Spanish 110-First Semester Spanish-Part A

Fall 2011 Syllabus

Instructor: M. Villagómez

TTH (9:30-11:35 AM) Rm. 836

Please check my webpage for office hours.

Office: BLDG. 1000 Telephone#: 707-253-3178 - E-mail:

Instructor Web site: Advisory Placement test:

Required Texts and materials:

*VISTAS: Introducción a la lengua española, Fourth Edition by Blanco-Donley

Sound: A combination head-set and microphone is required.

Course Description and Objectives

Spanish 110 is an introductory 3-unit college course – there is no prerequisite. The basis of the work this semester will be Lessons 1-4 of the textbook. Spanish 110 emphasizes the language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The same textbook will be used next semester for Spanish 111.

Course requirements

Attendance is required. Students must attend EVERY class session. Continued exposure to the language is essential in order to achieve our goals. Punctuality and class attendance are clearly extremely important. Common courtesy requires that you arrive on time, and stay until the end of class. If you must be late or have to leave early for a valid reason, please talk to me. Please check the College Catalogue about attendance policies.If you plan on dropping, please officially drop. There is no automatic drop even if you quit attending. Do not make any appointments during class time.

Daily preparedness and participation Learning Spanish can be a very rewarding and fun experience, or it can be a real nightmare… it’s really up to you. This course requires at least 10 hours per week in outside of class assignments. At the end of each session, you will be assigned to read, study, or work on some exercises as part of your regular homework. Please come to class prepared having read/done the assigned material before each class. Along with being prepared, your daily participation-not perfection-is expected. Those students who have fun and do well are those students who have the patience, who practice and persevere through it all, but mainly, those who aren’t afraid to make mistakes and keep trying.

HomeworkThe only way to learn another language is to practice. The online student activities section is an excellent tool to improve your language skills. Check your “Tentative Schedule” daily and complete the appropriate exercises in the student supersite as it is an essential component of the program. Regular practice increases the pace and quality of your performance and is therefore required. It is your responsibility –and extremely advisable - to complete the exercises concurrently with daily class preparation instead of “cramming” it all the night before they are due. Full credit will be awarded only if you have completed all the assigned exercises. Check the tentative schedule for homework due dates.Please note that homework is due by 9:00 p.m.No late work will be accepted. Please see attachment for instructions on how to set up your super-site account.

Exams and Quizzes There will be 3multiple choice chapter exams (includes writing section) and 4 vocabulary quizzes. Check your “Tentative Schedule” and make a note of these important dates since no make-up exams or quizzes will be given.The final exam is mandatory. Should you miss it, you will receive an automatic “F” for the course. No one will be allowed to take the final exam early. Please do not make this request.

GradingFinal grades will be determined from chapter tests, vocabulary quizzes, a comprehensive final exam, Supersite exercises, and class participation.

Your final grade will be calculated as follows:

Chapter Exams(3 X 12)36%

Vocab. Quizzes(4 X 5)20%

Homework(4 X 6)24%

Participation (Attendance) 5%

Final Exam (Comprehensive)15%

Total 100%

What follows is a more detailed account of our future activities. Plan ahead and consult this “Tentative Schedule” daily to make sure that you know what will take place in class. REMEMBER that it is your duty to be well informed as I reserve the right to amend the terms, conditions and dates of this syllabus/schedule as I see fit at any point during the semester. I will give you the specific homework pages in class.

Calendario de actividades

FechaLección/Actividad Notas / Tarea

martes, 16 de agosto Introducción del curso

jueves, 18 de agostoLección 1, contextos, el alfabeto

martes, 23 de agostoLección 1, 1.1

jueves, 25 de agostoLección 1, 1.2 Quiz 1

martes, 30 de agostoLección 1, 1.3

jueves, 1º de sept.Lección 1, 1.4

martes, 6 de sept.Lección 1, Panorama

jueves, 8 de sept.Lección 1, REPASO Tarea: Vistas

martes, 13 de sept.EXAMEN: Lección 1

jueves, 15 de sept.Lección 2, contextos

martes, 20 de sept.Lección 2, 2.1

jueves, 22 de sept.Lección 2, 2.2 Quiz 2

martes, 27 de sept.Lección 2, 2.3

jueves, 29 de sept.Lección 2, 2.4

martes, 4 de octubreLección 2, Panorama

jueves, 6 de octubreLección 2, REPASO Tarea: Vistas

martes, 11 de octubreExamen: Lección 2

jueves, 13 de octubreLección 3, contextos

martes, 18 de octubreLección 3, 3.1

jueves, 20 de octubreLección 3, 3.2 Quiz 3

martes, 25 de octubreLección 3, 3.3

jueves, 27 de octubreLección 3, 3.4

martes, 1º de nov.Lección 3, Panorama

jueves, 3 de nov.Lección 3, REPASO Tarea: Vistas

martes, 8 de nov.EXAMEN: Lección 3

jueves, 10 de nov.Lección 4, contextos

martes, 15 de nov.Lección 4, 4.1

jueves, 17 de nov.Lección 4, 4.2 Quiz 4

martes, 22 de nov.Lección 4, 4.3

martes 29 de nov.Lección 4, 4.4

jueves, 1o de dic.Lección 4, Panorama

martes, 6 de dic.Lección 4, REPASO Tarea: Vistas

jueves, 8 de dic.Examen Final (Lecciones 1-4)

jueves, 15 de dic.Calificaciones

¡Felices vacaciones!

Setting up your VISTAS4E Supersite account and enrolling in your Instructor's course


  • In order to see and submit your assignments, receive important announcements, and communicate with your Instructor, you will need an account, a Supersite code, and you will need to enroll in your Instructor's course.


If you are new to Vista Higher Learning, complete these steps:

Step 1 - Go to VHLCentral

To begin, go to (the link will open in a new window).

Step 2 - Create an Account

  • In the "Login Information" section of the account creation page, enter a username of your choice.
  • Enter the email address you would like to associate with your account.
  • Enter and confirm a password of your choice.
  • In the "Personal Profile" section, enter your first and last name as you wish them to appear in your Instructor's roster.
  • Select the year of your birth from the drop down list.
  • Enter a student ID (optional).
  • In the "Security Information" section, you will provide the answer to a secret question, which may later be used to help you access your account if you forget your password.
  • After you enter all of the information, click "create an account."
  • Click "agree." (Before your account is created, you must agree to the terms and conditions of use policy.)

Step 3 - Activate Code

  • On the code activation screen, enter your Supersite code. (The code might be in an envelope inside your package or you might find it bound to the text - in the first pages of your text.)
  • Click "activate code" to continue.
  • Look for a flash alert confirming that the code was successfully redeemed.

Step 4 - Select a School

  • Locate your school by typing your school’s name. To narrow the search results, include the city and state (or country, if outside of the USA) in which your school is located.
  • Click "find." If the terms you entered did not result in a successful search, follow the on-screen tips to revise your search.
  • Select your school from the list by clicking the radio button next to the school name.
  • Click "select school" to add the school to your account.
  • Look for a flash alert confirming you successfully added the school.

Step 5 - Select a Course/Class

  • From the list of available classes at your school for your textbook's Supersite, look for Instructor "Villagomez" and the course "Spanish 110" taught between Aug 08, 2011 and Dec 30, 2011.
  • Click the radio button for the course section "Section 1." If more than one class is listed for your Instructor, click the information icons in the class listings until you locate the section.
  • Click Save. You should see a confirmation that you successfully enrolled in your instructor's course.