Congressional Power

The expressed powers of Congress are listed in the Constitution. Congress also has implied powers, which are based on the Constitution's right to make any laws that are "necessary and proper" to carry out those expressed powers. Congress has exercised its implied powers thousands of times over the years. Here are but a few major illustrations of that fact.

Study the cases and acts below and highlight in yellow expressed powers of Congress; highlight in blue the implied powers of Congress.


1789 The Constitution gives expressed powers to Congress in Article 1, Section 8.



1819 In McCulloch v. Maryland, the Supreme Court holds that the powers to tax, borrow, and regulate commerce give Congress the implied power to establish a national bank.


1824Gibbons v. Ogden is the first commerce clause case to reach the Supreme Court. The broad definition of commerce the Court lays out in its ruling extends federal authority over interstate commerce issues.





1862 The U.S. government issues its first legal tender notes, which are popularly called greenbacks.


1870 In Hepburn v. Griswold the Supreme Court rules that the Constitution does not authorize the printing of paper money.

1870 The Court reverses its position on the printing of paper money and holds that issuing paper money is a proper use of the currency power in the Legal Tender cases. The decision in Juliard v. Greenman (1884) reaffirms this holding.



1890 The Sherman Antitrust Act, based on the commerce power, regulates monopolies and other practices that limit competition.





1935 The Wagner Act, based on the commerce power, recognizes labor's right to bargain collectively.

1935 The Social Security Act is passed.

1937 The Supreme Court upholds the Social Security Act of 1935 as a proper exercise of the powers to tax and provide for the general welfare in Steward Machine Co. v. Davis and Helvering v. Davis.



1956 The Interstate and National Highway Act, based on the commerce and war powers, provides for a national interstate highway system.


1964 The Supreme Court holds the public accommodations provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (no discrimination based on race, religion, gender, etc.) as a valid exercise of the commerce power in Heart of Atlanta v. United States.

1965 Congress amends the Social Security Act of 1935 to create Medicare, which covers hospital and other health-care costs of the elderly.


1973 With the War Powers Resolution of 1973, Congress claims the right to restrict the use of American forces in combat when a state of war does not exist.



1990 The Americans with Disabilities Act, based on the commerce power, prohibits discrimination against the physically impaired.

1995 In United States v. Lopez, the Court strikes down the Gun-Free School Zone Act of 1990 on the grounds that the federal government invades reserved powers of the states with this legislation.

Congressional Powers

Study the list below of types of congressional powers so that you will be able to identify these powers as either legislative or non-legislative in the following exercise.


1. Power to make laws that are necessary and proper, or convenient and

useful, to carrying out expressed powers.

2. Power to secure patents and copyright for investors and authors.

3. Power to decide punishment for federal crimes.

4. Power to set up federal courts.

5. Power to raise and maintain military services.

6. Power to declare war.

7. Power to set up rules about the admission of new states to the country

8. Power to govern the nation’s territories

9. Power to enact naturalization laws and to regulate immigration

10. Power to establish and maintain highways

11. Power to establish post offices

12. Power to set up uniform standards of weights and measures

13. Power to regulate trade with foreign nations and among the states

14. Power to coin money and regulate its value

15. Power to decide how money will be spent

16. Power to borrow money

17. Power to levy and collect taxes


1. Power to administer federal lands

2. Power to admit new states and territories

3. Power to give advice and consent

4. Power to try impeachment cases (Senate)

5. Power to bring impeachment charges (House)

6. Power to elect a President (House) and Vice President (Senate) if no

candidatewins in a majority of votes in the Electoral College

7. Power to propose amendments and to call conventions to propose

amendments at the request of the states

8. Power to conduct investigations

9. Power to regulate elections and to judge the qualifications of elected



Indicate which type of power of Congress the following items refer to.

Write the proper letter in the space next to the item:

  • E for expressed legislative power
  • I for implied legislative power
  • N for nonlegislative power
  • P for power prohibited under the Constitution-.

1. impeach the President

2. propose constitutional amendments

3. regulate interstate commerce

4. prohibit race discrimination in hotels and restaurants

5. grant titles of nobility

6. create new federal courts

7. raise and support an army

8. establish a national system of air traffic controllers

9.elect a President if no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes

10.offer advice and consent on treaties made by the President

11.do away with trial by jury

12.establish a state religion

13.lay and collect taxes

14.print paper money

15.conduct investigations

16.take private land for public use without paying for it

17.borrow money

______18.tax exports

Powers of Congress - Review

Write the letter of the correct answer on the line provided

1. Both Houses of Congress must vote to a) elect a President if no candidate receives a majority of

electoral votes b) propose constitutional amendments c) impeach a President d) confirm

presidential appointments.

2. Congress is permitted to a) tax exports b) create a national pubic school system c) enact

nationwide divorce law d) take private property for public use.

3. The strict constructionists a) were led by Alexander Hamilton b) wished to widen the powers of

Congress c) wanted the states to retain as much power as possible d) favored a liberal

interpretation of the Constitution

4. McCulloch v. Maryland a) established the Second Bank of the United States b) upheld the

doctrine of implied powers c) limited the power of the Federal Government d) reflected a strict

interpretation of the Constitution

5. Which of the following is an example of an expressed power of Congress a) fix minimum

wages b) define punishment for treason c) grant patents d) improve harbors

6. Which of the following persons was impeached? a) Richard Nixon b) William Clinton

c) Spiro Agnew d) Andrew Johnson

7. Which of the following is not an example of an indirect tax? a) customs duties b) excise tax

on liquor c) property tax d) excise tax on cigarettes

8. The legal proceeding in which a debtor’s assets are distributed among his/her creditors

because that person cannot pay debts is known as a) bankruptcy b) eminent domain

c) pauper’s oath d) capitation

9. Which of the following types of powers are not held by Congress? a) reserved b)inherent

c) expressed d) implied

10. Nearly all of Congress’ implied powers are built upon the expressed powers of taxation and

the power to a) declare war b) coin money c) regulate commerce d) borrow money

Answer “Yes” or “No” to the following questions- be able to justify your choice!

11. Does Congress have the power to raise the minimum wage to ten dollars an hour?

12. Does Congress have the power to exclude teenagers from benefiting from minimum wage laws?

13. Does Congress have powers that are not legislative in nature?

14. Could Congress grant the honorary title of “Your Highness” to a former First Lady?

15. Could Congress pass a law requiring all states except Texas and Oklahoma to pay a tax on oil?

16. Could Congress vote to greatly limit the number of immigrants permitted to enter the U. S.?

17. Could members of Congress vote themselves a large pay raise?

18. Can Congress vote to reduce the amount of income taxes paid by individuals?

19. Has a President ever been removed from office as a result of impeachment?

20. Does Congress have the power to establish a minimum age at which people may marry?