Cornelius/English Vocabulary List 38

PHIL – To love

A word containing PHIL will have something to do with love. Philosophy [PHIL to love + SOPH wise] is the love of wisdom. A bibliophile [BIBL book + PHIL to love] is one who loves books. And a philanthropist [PHIL to love + ANTHROP human] is one ho loves human beings, particularly one who gives money to benefit humanity.

Anglophile (ang’ gluh fill) [ANGL English + PHIL to love] – one who greatly admires England, its customs, and its people. A confirmed anglophile, she spends every summer in England.

Bibliophile (bib’ le uh fiil) [BIBL book + PHIL to love] – one who loves books; a book collector. We discovered a small bookstore owned by a true bibliophile.

Philatelist (fi lat’ uh list) [PHIL to love + ATELEIA tax exemption (the stamp showed that the postage had been prepaid, and he receiver was exempt from further charge)] – one who loves stamps; a stamp collector. As a philatelist, she was interested in collecting foreign stamps.

Philharmonic (fil ahr mon’ ik) [PHIL to love + HARMONIA harmony] – lit. loving harmony; devote to music; a symphony orchestra. That winter we heard the New York Philharmonic Orchestra.

Philodendron (fil uh den’ drun) [PHIL to love + DENDR tree] – lit. loving trees; a tropical climbing plant that likes the shade of trees. She cultivated the philodendron plant for its showy, heart-shaped leaves.

Philosopher (fi los’ h fur) [PHIL to love + SOPH wise] – one who loves and pursues wisdom through reasoning. Immanuel Kant was one of the great philosophers of the eighteenth century.

Philosophy (fi los’ uh fee) [PHIL to love + SOPH wise] – the love and pursuit of wisdom through reasoning. Socrates valued philosophy more than anything else. He said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.”