Stromness Golf Club, Ladies’ Section, Committee Meeting, 1st September, 2011
The committee of the Ladies’ Section of Stromness Golf Club met in the Clubhouse on Thursday, 1st September, 2011. The Captain, Ann Oag was in the Chair.
were received from Elspeth McLellan and Christine Harcus.
The secretary, DeLille Diament, has sent thank you letters to Julia Taylor and Northlink for the sponsorship of the Club Championship. She has also written to thank the members of the Men's Section who gave such magnificent service as waiters and dish washers after the Stromness Ladies' Open.
The Minutes
of the last meeting had been circulated. Their adoption was proposed by Audrey Poke and seconded by Ann Sinclair.
Matters Arising from the Minutes
Venue for the Dinner after the Salamis
This will be the Ferry Inn. The Menus are up in the locker room in order for those who will attend to make their choices.
Past Competitions
Stromness Ladies' Open
This went vey well. The Lady members had helped Anne Heddle with the catering for the Men's Open, the previous day. Treasurer, Raye Lennie, said that Anne Heddle should be congratulated for the work she had done.
The Putting Cup
was won by Elspeth McLellan with 37. Audrey Poke and Ann Oag had 39
Heddle Cup and John Kemp Quaich
There were no problems here. The food after the first round was biscuits and cheese
The Iris Sutherland Cup
The rounds were better spaced out. It was good to have the Cup presented along with the Match Play Cups.
Foinavon Cup:
No problems here
Bring and Win
There was a good turn out. The Rose Bowl, Helen Sinclair, David Spence and Iris Sutherland Cups were presented after the golf. Thereafter, a surprise birthday celebration was very much appreciated by DeLille.
Upcoming Competitions
RNLI Spoons
will probably be on Sunday, 25th September. The Men will move their "Final Fling" to make this possible.
Intercounty v. Shetland
This is in Shetland. Sandra Shearer and Eileen Spence picked up the clubs before the committee meeting,
Start of Nine Hole Winter Ringer
This is on Thursday, 8th September. The draws will be at 2 p.m. and 5.40 p.m.
The Salamis Trophy, along with Skirts and Outskirts
There will be no entry fee and the prizes will be vouchers. There will not be a free glass of wine at the dinner.
The Saturday Morning Nine Hole Winter Ringer
will start on September 24th. Players should be at the course, ready to start at 11 a.m.
The Presentation Dinner
A template will be made for the certificates which will replace the crystal mementoes.
When the Men's committee met they discussed the form that the dinner should take and suggested that it should not be changed. A proposal that it should be a simpler affair had been made by a lady member. Another feels that it should be a substantial event. For this year, the committee decided to accept the Men's recommendation. The date will be moved to October 29th. The 22nd is in the middle of the October holidays.
Possible Competition after Shopping Week
The turn out after Shopping Week is always small. Ideas will be sought for a possible competition which would bring players out.
List of Cup Winners
: Audrey Poke asked whether a list of Cup winners could be displayed in the locker room. Sometimes, even the winners could not remember what they had won.
Redemption of Vouchers
Raye Lennie asked that those who won vouchers during the season should be reminded that they are only redeemable until October 31st. After that, they will be null and void and the money will stay in the Ladies' Section funds.
Ann Oag thanked the committee for the work done over the year and asked if the members were coming back. She has already served an extra term as Captain and is anxious that someone else should take it on. She said that we should also be looking for a Handicap Secretary. All agreed that Elspeth McLellan would be very hard to replace. She has done the job with great efficiency for several years.
DeLille thanked Ann for being such an outstanding Captain, who would also be very hard to replace This was enthusiastically agreed by everybody.
There was no more business and the meeting closed at 8.00 p.m.