Tier Advancement Assessment Candidate name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Data: Corrections, QA, and Queries Date: Click or tap here to enter text.

Candidate testing level: F ☐ S ☐ A ☐

Mode: Self-Report with Manager Attestation

Competency / Fundamental / Skilled / Advanced
Corrects accuracy and completeness of data issues for individual studies.May oversee junior staff in investigating issues.Recognizes data quality trends and escalates as appropriate. / Addresses queries and maintains proper documentation with minimal assistance. / Consistently addresses queries and maintains proper documentation independently. Assists with developing procedures and processes around data corrections such as QA SOPs and running QA reports. Recognizes trends and suggests solutions to patterns of issues and escalates potential issues. / Consistently exhibits problem solving to improve data quality procedures. Performs at a skilled level and leads the development of procedures and processes around data corrections, such as QA SOPS and running QA reports. Develops solutions to patterns of issues and escalates issues to leadership. Demonstrates application of knowledge of data corrections/QA/queries outside of individual job or assigned studies.

1.  Upload/attach a sample query and correction. Any PHI should be redacted.

2.  Think about your role with regard to data quality assurance, corrections and queries. Describe your level of responsibility with the following tasks.

GUI (do with guidance), IND (do independently), ASST (assist others), NA (not applicable), OTH (describe)

Task / My role / Notes/describe briefly, as applicable
Addressing queries / ☐ GUI ☐ IND ☐ ASST ☐ NA ☐ OTH
Maintenance of documentation of data corrections / ☐ GUI ☐ IND ☐ ASST ☐ NA ☐ OTH
Implement procedures for data quality / ☐ GUI ☐ IND ☐ ASST ☐ NA ☐ OTH
Develop procedures for data quality improvement / ☐ GUI ☐ IND ☐ ASST ☐ NA ☐ OTH
Detect patterns of data errors and escalate / ☐ GUI ☐ IND ☐ ASST ☐ NA ☐ OTH
Detect patterns of data errors, and develop solutions / ☐ GUI ☐ IND ☐ ASST ☐ NA ☐ OTH

3.  Describe your role in identifying a process that led/may lead to improved data quality and efficiency for other or future studies.

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Advanced Only: Describe any instances where you have demonstrated advanced application of your knowledge and understanding data corrections/quality assurance/queries outside of your individual job or assigned studies. Some examples might include:

·  a description of difficult challenges you have met or helped others to address

·  providing mentorship to others outside of your team

·  developing and provided training to others, and/or

·  evidence that you are seen as a go-to resource for several faculty or staff

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Candidate Signature: Date:

Evaluation Level

This documentation demonstrates:

☐ Fundamental Competency

☐ Skilled Competency

☐ Advanced Competency

Attester comments about candidate’s competency level: Click or tap here to enter text.

Attester Name (Print):

Attester Title (Print):

Attester Signature: Date:

Assessment – DA: Corrections, QA, and Queries - Page 2