1.Utilities paid through Harry’s Rentals are due on or before the 15th days of each month. Failure to comply results in a $15.00 late fee. This is for the purpose of reimbursing the landlord for his added cost in collecting the utility charges, not a penalty. If you pay your account balance to a zero balance on or before the 1st of the month you will not be required to pay again until the next month’s rent is due.

2.Rent is due on or before the first day of each month, this means in our office by 5 PM of that day or postmarked the last day of the previous month to prevent a late fee of 5% of the rent and $5.00 per day after.

3.Your Security Deposit is not first and last months rent and cannot be used for that purpose by law.

4.There will be a $50.00 charge on all returned checks.

5.All keys must be returned at the end of the lease. There will be a $10.00 per key charge for lost or non-returned keys. If we are required to unlock your premises, you will be charged $25.00 payable immediately upon our arrival.

6.Changing locks without the permission of the landlord will result in a $50.00 per lock charge. We will then change the locks for our entry.

7.NO PARTIES: Failure to comply will result in immediate eviction or a fine of $50.00 - $250.00 per person per party at the discretion of the landlord. We will be notified by the city on ANY nuisance complaint, the second (2nd) complaint we are notified we will start the eviction process.

8.There will be no major overhauls on cars or motorcycles on the premises. Failure to comply will result in immediate eviction, or a charge of $250.00 per person per incident.

9.No motor vehicles including motorcycles, mopeds or scooters are allowed inside the dwelling. This is a city fire ordinance.

10.No sunbathing on roofs. Failure to comply will result in a charge of $100.00 per person per incident.

11.Repair bills which result from plugged sewer pipes caused by tampons, napkins, condoms, Q-tips, or paper towels, (ANY FOREIGN MATTER) will be split among tenants.

  1. PETS: We do allow pets but, require a $200.00 fee at move in for each dog/cat. You are required to pay fees for Exterminator for fleas, damages, and cleaning. $5.00 per poop pile outside, $30.00 for filling in dog holes. These will be charged and paid immediately.
  1. Any need for repairs to premises or appliances Landlord owns on the premises must be reported to the office immediately as Landlord is not responsible for food loss due to mechanical issues with refrigerator.
  1. Park in designated areas only. Tenant parking only is permitted. Parking or driving on lawns is in violation of city ordinances. 1 vehicle per tenant only, vehicles MUST BE LICENSED ANDOPERATIONAL. Some of our larger units, we will issue parking passes. If for any reason your permit is replaced the numbered permit will be voided and a replacement will cost you $10.00.

15. City tenants are to place garbage at the curb EACH WEEK in sealed plastic bags in containers on designated pickup days between the hours of 6 PM the day before and 6 AM the day of pick up. If garbage is not removed weekly we will do it for you and you will be charged $20.00 a bag. If you don’t put your trash cans back from the road and we do it there will be a $10.00 charge. WE ALSO WILL CHARGE FOR DEBRIS/GARBAGE CLEAN UP IN AND AROUND YOUR YARD.

  1. Heat is to be left on over school breaks to prevent frozen pipes. If lack of heat causes frozen pipes, tenants will be liable for the costs of repairs and damage.
  1. Any property left in the house after the lease ends will be disposed of by the landlord at the expense of the tenant.
  1. Nothing is to be stuck to the walls either by adhesive or glue. Tenants will be charged $5.00 for each item stuck to the walls which we have to remove.
  1. Tenants will be charged $5.00 per nail hole found upon checkout.
  1. Deposits will not be returned until we have checked the apartment. It will be your responsibility to let us know when everything has been moved out and the unit has been cleaned.
  1. If we are required to advertise, phone, and show your location for a sublease you will be charged $100.00 for our services. This does not in any way release the tenant from the responsibility for all parts of the lease at any time. We also do not guarantee that we will be able to find someone to sublease for you.
  1. It is tenants responsibility to resolve overflowing toilets caused by too much paper or foreign object. Should tenants choose to call for maintenance there will be a minimum $50.00 service charge. Any damage caused as a result of overflowing toilets will be charged to tenants.
  1. If we replace any missing smoke detector battery, we will charge $10.00. Missing or damaged smoke detectors will be charged to you at $35.00 each.
  1. This is to notify all tenants that NO ONE will be allowed to INSTALL or HAVE INSTALLED any type of TV antenna or satellite dish on any of Harry’s Rentals properties with this exception: Harry’s written permission to the location on the property. If you already have a contract with someone or presently have a dish installed on our property without written permission you will be responsible for having it removed immediately and any damage from installation fixed properly. If you do not remove the dish at the end of your lease it will be considered damage to the property and removal costs of $100.00 will be deducted from your Security Deposit.


I/WE agree that we have read and agree to follow all of the house rules above.