2012 - 2015
Renfrewshire Alcohol and Drugs Partnership
Delivery Plan 2012-2015
The ADP Delivery Plan covers the period from April 2012 until March 2015 with updates provided in May 2013 and May 2014. Progress will be reported via the ADP Annual Report.
As part of the Renfrewshire Community Planning Partnership it is the vision of the Renfrewshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) to deliver a healthier, happier and safer Renfrewshire and to set out high level outcomes to ensure the harm caused by alcohol or drugs can be minimised or even prevented in Renfrewshire.
Our three year Delivery Plan will focus on the following high level strategic priority areas which are aligned to the National Frameworks for both Drugs and Alcohol:-
· Preventing Drug and Alcohol Misuse
· Promoting Recovery
· Children Affected by Parental Substance Misuse (CAPSM)
· Law Enforcement
Our Delivery Plan is also aligned to other key frameworks including:-
· Renfrewshire Single Outcome Agreement
· Renfrewshire ADP Drug and Alcohol Strategy
· National Core Outcomes and Indicators – Scottish Government
· HEAT Targets – Scottish Government
· National Performance Framework – Scottish Government
· Quality Alcohol Treatment and Support – Scottish Government
The Delivery Plan will build on existing locally agreed outcomes and indicators including NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Renfrewshire Council, Strathclyde Police and Strathclyde Fire and Rescue. Performance indicators have also been identified within the Delivery Plan and will measure progress against our intended priority outcome areas and monitored on an annual basis via our Annual Report.
ADP Partner Organisations
Membership of the ADP comprises of senior representatives from a variety of organisations in Renfrewshire. Partners who have been actively involved in the preparation of the Delivery Plan include:-
Renfrewshire Council
Renfrewshire Community Health Partnership
Strathclyde Police
Strathclyde Fire and Rescue
Voluntary Sector
The ADP will ensure the delivery of key outcomes to address alcohol problems and drug misuse in Renfrewshire; influence the planning and commissioning of appropriate services and ensure that the provision of these services meet local needs and priorities.
The work of the ADP is supported by a range of sub groups which drives national and locally focussed work identified by the ADP. These groups report to the ADP and contribute to overall outcomes detailed within Renfrewshire’s Single Outcome Agreement. The groups meet on a planned basis prior to ADP meeting cycles to ensure issues in relation to funding, reporting and planning are co-ordinated. Planning structures within Renfrewshire are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure they continue to meet our Strategic Priority Outcome Areas.
High Level Summary of Key Changes – 2012/15
A menu of core outcomes has recently been developed by Scottish Government and is the key focus of this Delivery Plan. Linking in with Community Planning structures local outcomes have also been developed which will assist the ADP with monitoring performance to ensure local needs are being fully met.
Key milestones for 2012-2013 –
1. June 2012 – Develop ADP Annual Report which will provide an outline of the ADP’s key achievement over the last financial year. Progress towards core and local outcomes will also be highlighted.
2. July 2012 – In partnership with Scottish Recovery Consortium organise Recovery based Workshops in Renfrewshire
3. August 2012 – Develop and implement ADP Commissioning Strategy.
4. August 2012 – Discuss proposal to recruit Employability/Recovery Network Co-ordinator.
5. September 2012 – Review current range of service provision to ensure it meets the needs of drunk and incapable people in Renfrewshire.
6. September 2012 – Assist in the review and implementation of the GGC Prevention and Education Action Plan.
7. September 2012 – Establish process to ensure meaningful service user involvement within ADP Planning Structures.
8. September 2012 – Implement STAR Outcome Tool and develop information systems to capture progress towards recovery against service and local outcomes.
9. October 2012 – Review alcohol services to ensure recovery and outcomes focussed.
10. October 2012 – Process of implementation will commence around Workforce Development Plan informed by Training Needs Analysis.
11. January 2013 – Work in partnership with Scottish Recovery Consortium to develop Whole Recovery Conversation Cafes in Renfrewshire.
