Hughesville Borough Council

May 8, 2017 - 7:00, PM

President Jeff Berger called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Council Members present: Jeff Berger, Andy Mook, Rick Smith, Jerry Daugherty, Don Breneisen (7:05) and Brenda Smith. Also present were Mayor Walter Reed, Solicitor Ryan Tira, Police Chief Rod Smith and Cliff Hoffman.

Guests and Visitors: Daniel Cale

Please note the following: Council requests that questions and opinions be limited to no longer than 2 minutes per Hughesville Resident. When Council moves on to business the general public is requested to remain respectful of council in allowing them the same courtesy shown to them.

Paster Cale would like to have a meeting with council to get specifications on sidewalk ordinance so they can start planning on the sidewalk update and or replacement at Friend’s Church.

Approve Agenda: Motion by Mr. Daugherty to approve the Agenda; second by Mr. Smith Motion carried.

Approve Minutes: Motion by Mr. Smith to approve minutes of April 24, 2017; second by Mr. Mook. Motion carried.

Solicitor’s Report: draft of ordinance for handicap parking

Police Report: Police Chief Rod Smith – 114 incidents for April – noted that district attorney’s office paid for this year’s K9 training – will get list and pictures of items to sell thru municibid which includes old police cruiser

Mayor’s Report: Walter Reed – Walt wanted made clear that not just the storm drain but the Water Street/south side of 5th Street is 5” higher

Emergency Management Report: Walt Reed – did a report for county on storm May 1st, reported 2 incidents – county did not ask for a report for storm May 5th

Public Works Report: Jeff Berger - Cliff was asked to check tree in the park that looks like blew over in storm – tree on Main Street is scheduled to be cut down May 17, will have flagger force because of Main Street traffic – Cliff was asked to check stump on Broad Street about getting ground down, looks to be a safety issue as is – still picking up brush because of excess that came down during the dtorm

Water Report: Richard Smith - nothing

Zoning/Codes Report: copies sent to council – codes has given Kepner specific time to bring property up to codes

East Lycoming Recreation Authority: none

Hughesville-Wolf Authority:

Treasurer’s Report: General Fund – Checks 2124 through 2164 totaling $55,696.62 were presented for approval and payment. Balances are as follow:

General $135,691.08 Act 13 Gas Impact Fee $141,312.84

Memorial Park $3,445.77 Capital Equipment $133,119.82

Liquid Fuels $111,968.25 Borough 32,313.30

Police 13,687.82

Public Works 86,718.77

Payroll Net Wages $ 22,842.09 Interest 399.93

Motion by Mr. Mook to approve payment of the bills; second by Mr. Breneisen. Motion carried.

Old Business

1. remodeling – will be moving back May 9 and 10 – all phone and internet scheduled for installation May 10

2. resolution – sidewalk ordinance – still working on it, hope to have done by next meeting

3. resolution for handicap parking – 37 N. 3rd Street – draft ordinance 2017-2 to designate handicap only parking for organization and business – Motion made by Mr. Mook to advertise ordinance for approval at next meeting; second by Ms. Smith. Motion carried.

4. copier – water company has decided they do not want to contribute to cost of new copier, so we will keep current copier until it is out of commission then look at purchasing one at that time

New Business

1. no parking sign – Railroad/Water – check on other streets that may need signed before we change the ordinance to add

2. Pet Parade – June 5 – Motion made by Mr. Smith to approve parade permit; second by Mr. Daugherty. Motion carried.

3. Antique Car Parade – June 7, alternate June 8 – Motion made by Ms. Smith to approve parade permit; second by Mr. Mook. Motion carried.

4. Fireman’s Parade – June 10 – Motion made by Mr. Daugherty to approve parade permit; second by Ms. Smith. Motion carried.

5. Central District Volunteer Fireman’s parade – August 12 – Motion made by Mr. Smith to approve parade permit; second by Mr. Breneisen. Motion carried.

6. furniture for police offices – Motion made by Ms. Smith to purchase 4 desks for the police office from Huffman’s Office Supply at price of $1499.00; second by Mr. Smith. Motion carried.

Question was asked if borough was responsible for curb/street repair which was damaged by tree uprooted during storm – solicitor stated is the homeowner’s responsibility and should contact their homeowner’s insurance

Also passed letter out to council members from police requesting to start contract negotiations

Committee Reports: * First name on each Committee serves as Chairman

WATER – R Smith/Mook FINANCE – Daugherty/B Smith

STREETS –Mook/R Smith PUBLIC SAFETY – Mook/Breneisen

PROPERTIES – Breneisen/R Smith PERSONNEL – Mook/Daugherty/B Smith

Executive Session and Adjournment. Motion by Mr. Daugherty to enter into an Executive Session and adjourn at 8:25 p.m. since there would be no business conducted after the session; second by Mr. Mook. Motion carried.

______Gail E Kocher, Secretary