Chapter 1 Fundamental ideas


•  There are about 100 different types of atom, giving about 100 different elements.

•  Each element has its own unique symbol.

•  Many more substances are compounds, with two or more different elements chemically joined together.

•  The chemical formula of a compound shows how many of each type of atom it contains.

•  Atoms have a small, central nucleus with electrons in orbit around it.

•  Protons have a positive charge, neutrons are neutral and electrons have a negative charge.

•  Atoms of the same element always have the same number of protons.

Forming bonds

•  Metals lose electrons to form positive ions.

•  Non-metals gain electrons to form negative ions.

•  Metals and non-metals form ionic bonds together.

•  Non-metals can share electrons to form covalent bonds.

•  Atoms are conserved during chemical reactions – they just ‘change partners’.

•  This conservation is shown in balanced chemical equations.

Electron arrangement

•  The electrons around an atom are arranged in energy levels (electron shells).

•  The first shell holds two electrons, the others eight (for the first 20 elements).

•  The elements can be arranged in a periodic table in which elements with similar properties occur in the same group.

•  The group number tells you how many electrons the element has in its outer shell.

•  Metals are found to the left of the table, non-metals to the right, divided by a zig-zag line.

Groups 1 and 0

•  Group 1 contains very reactive metals.

•  Group 1 metals react with oxygen in air, producing coloured flames.

•  Group 1 metals react violently with water, giving off hydrogen gas.

•  Group 0 contains the unreactive noble gases.

•  Helium is used for safe airships and for party balloons.

•  Argon is used to fill ‘old-style’ light bulbs.

•  Neon is used in neon lights and as a very low temperature refrigerant.

Chapter 2 Rocks and building materials


•  Many raw building materials come from rocks such as limestone.

•  There are many environmental and economic problems associated with digging rocks from the Earth.

•  Limestone is a natural form of calcium carbonate.

•  Limestone and other carbonates react with acid to produce carbon dioxide, a salt and water.

•  Limestone is badly damaged by acid rain.

Limestone cycle

•  Limestone (CaCO3) and other carbonates can be broken down by thermal decomposition.

•  Limestone breaks down when heated to form calcium oxide.

•  If you add water to calcium oxide it forms calcium hydroxide, which can be used to neutralise acid in the soil.

•  Limewater, calcium hydroxide solution, turns cloudy with carbon dioxide. This is the test for carbon dioxide.


•  Limestone and clay are the raw materials of cement and concrete.

•  Concrete is a very versatile building material.

•  Concrete is cheap and easy to store, mix and pour into moulds of any shape or size.

•  Once set, concrete is rock-hard.

Chapter 3 Metals and their uses

Metal ores

•  Most metals are found in chemical compounds called ores.

•  Mining ores has many social, economic and environmental effects, some positive, some negative.

•  Metal ores are finite and are expensive to refine, so recycling metals makes economic sense as well as having less impact on the environment than mining.

Extracting metals

•  Most metals are found as ores from which the metal must be extracted.

•  Some metals are more economical to extract than others.

•  Less-reactive metals, such as copper, can be extracted by carbon reduction.

•  More-reactive metals, such as aluminium, must be extracted by electrolysis.

•  Electrolysis on an industrial scale uses large amounts of electrical energy, so it is expensive.

Methods of extracting

•  Blast furnaces have to run at very high temperatures to reduce iron oxide and melt the iron.

•  Good quality copper ores are now very rare, so copper is usually made by other means.

•  Acid is used to leach copper salts from ore, after which they are purified by electrolysis.

•  New ideas like bioleaching, phytomining and displacement are being tried out to get copper from ores with very little copper.

Metallic issues

•  Economically exploitable metal ores are finite and will run out.

•  The developed world is taking more than its fair share of metal resources.

•  Recycling can help to make our resources last longer – and save energy and money while reducing pollution.

•  New techniques such as phytomining can be used to reclaim waste land and get more metals.

Metal uses

•  Metals have many useful properties that we use in our everyday lives.

•  Iron can be strong enough to build bridges and machines, yet can be rolled, pressed and cut into any shape.

•  Elements in the central block of the periodic table are called transition metals.

•  Transition metals can be bent or hammered into shape and are good conductors of heat and electricity.


•  The iron coming out of a blast furnace is impure and brittle and so has limited uses.

•  Pure metals can be quite soft, so they are mixed with small amounts of other elements to make the metal harder.

•  Alloys have different-sized atoms added. These distort the layers and stop them sliding, making the metal harder.

•  Most iron is turned into its alloy steel by the addition of a little carbon; the amount of carbon controls the properties of the steel.

•  Most metals are used in the form of alloys to alter their properties to suit our needs.

Chemistry UNIT 1 Key Points 1