12. April 2013 – Review ADP Delivery Plan to ensure progress towards intended outcomes has been achieved.
Core and Local Outcomes
The table detailed below highlights the national and local outcomes which the Renfrewshire ADP aims to achieve to ensure services deliver a ‘whole population’ approach to alcohol and a ‘recovery’ approach to drugs; to reduce the overall negative impact drugs and alcohol can have; and to contribute towards achieving the Scottish Government’s 15 national outcomes which are:-
No1 We live in a Scotland that is the most attractive place for doing business in Europe
No2 We realize our full economic potential with more and better employment opportunities for our people
No3 We are better educated, more skilled, more successful, and renowned for our research and innovation
No4 Our young people are successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens
No5 Our children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed
No6 We live longer, healthier lives
No7 We have tackled the significant inequalities in Scottish Society
No8 We have improved the life chances for children, young people and families at risk
No9 We live our lives safe from crime, disorder and danger
No10 We live in well designed sustainable places where we are able to access the amenities and services we need
No11 We have strong, resilient and supportive communities where people take responsibility for their own actions and how they affect others
No12 We value and enjoy our built and natural environment and protect it and enhance it for future generations
No13 We take pride in a strong, fair and inclusive national identity
No15 Our public services are high quality, continually improving, efficient and responsive to local people’s needs
Health Improvement Targets
The HEAT targets are grouped into four priorities:
Health Improvement for the people of Scotland - improving life expectancy and healthy life expectancy;
Efficiency and Governance Improvements - continually improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the NHS;
Access to Services - recognising patients' need for quicker and easier use of NHS services; and
Treatment Appropriate to Individuals - ensure patients receive high quality services that meet their needs.
Renfrewshire ADP has responsibility for two HEAT Targets:-
· H4 – Achieve agreed number of screenings using the setting appropriate screening tool and appropriate alcohol brief intervention, in line with SIGN 74 guidelines.
· A11 – By March 2012, 90% of individuals will wait no longer than three weeks from referral to treatment that supports their recovery.
Progress against the HEAT targets is highlighted in the table below.
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NO1: Health: People are healthier and experience fewer risks as a result of alcohol and drug useSOA 10: Our residents have improved levels of health
Local Outcome / Relevant Indicators / Frequency/
Source / Baseline
as at 2009/10 / Target
The harm caused by alcohol and drugs to individual’s health is reduced / General acute inpatient & day case discharges with a diagnosis of drug misuse in any position 3 year rolling average rates per 100,000 / Annual/ISD / 85
(2004/07) / Reduce
General acute inpatient & day case discharges with an alcohol related any position 3 year rolling average rates per 100,000 / Annual/ISD / 789
(2004/07) / Reduce
Alcohol related deaths (underlying cause) 3 year rolling average rates per 100,000 population / Annual/ISD / 35
(2005/07) / 5% Reduction
Percentage of injecting drug users testing positive for HVC antibody (% is based on all injecting drug users tested) / Annual/ISD / 55.1%
((2008/09) / Reduce
Annual number of residents diagnosed with chronic Hep C / Annual/Public Health / 25 / 100
Proportion of chronic HCV cases in follow-up at Acute / Annual/Public Health / 39% / 60%
Number initiated onto HCV treatment / Annual/Viral Hepatitis MCN / 11 / 30
Number completing treatment for Hep C / Annual/
NHS GGC / TBC / 25 per annum
Total clients seen at IEPs / Annual/GAS / (2011/12)
1889 / 5% increase
Total number of transactions completed at IEPs / Annual/GAS / (2011/12)
5283 / 5% increase
NO1: Health: People are healthier and experience fewer risks as a result of alcohol and drug use
SOA 10: Our residents have improved levels of health
Local Outcome / Relevant Indicators / Frequency/
Source / Baseline
as at 2009/10 / Target
The harm caused by alcohol and drugs to individual’s health is reduced / Total number of needles distributed / Annual/GAS / 110,189
(2011/12) / 5% increase
Number of individuals attending alcohol services (tier 3) / Annual/Waiting Times Framework / 1359
(2011/12) / 5% increase
Number of individuals attending drugs services / Annual/ISD SDMD / 496 / 5% increase
Number of doses of naloxone kits issued / GAS / 38
(2011/12) / 50
Number of naloxone units used / GAS / 0
(2011/12) / 2% increase
Number of individuals completing naloxone training / GAS / 44
(2011/12) / 60
Number of staff trained in IEPs / Annual/GAS / 19
(2011/12) / 2% Increase
Percentage of injecting drug users presenting to service / Annual/ISD SDMD / 22% / 5% increase
