Reception Weekly Learning Update
3rd November 2017
Literacy/Health and Self CareThis week we have loved our Bonfire Night and firework theme! We have discussed the importance of staying safe during the exciting times of a bonfire party - how to stay safe around a bonfire and how to carefully handle sparklers etc. We came up with lots of brilliant describing words for fireworks such as BANG!, pop, crackle, whoosh, whizz, fizz…the list goes on! Some children even wrote their words independently – fantastic!
Phonics and Reading
We have now finished our learning of Phase 2 Letters and Sounds. Next week we will be assessing and evaluating how each of the children have progressed and if they are ready to move onto the next Phase, or need extra consolidation in Phase 2. / Mathematics/Expressive Arts and Design
Our mathematics work this week has been all about shapes. We have named 2D and 3D shapes and discussed the properties such as faces, edges and corners. We have also decided which shapes everyday objects are, and used these to make rockets from junk materials. The children designed their rockets first, naming the shapes they needed and then set to work. We were all really pleased with the end results! Please continue this learning at home by asking your child which 3D shapes they used to make the fireworks and which other 3D shapes they can remember. Why not go on a 3D shape hunt in the house and bring in a 3D shape that you find to show to the rest of the class?
Friendship Groups
We began our Friendship Group sessions this week which take place every Monday morning. This is a time when all of the children in the school come together in little groups led by a teacher or teaching assistant to share their news, ideas and opinions about all different aspects of their home and school life. This is a lovely opportunity for the children to form friendships with children in other classes and year groups.
Fruit Rockets
We ended our week by making fruit rockets. The children applied their knowledge of repeating patterns as they carefully threaded pieces of fruit onto skewers. During this task they also learned to manage their own safety whilst using a sharp object. / Physical Development
We have performed a firework dance in our PE lesson this week. We loved pretending to be a dancing bonfire, and then different fireworks such as rockets, Catherine wheels and fountain fireworks. We even used some of our wow words when dancing, whoosh…BOOM!
Expressive Arts and Design/Understanding the World
During Outdoor Learning the children experimented with a different way of painting! We made firework pictures by dippingbendy straws taped togetherin fluorescent paint and making prints on black paper. The results were very colourful and impressive. The children also used glue and glitter to make their own sparkly glitter names which are currently on display in the classroom.