After consultingHPS-CONDITIONS FOR APPLICATION AND REGULATIONS FOR ORGANIZATION OF PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTESTS please complete this form and send it, together with the draft of the proposed competitionregulations.

Please note thatthe applications must be submitted at least five months before the closing date

Name of the event: ……………………………………………………………………..

Organized by: .……………………………………………………………………….

In case of Circuit, numberof salons (min.3 max.5):……………......

City where the event takes place…………………………………………………….

IncaseofCircuit, cities where the events are taking place:


Name of salon responsible and address for correspondence and delivery for official approvaldocuments and medals:




PostalCode:…………………. City………………..

Tel.: …………………………..

Email: …………………………


Print Salon☐Digital Salon☐

Open Colour☐Open Monochrome☐ Portfolio☐

Other Subject …………………………… ☐

Other Subject…………………………… ☐

Other Subject…………………………… ☐

Other Subject…………………………… ☐

Total number of Sections (3 - 6): …………

Total number of Sectionsin case of a circuit (3 or 4): ……….

Remarks: …………………………………………………………………………………………………







Number of requested medals: ……. Gold ………. Silver ……….Bronse

Entry Fee: ……………………………… Euro

Estimated number of photographs to be exhibited: …………………

In case of a Projected Image salon, mention of the projection method and equipment to beused such as the pixel dimensions of this equipment:


Closing Date: / All entries returned:
Judging: / Catalogues posted:
Notification of results: / Previous HPS patronage and year:
Public Showing(s):
Names, addresses and e-mail addresses of the jury members
(please attach a supplementary sheet if necessary)
Section: / Section: / Section: / Section:

The organizers declare that they have read the HPS-CONDITIONS FOR APPLICATION AND REGULATIONS FOR ORGANIZATION OF PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTESTSand that they will apply them correctly.

Name and signature of the organizing committee chairman:…………………………………………………………….

Date: ………………………………………..

To be completed by the Hellenic Photographic Society

Date received: …………………………….

Patronage Granted YES☐NO☐


Name and Signature of the HPS Chairman:
