+ Lent 2017 @ St. Johns +

+ A Prayer for Lent +

“Lord, each spring, you renew the face of the earth. May you also renew each of usso that we may be able to celebrate Easter in newness of mind and heart.”

LENT begins on


1st March 2017.

The church, in a stark dramatic way, reminds us that life is short, and our life is not only looking after our bodies, but also caring for our souls.

We are called to do this by:




Try to make each

Friday a day of fasting

Attending Church during the week is the best way to “Celebrate Lent”.

The readings keep us focused on the true meaning of Lent and challenge our way of living in the way and truth of Jesus.

In Holy Communion we are sustained and fed by Jesus, who is our life.


When the Church around the world goes on a six week retreat. It is a time in which weprepare to celebrate our faith’s fundamental belief

“the resurrection of Jesus”.

Three themes bind the season together and form a key part of our Lenten journey towards its climax at Easter.

The Mystery of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

The implication of this mystery for those preparing for Baptism.

The opportunity for those who are Baptised to examine their lives, undergo conversion and prepare to renew their baptismal promises on Easter Sunday.

WE ALL HAVE THE #GoodNews+ …

Wherever we go, we are called as Christians toproclaim:

The #GoodNews+

That forgiveness for sins committed is possible,

That God is greater than our sinfulness,

That he freely loves us at all times

He wants us to seek His mercy … and togive mercy toothers

That we were made for communion and eternal life.

The Lord asks us to be joyous heralds of this message of mercy and hope! It is thrilling to experience the joy of spreading this #GoodNews+, sharing the treasure entrusted to us, consoling broken hearts and offering hope to our brothers and sisters experiencing darkness. It means following and imitating Jesus, who sought out the poor and sinners as a shepherd lovingly seeks his lost sheep. In union with Jesus, we can courageously open up new paths of evangelisation and human promotion.

‘Doors of Mercy’ ………….... Our Christian Experience

The image of the door recurs in the Gospel of various occasions and calls to mind the door of the house, of the home, where we find safety, love and warmth. Jesus tell us that there is a door which gives us access to God’s family, to the warmth of God’s house, of communion with him. This door is Jesus himself (cf Jn 10:9). He is the door. He is the entrance to salvation. He leads us to the Father and the door that is Jesus is never closed. The door is never closed it is always open to all, without distinction, without exclusion, without privileges. Because, you know, Jesus does not exclude anyone. Some of you, perhaps, might say to me: “But, Father, I am certainly excluded because I am a great sinner: I have done terrible things, I have done lots of them in my life”. No, you are not excluded! Precisely for this reason you are the favorite, because Jesus prefers sinners, always in order to forgive them, to love them, Jesus is waiting for you, to embrace you, to pardon you. Do not be afraid: he is waiting for you. Take heart, have the courage to enter through his door. Everyone is invited to the cross the threshold of this door, to cross the threshold of faith, to enter into his life and to make him enter our life, so that he may transform it, renew it and give it full and enduring joy.

Pope Francis+

+ Mass Times for Lent @ St. John’s +

Please see the parish bulletin each week to find out the times of weekday Eucharistic services and weekend masses – Currently these will be:

Ash Wednesday 1st March @ 7pm

Passion Sunday9th April @ 9:30am

Maundy Thursday 13th April @ 8pm

Good Friday 14th April

Stations of the Cross @ 10am

Passion and Death of Our Lord @ 3pm

Holy Saturday vigil 15th April @ 8pm

Weekend Masses during Lent:

Saturday vigil @ 6:00pm @StPauls

Sunday Mass @ 9:30am @StJohns

Stations of the cross every Sunday @ 5pm

Please remember “FAMILY FAST DAY” on FRIDAY 10th March, and give generously to the poor of the world and pray for them especially.

All are welcome

in my Father’s House


Blessings to you and your family during the season of Lent

Fr. Harriott+

+ A Lenten Calendar for You ~ 2017 +

+ Please feel free to use this calendar as a guide in spending a few minutes each day in prayer +

+ Sunday +

/ + Monday + / + Tuesday + / + Wednesday + / + Thursday + / + Friday + /

+ Saturday +

“… All are welcomein my Father’s House…”
Please prayer for all partnerships / 28thFebruary
Shrove Tuesday
Lent is like a marathon – enjoy pancakes and prepare… / 1st March

Ash Wednesday

Fast and pray for guidance through Lent. / 2nd March
Our Lady of Lourdes
Pray for the grace to be like Mary and say YES to God. / 3rd March
Think of ways you can take up your cross and follow Jesus / 4th March
Think of ways you can change your life for the better.
5th March
1st Sunday of Lent
Pray for those celebrating the Rite of Election. / 6th March
Do some act of kindness for someone. / 7th March
Say the “Our Father” slowly and reflect on the words. / 8th March
Think about your failings. Resolve to be a better Christian. / 9th March
Think of your own failings. Don’t “throw stones”.
/ 10th March
Family Fast Day - Give generously to the poor of the world and pray for them. / 11th March
Be strong. Don’t be tempted by worldly desires.
12th March
2nd Sunday of Lent
Open your eyes to the wonder of God and pray for enlightenment. / 13th March
Pray for our Pope, our bishop and our clergy. / 14th March
Try to practice humility today. / 15th March
Pray for those in prison and their relatives. / 16th March
Pray for the people of Syria and the Middle-East. / 17th March
Feast ofSt Patrick
Pray for peace and reconciliation / 18th March
Pray for people who are blind, both physically and spiritually.
19th March
3rd Sunday of Lent
Make a special effort to show reverence and respect in church. / 20th March
Feast of St Joseph
Pray for all husbands and fathers today. / 21st March
Thank God for the good things in your life. Pray for those in distress. / 22nd March
Pray for those people living without hope. / 23rd March
Give comfort to someone who is suffering from bereavement. / 24th March
Do without something you like today. / 25th March
Feast of the Annunciation
Pray for all mothers expecting a baby
26th March
4th Sunday of Lent
Mothering Sunday
Pray for all mothers today. / 27th March
Pray for an end to the division in the world and a coming together of nations. / 28th March
Pray for peace in our world, especially in the Middle East / 29th March
Resolve to treat others as you would like them to treat you. / 30th March
Go to an extra church service and reflect on the Word of God. / 31stMarch
Pray Forward Together In Hope Prayer / 1st April
How can I live more simply today and care for the environment?
2nd April
5th Sunday of Lent
Pray for those preparing for First Sacraments. / 3rd April
Say thank you to someone you take for granted. / 4th April
Think of ways to be of service to others today. / 5th April
Hold a stone – ask for a change of heart. / 6th April
Be still and silent for 5 minutes. / 7th April
Pray for all the children in the world. / 8th April
Pray for all people who are disabled and thank God for all your blessings.
9th April

Palm Sunday

Celebrate Reconciliation. / 10th April
Take time to pray for those who have been betrayed. / 11th April
Pray for the refugees and all the homeless in the world. / 12th April
Pray for all those persecuted for their faith. / 13th April
Holy Thursday
Celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Be of service to someone today. / 14th April
Good Friday
Think of a time you have suffered. Look at the cross. / 15th April
Holy Saturday
Think of an empty room.

Our Lady of Knots – ‘The Knots Prayer’ …

Dear God, please untie the ‘knots’ that are in my mind, my heart and my life. Remove the have not, the cannot and the do not, that I have in mind. Erase the will not, the may not and might not that may find a home in my heart. Release me from the could not, would not and should not, that obstruct my life. And most of all dear God, I ask that you remove from my mind, my heart and my life all of the am not’s that I have allowed to hold me back, especially the thought that I am not good enough. Amen