There are seven active Civil War Roundtables in Minnesota. These are membership organizations that host monthly programs except during the summer, and following a dinner for the Twin Cities and St. Croix Valley organizations. Most have websites and/or facebook pages.

The Twin Cities Civil War Roundtable is the oldest and largest, with meeting on the third Tuesday each month at the Fort Snelling Officers Club. Schedule is here: http://www.tccwrt.com/

The Rochester Civil War Roundtable meets the second Wednesday each month at the Olmstead County History Center, 1195 W. Circle Drive SW in Rochester. Schedule is here: www.RochesterCivilWarRoundTable.com

The Cannon Valley Civil War Roundtable meets the third Thursday each month at the Faribault Community Center, 19 W. Division St. For further information email Dan Peterson:

The St. Croix Valley Civil War Roundtable meets the fourth Monday each month at the Lowell Inn in Stillwater. Schedule is here: www.4thus.com/scvcwrt. For further information contact Steve Anderson, (715) 386-1268 or email:

The Central Minnesota Civil War Roundtable meets on the first Tuesday each month, September through May, at the Whitney Senior Center, 1527 Northway Drive in St. Cloud. Schedule is here: http://www.cmcwrt.com. Link to Facebook page is on the website. For more information, please contact Win Anderson at

The Hiawatha Valley (Winona) Civil War Roundtable meets the second Thursday each month at the Winona County History Center. Schedule is here: hiawathavalleycivilwarroundtable.webs.com/. For further information, email Susan Gannaway:

Minnesota Valley (New Ulm) Civil War Roundtable meets the third Thursday of each month, 7:00 PM at the New Ulm Public Library. Schedule is on their facebook page. To join the notification list, email Bill Harris:

The Minnesota Civil War Symposium is sponsored annually by the several Minnesota Civil War Roundtables and held in April at Historic Fort Snelling. Next year’s theme is Minnesota and its soldiers in 1864.

Minnesota’s Two Civil Wars Exhibit

Open daily this summer at the Minnesota Military Museum, Camp Ripley.

2016 Minnesota Civil War Symposium

To participate in planning or to volunteer at next year’s event (tentative date 9 April 2016) please contact Stephen Osman: 612 227-5226 or