Number of injecting drug users stopped injecting at three month review / Annual/ISD SDMD (information not available)
NO2: Prevalence: Fewer adults and children are drinking or using drugs at levels or patterns that are damaging to themselves or others
Local Outcome / Relevant Indicators / Frequency/
Source / Baseline
as at 2009/10 / Target
Increased knowledge and changed attitudes will result in fewer individuals drinking or using drugs at levels or patterns that are damaging
to themselves or others in
Renfrewshire / Estimated prevalence of problem drug use amongst 15-64 year olds (percentage of total population age 15-64) / ISD / 1.84%
(2006) / Reduce
Estimated prevalence of injecting drug use amongst 15-64 year olds / ISD – Currently unavailable / Reduce
Percentage of 15 year old pupils who used illicit drugs in the last month (estimated) / Every 4 years/ISD/ SALSUS / 17%
(2006) / Reduce
Percentage of 15 year old pupils who used illicit drugs in the last year (estimated) / Every 4 years/ISD/ SALSUS / 24%
(2006) / Reduce
The proportion of individuals drinking above daily and/or weekly recommended limits / Not available at Health Board until late 2012
The proportion of individuals drinking above twice daily (binge drinking) recommended limits / Not available at Health Board until late 2012
The proportion of individuals who are alcohol dependent / Not available at Health Board until late 2012
Percentage of 15 year olds drinking on a weekly basis (and their mean weekly level of consumption) (estimated) / SALSUS/ ISD / 27.0%
(2006) / Reduce
Mean number of units in the last week (estimated) / SALSUS/ISD / 18.4
(2010) / Reduce
Percentage of adults who exceeded recommended weekly limits / GGC Health & Well-Being Survey / 33.4% / Reduce
NO3: Recovery - Individuals are improving their health, well-being and life-chances by recovering from problematic drug and alcohol use
Local Outcome / Relevant Indicators / Frequency/
Source / Baseline
as at 2009/10 / Target
Individuals will recover from their alcohol
and drug problems and
live longer, healthier
lives, making a positive
contribution to society and the economy / Percentage reduction in daily drugs spend during treatment / ISD - Not available until Dec 2012
Reduction in the percentage of clients injecting in the last month during treatment / ISD - Not available until Dec 2012
Proportion of clients who abstain from illicit drugs between initial assessment and 12 week follow up / ISD - Not available until Dec 2012
Proportion of clients receiving drugs treatment experiencing improvements in employment/education profile during treatment / ISD - Not available until Dec 2012
Number of service users fully engaged with their own Recovery Plan / Annual/ADP - not available
STAR scores demonstrate an improvement / Annual/ADP – not available until later in year
% completed alcohol detox (day patient) / Annual/ADP / 88% / 90%
% completed alcohol detox (in patient) / Annual/ADP / 95% / 97%
Number of individuals assessed via ARBD care pathway / Annual/ADP – not available until later in year / 10
Number of individuals assisted through George St (HALO) / Annual/ADP / 118
2011/12 / Under discussion
NO4: CAPSM/Families: Children and family members of people misusing alcohol and drugs are safe, well-supported and have improved life-chances
Local Outcome / Relevant Indicators / Frequency/
Source / Baseline
as at 2009/10 / Target
2014/15 / Key Actions:
We have improved the
life chances for children,
and young people
allowing them to realise
their full potential in
all areas of their lives / Rate of maternities recording drug use (three year rolling average) per 1000 maternities / Annual/ISD / 1.8
(2005/08) / Reduce
Rate of maternities recording alcohol use (three year rolling average) / ISD/Not available
Number of Child Protection Case Conference where parental drug and alcohol misuse has been identified as a concern/risk (data to be published from 2013) / ISD/Not available until Feb 2013
Proportion of positive ABI screenings in ante-natal setting / Annual/ADP / 25 (GGC figure)
Number of children identified via SSA / Annual/ADP / Definition is currently under discussion
Number of referrals made to social work which drug and alcohol is a stated issue / Annual/ADP / 543 (NB figure includes parent/carer and substance misuse by the child) / Reduce
Number of children where drug and alcohol is a stated issue on the child protection register / Annual/ADP / 585 / Reduce
Number of pre-birth case discussions / Annual/ADP / 19 / Reduce
NO5: COMMUNITY SAFETY: Communities and individuals live their lives safe from alcohol and drug related offending and anti-social behaviour
Local Outcome / Relevant Indicators / Frequency/
Source / Baseline
as at 2009/10 / Target
Individuals in Renfrewshire live in a safe environment, and people feel safer in their homes and in their local community because crime and disorder related to alcohol and drug use has been reduced / Percentage of new clients at specialist drug treatment services who report funding their drug use through crime / Annual/ISD / 23.7% / Reduce