Sports and Entertainment MARKETING Name ______

Chapter 6 – The Product is Sports and Entertainment

Assignment—Vocabulary Date ______Period ______


33 pts. possible

1.  / ______ /

Parts are physical features that can be seen and felt.

2.  / ______ / Features added to the basic product to satisfy additional needs and wants with a single purchase.
3.  / ______ /

The legal protection of words and symbols used by a company.

4.  / ______ /
Strategy that uses low pricing to help capture a large market share early.
5.  / ______ /

A group of similar products with slight variations to satisfy different needs of consumers (flavors, sizes, timeframes, quality, etc.)

6.  / ______ /

Parts are the nonphysical features associated with services.

7.  / ______ /

The name, symbol, logo, word, or design (or a combination of these elements) that identifies a product, service, or company.

8.  / ______ /

A well-known name and/or symbol established by one company and sold for use by another company to promote its products.

9.  / ______ /
Strategy that introduces new products at a very high price and emphasize quality and uniqueness.
10.  / ______ /

First stage of the Product Life Cycle – a new and unique product/brand arrives.

11.  / ______ /

Second stage of the Product Life Cycle – target market knows about and regularly purchases the product.

12.  / ______ /

Third stage of the Product Life Cycle – most of the market has purchased and sales level off.

13.  / ______ /

Sales decrease/dwindle as interest in the product wains.

14.  / ______ /

Items offered in addition to the product to make it more attractive to the target market.

15.  / ______ /

This aspect of the product mix includes attractiveness, convenience, environmental friendliness, ease of use, safety, etc.

16.  / ______ /

Brand recognition is vital to a company and includes five stages. The first stage is where a product/brand is new and consumers can’t identify it.

17.  / ______ /

Stage two referenced above is the result of consumers not wanting to buy the brand.

18.  / ______ /
Stage three is where consumers know of the brand, but it has little influence on their purchasing habits.
19.  / ______ /

Stage four insures that consumers will purchase the brand when it is available.

20.  / ______ /

The final stage brings about a desire to buy only that brand.

21.  / ______ /

A strategy used to differentiate a product or service from the competitor’s product or service.

22.  / ______ /

To commit to a specific location.

23.  / ______ /

To promote a product for a different purpose than originally designed.

For your final consideration: Select a specific type of sports equipment and a specific brand for that equipment. Use the Internet to research the complete product line offered by the brand. Include other items that are included in the product line. Discuss their price points. Describe the target markets for each item in the line. (10 additional points)

Original sports product: / Brand:
Additional Products in the Line / Price Points to Consider / Specific Target Market for Product

Chapter 6: Vocabulary SE6 -- Over