Paperwork & Communicating with National Headquarters (NHQ)
What is NHQ’s address?
- Mailing Address: PO Box 849, Stillwater, OK 74076-0849
- UPS/FedEx/DHL Address: 401 E 9th Ave, Stillwater, OK 74074-4704
What is NHQ phone number?
- If you are calling from a land line you can use the toll-free number: 1-800-543-6505
- If you are calling from your cell phone, save NHQ money and call 1-405-372-2333
- NHQ is open Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm CST (except during the summer when the office is closed on Friday afternoons between Memorial Day and Labor Day). If you call and reach the answering machine, leave a message with your name, chapter, and phone number and someone will get back to you.
What is the best way to mail money to NHQ?
- Send a check or money order.
- Send items “Certified Mail – Return Receipt Requested” or use a carrier such as UPS or FedEx. This will give you a tracking number and a signature when it is delivered.
Who do I contact if I need:
- To contact a member of the National Council?
- The online Chapter Directory has the contact information for all National Council Members. For more information see Communication Information on Page 2
- A tax ID number?
- Di Spiva, National Accountant ()
- To report possible hazing?
- Col. Alan Bonner, National Executive Director (), Di Spiva, or Aaron Moore, Alumni, Chapter, and Colonies Coordinator ().
- To get a replacement membership certificate/card?
- Download the Replacement Shingle/Membership Card Order From ( complete it, and send it to NHQ with the correct Payment
- Be sure to send this form in at least3 weeks prior to when you need it
- Check on new initiate membership cards/pins/shingles?
- If you have not received this after 4 to 6 weeks contact Debbie Morris, National Membership Services Coordinator ().
- Change a member’s status?
- Fill out the Chapter Personnel Update form ( and send to NHQ
What are the deadlines that all chapters must meet?
- Chapter Fees and Member Dues: Due September 30th. For chapters that begin the fall semester/quarter after September 15th, the deadline is October 15th, and the chapter must include proof of this start date.
- New Initiate Registration Form: Within thirty (30) days of initiation.
- Fall Activity Report: Due December 1st of every year
- Chapter Summary Report: Due June 1st of every year
How do I fill out the required forms?
- Paperwork can either be filled out by hand or type-written. If written by hand please make sure information is legible!
- Instructions are listed on every form. Please fill out all forms completely. More detailed instructions for filling out the required forms can be found in the Chapter Operations Handbook which can be found at
- If you need more information contact your National VP for Communication and Recognition, Nicole Burdick, at .
What are the penalties for sending in forms late?
- If your chapter fails to turn in 2 reports in a row, your chapter will automatically be placed on probation.
- There is a 25% late fee for chapter fees, dues, and fees that are not turned in by the deadline. What does this mean?
- Chapter Fee = $75.00; Late = 93.75
- Membership Dues = $85.00; Late = $106.25
- Initiate Fees = $95.00; Late = $118.75
- Honorary Fee = $50; Late = $62.50
- Chapters that do not pay their Chapter Fee and Member dues by January 1st will be placed on suspension and may be removed from the roster of active chapters.
- Late or failing to turn in the FAR and/or CSR removes you from consideration for the Grace and A. Frank Martin Top Chapter Award given each biennium at National Convention.
How do I submit articles to the Podium?
- The NHQ accepts submissions to The Podium via email (). Within the subject line include “Podium Article for (your) Chapter.”
- In order to make processing articles easier please use the following format:
- Chapter: Omega Omega, KKPsi or TBSigma
- School: Any State University
- By: Your Name
- Title of Article
- Text of Article
- Articles are due May 1st for the Fall issue and November 1st for the Spring issue.
- For more information go to:
How Do I Communicate on the District and National Level?
MWD Council:
MWD President:
MWD Sec/Treas:
MWD Counselor:
National Council:
National President, Dawn Farmer:
National VPCM, Nicole Burdick:
National VPSP, Kevin Earnest,
National VPCR, Jonathan Markowski,
Instructions to join KKYTBS-L National Listserve can be found at:
Instructions to join the TBS-only Listserve can be found at:
Instructions to join the MWD Listserve can be found at:
To view the National Chapter Directory (including district and national officer information), and to update your chapter’s information go to:
TBS National Website:
TBS Member Resources Page:
TBS Midwest District Website:
To log on to TBS Student Chats: Contact Jonathan Markowski on Facebook or via email (see above)
TBS Facebook Pages: (Take a Stand for TBS)
(TBS National Projects)
(Tau Beta Sigma)
(Tau Beta Sigma Fan Page)
(Tau Beta Sigma Midwest District)
(TBS Midwest District Fan Page)
(TBS and KKY Midwest District)
TBS Twitter Accounts: @TauBetaSigma, @tbsaa, @TBS_Archives, @kkytbs