President: L. Duane Chase

Vice President: Open

Treasurer: Linda Snoes

Secretary: Lynnea Bendixen

Directors: Sue Rausch (and we could use a couple more!)


2:00 p.m. 5th of August, at the North Adams Township Hall, Knowles Road, North Adams.

2: OO p.m. Registration and Socializing

2:30 p.m. Roll call and establishing a quorum.

Following the meeting there will be a cook-out.


There are places on the board where we could use a few more voices.

·  The 30 day nomination period closes on July 6th.


Water Levels & Dam

There have been inquiries about water levels in the lake. These are not within the control of the board, as the water levels and condition of the dam itself are controlled by the County Drains Commissioner.

In order to avoid confusion between Lake Bel-Air and the Township and County authorities in matters concerning the physical state of the dam and overflow, as well as water levels, we respectfully ask property owners to direct all their inquiries and correspondence about water levels and the dam via the Lake Association Board. The director responsible will in turn either bring the matter to the board’s attention or deal directly with the Commissioner or his office. At the present date, the point of contact is Duane Chase via 517-287-4048 or email

News from Florida:

Steve Sczytko shot a hole in one! He and Dolores have been getting in two rounds of golf every week!

Island Restoration Project

You may have noticed the two piles of field rocks that were delivered to the boat launch lot last autumn. The hope was that the fellow hired to haul them out to the perimeter of the island would be able to take them out over the ice and the rocks would sink into place with the Spring-time thaw. The tractor required 14 inches of ice thickness to do the job, and that just never happened on our lake with this mild winter. On to “Plan B”…when we know what that is, you’ll be the next to know.


This committee is made up of Steve Sczytko and Karl Hermann

Please see the attached Water Quality Report received November 2016.


If any Lake Bel-Air resident proposes to do any new exterior temporary or permanent construction or renovation, the resident must contact the Building Committee to determine if the construction falls within the guidelines of the Lake Bel-Air covenants. The covenants mainly deal with setbacks, height, etc. for outside construction on all property. These covenants are irrevocable and legally binding. The Building Committee looks at the proposed construction and determines if it falls within the specified guidelines of the covenants and if in fact it conforms to the detailed guidelines of the covenants.

The Lake Bel-Air building committee will issue the resident an approval letter for the construction or renovation. They will then instruct the resident to contact the Adams Township Zoning Administrator (517-250-0201) and the Hillsdale County Building Inspector (517-437-4130), for their respective permits for approval or denial. The Township or County scope of jurisdiction is much more detailed & broader than that of the lake Bel-air property covenants. As with any governmental agency all construction, both inside & outside falls within their permitting.

Examples of construction or renovation requiring Lake Bel-Air building committee approval include (but are not totally inclusive):

·  garages, sheds, gazebo's, lean-to's,

·  decks, patios, tents, awnings

·  swimming pools, hot tubs

·  fences

·  any concrete work such as driveways, fire pits, etc.

·  building additions, sunrooms, four-season rooms, etc.

·  porches


There were changes to the building codes regarding lake side shed. The updated rules were made available at the 2016 Annual Meeting and are included in the newest edition of our Rules and Regulations Booklet. If you would like a copy of the newest version please call Lynnea Bendixen at 517-287-5093 or e-mail

Building Committee:

Duane Chase: 517-587-4048

Neil Bendixen: 517-287-5093



Check out the front page of the website for any breaking news or updates! Also, a reminder that you may place ads or announcements on our website.

If you know of any service contractors, restaurants or places of interest, please let us know and we will place them on the website. Contact Sue Rausch at:

Do you want to start a club of any sort? Let us know and we will advertise it!

Sadly we report to you the passing away of two of our residents. First, John Lewis (Joyce) and Barbara Kreza (Gerald).


John & Kay Castellese

William & Debra Kline

Kevin & Molly Branyan

James Brewer

If you know of any new neighbors that we might have missed welcoming, please contact the Welcoming Committee—Kathy Knight (287-4781), or Rosemary Sell (287-4276).


Regular board meetings take place on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at North Adams Public

Library. Next meeting is March 22. All are welcome to attend.

Editor: Lynnea Bendixen Page 3


And in other news:

In case you hadn’t heard the totals. The Lake Bel-Air Property Owners Association ~ that’s YOU. The second annual Christmas Holiday Food Drive, you generously donated shelf stable foods and assorted other sundries in addition to over $800.00 to help make Christmas more Merry for six local families. We thank all who participated with donations, shopping, organizing, and delivering.


Several of us get together on the last Thursday of each month just to sample a new (or familiar) area restaurant and get to know one another. Our December Christmas lunch was held at Olivia’s in Jonesville. We enjoyed a light lunch then had fun with a “White Elephant” gift exchange. In January we all met for Mexican at El Cerrito and February was at Johnny T’s, both in Hillsdale. Our next luncheon will be again at Olivia’s on March 30th. If you would like to join us please contact Sue Gustitus at 517-698-5008 See you there!

Spring & Summer Dates to make note of:

·  Garage Sale Week-end : May 12th & 13th

·  Mother’s Day is Sunday May 14th

·  Memorial Day Week-end: May 27, 28, & 29

·  Third Annual Fishing Derby Day: June 17th

·  Annual Boat Parade: July 4th.

·  Annual Property Owners Association Meeting: August 5th

As your Property Owners Association officers, we are here to assist you and can be reached at:

Duane Chase 517-287-4048 or

Lynnea Bendixen 517-287-5093 or

Linda Snoes at 517-287-4066

Sue Rausch at

Editor: Lynnea Bendixen Page 3