Summary of Student Assessment of Learning Gains (SALG) Numerical Scores for CYUR 2016 for ______

Course: / Course: / Course: / Course: / Course:
Semester: / Semester: / Semester: / Semester: / Semester:
Enrollment: / Enrollment: / Enrollment: / Enrollment: / Enrollment:
How much did [XX] help your learning?
(great help=1; much help=2; moderate help=3; a little help=4; no help=5)
1. the organization of the class topics, activities, readings, and assignments
2. the pace of the class
3. attending classes/lectures
4. participating in discussions and/or group work during class
5. the reading materials (textbook, course packet, etc.)
6. graded assignments in this class
7. the explanation of how the class topics, activities, reading, and assignments related to each other
8. the explanations given by the instructor of how to learn or study the materials
9. the explanation of why the class focused on the topics presented
10. the explanation of how the course content is relevant to other disciplines and/or to societal issues
As a result of your work in this class, what gains did you make in [XX]?
(great gain=1; much gain=2; moderate gain=3; a little gain=4; no gain=5)
11. your understanding of the main concepts explored in this class
12. your understanding of the relationships between the main concepts in this class
13. your understanding of how ideas from this class relate to ideas encountered in other classes within this subject area
14. your understanding of how ideas from this class relate to ideas encountered in other courses you have taken outside of this subject area
15. your skill in communicating your understanding of the course material in written form (e.g., essays, posters, equations, problem solving)
16. your skill in communicating your understanding of the course material in verbal form (e.g., class discussion, presentations, small group work, or cooperative work outside of the classroom)
17. your skill in thinking critically about scientific findings and/or societal issues
18. your enthusiasm for the subject
19. your confidence that you understand the material
20. applying what you learned in this class to other situations
21. using systematic reasoning in your approach to problems (e.g., logic, construction of arguments, analysis of hypotheses)
22. using a critical approach to the information and arguments you encounter in your daily life
Instructor Involvement/Student Interest (mean of scores for items 3, 4, 7-10, 18, 19)
Content Competency/Depth of Understanding/Application (mean of scores for items 11-17, 20-22)
Course Organization (mean of scores for items 1, 2, 5, 6)
Discipline/Field (mean of scores for items 26-__)