Pre-AP First 9wk Project Deadlines

(Science Fair)

Due Date / Criteria / Description
08/24/17 / Project Ideas / Turn in at least 3 ideas that you would consider doing & turn it in to me so that we can decide on a final idea. 10
9/5/17 / Scienteer
Account / Need to log in to Scienteer Account to make sure it works. New to Scienteer: Create an Account
9/11/17 / Start Experiments / Start experiments (Remember you have to do it a minimum of three times)
9/15/17 / Rough Draft of: / Title, Question, and Hypothesis for your experiment. This information should be written in your Scienteer Account. 10
9/22/17 / Rough Draft of: / Report with Bibliography in APA format.
Specifications: Your final report must be a minimum of 2 pages in length, double-spaced, typed using no larger than 12 font with a separate Bibliography page attached. (Minimum of 5 cited sources and they must be varied; not all websites) 10
9/22/17 / 1st Scienteer check:
Rough Draft of: / Procedures & Materials written inside your Science Fair Scienteer Account. 10
10/20/17 / 2nd Scienteer check:
Final Draft of: / Title, question, hypothesis, procedure and materials written into your Science Fair Scienteer Account. 10
10/25/17 / 3rd Scienteer Check / I will be looking inside your Science Fair Scienteer Account to look for your Experiment for your data collected, drawn illustrations, tables, etc. 10
10/27/17 / Final Draft of: / Typed report with bibliography on Scienteer (min. 3 pages) 10
10/30/17 / Final Scienteer Check / Documentation of the scientific process for your experiment should be written inside your Science Fair Scienteer Account Online. I will be looking for a title, question, purpose, materials, procedure, observations (data collected/results), conclusion, and a reflection. 10
10/30/17 / Display Boards due / Standard (not mini) tri-fold board 10
10/30/17 / Entire project due: / 3 grades received & averaged for 9wk pre-ap project
1st grade – entire process 100 total pts = 100%
2nd grade – research paper
3rd grade – oral presentation with science board
11/04/17 / Campus Science Fair: / Sun Ridge campus
12/2/2017 / District Science Fair: / Location to be determined

Pre-AP Science Fair 9 week Project

*Tri-Fold Science Fair Board

*1 Typed report* Oral Presentation* Entry to Sun Ridge Campus Science Fair