School Effectiveness, September 2010