Cale Green Primary School

Year 6- Theme 2- ‘Samba Surprise’

What a great start to the year the class have had learning about WW1. This began with our visit to the National Football Museum in Manchester learning about the impact football had on war and culminating in our terrific tea party, our remembrance service and our visit to St George’s Church War Memorial!

We now make a shift from studying history and move to a geography focus which will see us investigating the vast continent of South America. We will be studying the different countries and their peoples as well as doing some in depth map work.

English Link up

In English we will be looking at the works of the Victorian author, Charles Dickens and getting into the festive spirit with ‘A Christmas Carol’. We begin our studies by creating a biography about the life and times of Charles Dickens and then move on to investigate the theme of greed through its main character Scrooge.

Maths Link up

We will continue to study fractions up until the end of term: adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. We will then spend two weeks on decimals and a further week on percentages.

Many children still need to learn their times tables rapidly up to 12x12 with related division facts. Please do this at home where possible.

Cross Curricular Links

We hope to make many cross-curricular links to access many different subjects through the different themes. We’ll be creating impressive art work using the beautiful backdrop of South America and developing musical compositions using the Garage Band APP to bring the Spirits of Christmas Past, Present and Future to life!

As ever, we will continue to have Mrs Nelson coming into school on Wednesdays to do guitar lessons and Alex, our French Language Assistant, to support our learning of French. She will be focusing on Christmas and the cultural aspects of France, in particular Paris.

Special Class Events

Week beginning Monday 16th November – Anti-bullying Week

Tuesday 17th November ‘Christians in Schools’ Anti-bullying workshop

Friday 20th November Friendship Friday

Thursday 26th November Eagle Eye Activities- Road Safety Week

Year 6 visit to St George’s Christmas Tree Festival- pm

Thursday 3rd December ‘Snow Queen’ Z-Arts

Monday 14th December Y5/6 Christmas Party- pm

Thursday 17th December ‘Beauty and the Beast’ Aquinas College- am

Physical Education

Year 6 will have lacrosse and dance during this theme. Lacrosse will take place on a Monday afternoon and dance will take place on a Wednesday afternoon. All children need full PE kit: white t-shirt, black shorts or black jogging pants and trainers.


Homework is handed out on a Monday to be handed back in on a Friday. This will include spellings, grammar and maths. They will also have online ‘My Maths’ where the children should aim to get over 90%.

Homework Bingo will continue for those children who like to develop and continue their learning at home. If you didn’t manage to tick any boxes during the first theme then please make an extra effort to get some ticked off this theme!


Please encourage your child to read a little of their reading book each school evening. If they can read to a grown up as well, this would be an additional bonus. The more they read the better their writing gets!


A reminder about the strategy for learning spellings- Look-Cover- Write-Check. Please ensure that the children start to learn the spellings they have had since the beginning of term for an end of term assessment.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to find me on the playground before or after school.

Kind regards

Mrs Sarah McHugh
