The Practice Nurse

Sister Julie Findlay RGN

Sister Kim Burt RGN

  • The Practice Nurses work with the doctors to ensure that you receive the best possible care and is available for consultations by appointment:
  • Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.00pm
  • They will give advice to help with lifestyle (diet/smoking), contraceptive advice and will perform more practical procedures such as health checks, cervical smears, and routine and holiday immunisations. They will also monitor diabetic and asthma therapy and perform blood pressure checks.
  • We now have Phlebotomist Maggie Hailstones.

Cervical Smears

  • All women aged between 20 and 60 years should have a cervical smear every 3 years. The Health Board operates a recall system that will notify you when your test is due.

Holiday Immunisations

  • If you require immunisations for travelling abroad, make an appointment with the practice nurse in the first instance. Please do not leave it to the last minute. For those travelling to more exotic locations a period of up to two months may be required to complete a full immunisation course.

Child Health Screening and Immunisation

  • The Practice provides both of these services to ensure the healthy growth and development of children under 5 years of age. An automatic recall system is in operation and parents will receive appointments for these by post. If you cannot attend for an immunisation, please contact the reception staff who will arrange an alternative appointment as soon as possible.

Minor Surgery

  • Many simple warts can be successfully dealt with at the Practice wart clinic.

Community Nursing Team

  • Health VisitorsDistrict Nurses
  • E Finlay RHVC. Campbell RGN
  • L Mulholland L Shaw RGN J Deenie RGN
  • They run a variety of clinics foryoung babies and vulnerable families at home. The Health Visitors can be contacted in hours on 0141 531 6740. The District Nurses should be contacted directly on 0141 531 6725. A Message can be left here it they are not available.

Information storage and sharing

  • The practice complies with Data Protection and Access to Medical Records legislation. If you wish access to your medical records, you should apply to the Practice Administrator. Identifiable information about you will be shared with others in the following circumstances:To provide further medical treatment for you e.g. from district nurses and hospital services /To help you get other services e.g. from the social work department(this requires your consent), or when we have a duty to others e.g. in child protection cases.
  • Anonymisedpatient information will also be used at local and national level to help the Health Board and Government plan services e.g. for diabetic care. If you do not wish anonymous information about you to be used in such a way, please let us know. Emergency Care Summary information may be accessed by out of hours medical staff. They are bound by the same rules of confidentiality as our own staff. If you wish, your data to be excluded from this then please advise the Practice Administrator in writing.

Leaflet updated February 2017

Barony Medical Centre

Dr Alison Mary Cron, Partner

MB ChB (1980) DRCOG

(Part time)

Dr Colin Howat, Partner


(Full time)

Dr James Joseph McKinlay, Partner

BScMB ChB (1990) MRCGP DRCOG Dip Ther

(Full time)

Dr Susan Legge, Partner

LLB MB ChB (1995)

(Part Time)

Dr A Hunter


(Part time)

All partners are generally available Monday to Friday

Registrar (Doctor in Training) available Monday to Friday

Mrs Margaret Finlay

Practice Administrator

Barony Medical Centre

30 Auchinloch Street

Glasgow G21 4AH

Tel: 0141 557 6161

Fax: 0141 557 6162

Surgery Opening Times

Mon – Fri 08.30am to 6pm

Welcome to your new Medical Practice

  • Please read this leaflet carefully, as it will help you understand the workings of the Practice and show you some of the services available to you. If we have omitted any details of special importance to you please ask.

NHS Contract

  • We hold a General Medical Services (GMS) contract with: -

Greater Glasgow NHS Board (GGNHSB).

J B Russell house,


1055 Great Western Road. G12 0XH

Tel 0141 201 4500


The following medical services are available.

Antenatal / Child health
Immunisations / Family planning
Asthma/COPD clinic / Health Promotion
Diabetic clinic / Minor surgery
Lifestyle advice / Cervical screening
General medical services
  • Our community nursing team provides some of the above services.

Registering with the Practice

  • You may register with the Practice if your postcode address starts with G4, G21, G31 or G64. You will be asked to complete a registration form and mayl be offered an appointment with the Practice Nurse or a doctor.

Disabled Access

  • There is full disabled access throughout the building.


  • We operate a timed appointment system for all doctor and nurse consultations. To make an appointment telephone the surgery or attend in person during our opening times. When you make an appointment, you may request a preference for any of the doctors in the Practice. Please understand that it is not always possible for you to see a specific doctor at a given time.
  • Surgery times are Mon – Fri 8.30 to 11.30 and 14.00 to 17.30. These times are for general guidance.There are a limited number of appointments after 5-30pm and before 8.30am bookable in advance.


  • If you are unable to keep your appointment, please telephone and cancel it so that it will be available to another patient. Even if you cancel at the last minute, please let us know.

Urgent Appointments

  • If you feel your condition cannot wait for the next available appointment please let the reception staff know and they can arrange for you to be seen as an ‘extra’. Please do not abuse this system.

Home Visiting

  • Home visits are restricted to people who are too ill to attend the surgery e.g. terminally ill and the frail elderly house bound. Greater facilities for examination and investigation are available at the surgery. For this reason, we request that patients attend the surgery so that there is no delay in diagnosis. Requests for home visits will be declined if the doctor deems them unnecessary. Please phone as early as possible in the day to ensure a prompt visit.

Telephone Advice

  • It is usually possible to speak to a doctor. Generally, we prefer not to be interrupted during a consultation with a patient and you will be given a time to phone back or will be advised that your call will be returned when convenient.

Patient Confidentiality

  • All clinical and administrative staff attached or linked to the Practice are bound by the same strict code of confidentiality.

Doctor Training

  • We aim to keep fully up to date with our medical knowledge and are helped in this by being a recognised Practice for training doctors who wish to become general practitioners. Each year we have one ore more doctors on full attachment for this purpose.

Repeat Prescriptions

If you require regular medication, the doctor will issue you with a reorder slip. The reorder slip should be handed in at the reception desk when the medication is required and a new prescription will be ready in 48 hours. Alternatively, the slip can be posted to us and if you enclose an SAE, we will post the prescription back to you. We have a telephone number dedicated to ordering Repeat Prescriptions.0141 557 6175

Out of Hours and Weekends

New Telephone Number Dial 111

The practice participates in the GGNHSB/NHS24 after hours and weekend emergency care. This service is available Monday to Friday 18.00pm – 7.30-am and Friday 18.00pm to Monday 7.30am. An emergency is a medical condition, which it is felt, cannot wait for treatment until the surgery re-opens. The service is accessed by telephoning NHS 24 on Number 111


Physiotherapy is self- referral. Please pick up form at surgery or print one off from our website: -

Citizens Advice Bureau

Glasgow CAB 0141 552 5556

North Glasgow Advice Centre 0141 770 7869

Easterhouse CAB 0141771 2328

Bishopbriggs CAB 0141 563 0220

Maryhill CAB 0141946 6373


The Practice welcomes any comments or suggestions from you about our services. If you have any

Complaints please speak to the Practice Administrator who will explain the Complaints Procedure to you.