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June 9, 2003 Henry News…

Rose McElroy spent Monday and Tuesday in Sioux Falls at the home of Dave and Becky McElroy. Rose enjoyed her new granddaughter and spent time getting acquainted.

John Boehnke represented Henry High School at Boys’ State in Aberdeen this past week.

Lindy and Lesa Swedeen and boys attended the Stroschein family reunion in Estelline on Sunday.

Bonnie Jankord and Rose McElroy were Saturday afternoon visitors at the Anna Valberg home.

Jill Flood of Hazel and Donna Kittelson enjoyed lunch out together on Wednesday.

Bret and Karen Henricks, John and Elizabeth were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Terry Kos home.

Lorie Terhark of Willow Lake was a Saturday evening supper guest at the Rod Jans home.

Glen and Connie Wilson received word from their son, DJ Church this past week from South Africa. DJ told his parents he had gone scuba diving. His ship is now on the way to Australia, Hawaii and then in to San Diego.

Stephanie and Kaitlyn Nelson spent Saturday in Sioux Falls and enjoyed the Renaissance Festival.

Lois Schoepp attended a bridal shower for Kerri Holida at the Hazel Community Center on Saturday morning.

Dick and Betty Purintun of Watertown and Ashley and Emily Purintun of Rockford, IL were Sunday dinner guests at the Chad and Lisa Purintun home.

Joan Boehnke is among those attending a computer class in Clark during the month of June.

Norma Law visited Anna Valberg on Monday.

Brian and Kathy DeJong and family brought pizza to the Terry Kos home on Sunday evening. Calvin and Lois Schoepp joined them for pizza.

Troy and Nicky Watson, Joe and Nicole Sharp and Danny and Bonita Sharp enjoyed cake and ice cream at the Arlene Sharp home Sunday evening in celebration of Arlene’s birthday.

Rod and Cherie Jans and boys were Sunday dinner guests at the Milo and Janice Kolden home in Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kolden and family, rural Vienna, Aaron and Connie Hemmingson and family, rural Clark and Brad and Lorie Terhark of Willow Lake joined the other family members for dinner and celebrate Janice’s birthday.

Joan Warnock, Stephanie and Kaitlyn Nelson spent Sunday in Fargo.

Dave and Jackie McNeal and family of Aberdeen were Friday overnight guests at the Floyd Kittelson home. The McNeal’s visited at the Kittelsons again on Sunday en route home from Elk Point.

Fred and Debbie Morgan and family have moved from Henry to Mallard Cove in Watertown.

On Monday morning, Stephanie and Kaitlyn Nelson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fine and family from Oklahoma as they passed through Watertown.

Jack and Marilyn Henning of Watertown accompanied Harold and Jeanette Hansen to Fort Sisseton for a camping weekend. Sam Brown of Watertown and Dale and Dianne Kludt also spent the weekend at the annual Fort Sisseton festivity.

Morris and Eleanor Van Sickle of Watertown and Calvin and Lois Schoepp enjoyed a ride in the Big Stone Lake vicinity on Sunday. Later they had dinner in Summit.

Monty and Jackie Geiger of Faulkton visited Sunday evening at the Marrion and LeDene Geiger home.

Former Henry area resident, Wayne Borkhuis underwent heart bi-pass surgery this past week in Sioux Falls.

Gail Kittelson and Donna Kittelson attended a bridal shower for Janis Altfillish and Darrel Kittelson on Saturday afternoon at the Phyllis Kittelson home in Watertown.

Doris Coyle was a Sunday supper guest at the Steve and Bernie Coyle home in Watertown. Additional guests were Lester and Lois McGillivary, Brad and Tina Coyle and family and Terry and Brenda German and family.

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Reproduced with permission from Judy Kos, Secretary for Town of Henry
© 2003