Instructions for Papers (including the Executive Summary), Presentations and Posters

ORBIT 2016

Instructions for papers(including the abstract / executive summary),presentations and posters for ORBIT 2016

Dear Authors

The following instructions should help you to edit and submit your paper, poster summary and Powerpoint presentation for the ORBIT 2016Conference. The ONE PAGE abstracts of the papers and posters will be published in a printed abstract / executive summaries book.

1 Preparation of your paper including the executive summary

Please see the additional document Instruction for authors ORBIT 2016 - example.
Manuscript / In good Englishusing MS Word for PC and the spell check function
File size and upload / Max. 20 Megabyte.
Page size and margins / Between six (6) and eight (8) pages DIN A4 incl. the one page executive summary,
Margins left/right 2cm, top/bottom 2,5 cm
Standard text format
(One blank line after paragraphs)¶ / Size 10 pt Times New Roman, line spacing 1.15,
Full justification, single column, separate paragraphs with one blank line
Headers, footers, page numbers / Please donot use headers, footers and page numbers.
Colours / Text in black
Figures, pictures and tables can be coloured. This DOES NOT apply for the executive summary that will be included in the printed book of abstracts, which will be printed in black.
Structure and headlines / Chapter designation must be used in the following order - partly numbered:
1 Introduction
2 to e.g. 4> yourspecific paper headlines
5 Conclusion
List of References
(One blank line 17pt after the title)¶ / Arial 17pt in CAPITAL letters, bold, max. 100 characters including spaces, align left, line spacing 1
Author/s / Name of the author/s and the affiliation
First letter of the first name with full stop followed by family name and comma before a second author
Contact: ….
(One blank line 10pt after the contact details.)¶ / Start the paragraph (align left) in bold with "CONTACT:"
followed by the address details of the author/s responsible for the paper and his affiliation with name, organisation, Postal address, country, phone, email
(Add two blank lines 10pt
after the summary)¶ ¶ / The executive summary contained in your manuscript will be copied and published in the printed executive summaries book.Length of the executive summary including the title, author/s and contact information may not exceed ONE PAGE. Executive summaries longer that one page will be cut at the end of the page. Text, tables, figures and pictures will be printed in grayscale, therefore should be prepared accordingly.
The summary should include the background of the work and its aims, the methods/techniques used, the main results obtained and the conclusions drawn.
Use capital letters for the headline and go on with the text in the next line.
(Separate the last paragraph from the heading by one blank line 10pt.
No blank line after headings) ¶ / ¶
HEADING FIRST LEVEL (1)(Arial 11ptcapital letters, bold, tab 1.5 cm, move-in 1.5 cm)
Text, text, text, text, text , text, text, text

Heading second level (1.1)(Arial 11pt bold, tab 1.5 cm, move-in 1.5 cm)
Text, text, text, text, text , text, text, text

Heading third level (1.1.1)(Arial 10pt bold, tab 1.5 cm, move-in 1.5 cm)
Text, text, text, text, text , text, text, text
Figures and tables / FIGURE 1Alignment justified, figure hole page width16cm if possible
Title below Arial 9 pt bold, alignment left, tab at 2cm, first line hangs by 2 cm
Insert all figures, graphs and photos in good quality (in JPEG, TIFF, Bitmap, MSExcel or Powerpoint format) in the body of the manuscript.
TABLE 1 Alignment justified, table hole page width = 16 cm
Title above Arial 9 pt bold, alignment left, tab at 2cm, first line hangs by 2 cm
Table text: Times New Roman 10 pt if possible with bold fonts in the description lines of columns/rows. Donot include MSExcel tables.
Listings / Text (Times New Roman 10 pt, line spacing 1.15)
  1. Numeric - alignment left, tab at 0.5 cm, 1st line hangs by 0.5 cm
  • Point - alignment left, tab at 0.5 cm, 1st line hangs by 0.5 cm
Hyphen – alignment left, move-in 0.5 cm, tab 1.0, 1st line hangs by 1.0 cm
Formulae & equations / Align on the left with standard text size. Formula and equations should be set by text or a standard Formula-Editor for instance from Microsoft
(Text = Time New Roman 10ptwith justified alignment, first line hangs by 1 cm; spacing after = 3pt) / Use Arial 11pt capital letter in bold for the unnumbered headline of theList of References at the end of the manuscript. It includes an alphabetical list of the authors and the year of publication with the publication title in italic.
Literature reference in floating text consists of the authors last name and the publication year like: Author1 (2001)
Please see belowsome examples for the references to books, magazines, proceedings and a website.
Antoninos, S. (2001):Sewage Sludge Management, pp. 8-14. Mc. Graw-Hill, Paris.
Bean, J.and Stentifort, E., (2000): Evaluating the Potential of an Electronic Nose for Detecting the Onset of Anaerobic Conditions During Composting. Waste Management & Research 17, pp. 369 – 377.
Porajac, D. (2000): Maturity testing for compost end-product quality classification. In: W. Bidlingmaier (2001): Biowaste Management 2010.Proceedings of the International Conference on Organic Waste Management, Cologne 6-8 January 2002, pp. 20-24. Weimar
Porajac, D., López, M.A., Elorrieta, M.C. Moreno,J.(2000a): The Suppressive Activity of the Composting Process on Phytopathogen Bacteria and Viruses. From ORBIT e.V. Publications(2002): publications/f_index.htm (Oct. 25, 2004)
