Psi Chi and UPO Research Night 9/7/2011 4 PM
Current or Forthcoming Research Opportunities – updated 9/10/11
Name: Dr. Dennis Molfese
Program/Agency/Lab: Developmental Brain Laboratory
Email Address:
Graduate student: Kathleen Kelsey ()
Graduate student: Caitlin Hudac ()
Graduate student: Cathryn Cortesa ()
Office/Lab Location: Nebraska Hall, Suite 527 – Room 526A
Phone Number: 402-472-3720
Web Page:
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc):Dr. Molfese is the director of the Developmental Brain Laboratory, currently consisting of 1 post-doc, 3 graduate students, and 7 undergraduate research assistants. Our research investigates questions related to the brain and its involvement in cognitive processes (e.g., learning, language) across the lifespan. We use neuroimaging techniques (including EEG, MRI, and NIRS) to explore the development of cognitive mechanisms in early infancy and childhood. Testing takes place at our laboratory in Nebraska Hall, as well as at newborn testing at Saint Elizabeth Regional Medical Center. Dr. Molfese also directs the brand-new interdisciplinary research Center for Brain, Biology, and Behavior (CB3) so the Developmental Brain Laboratory plays a large role in supporting those initiatives.
The dBrain lab is looking for undergraduate research assistants (UGRA’s) who are able to make a 2 year commitment. During the first year, UGRA’s will be trained in neuroimaging data collection and work directly with senior UGRA’s and graduate students to assist research. During the second semester and subsequent year, UGRA’s will be assigned to a specific project given their interests and the needs of the lab. We are look for 4-8 dedicated students. This is a volunteer position. Please contact Caitlin Hudac for an application and/or more information.
dBrain Open House tour immediately following Psi Chi meeting on 9/7!
Application process: Applications to be submitted electronically by 9am on Friday September 9, 2011 to all 3 graduate students listed above. Interviews will be held on that day (9/9) from 12-3pm and will be 15 minutes. Interview slots can be requested by emailing in your application.
Name: Tasha Swalve
Program/Agency/Lab: Biopsychology Lab
Email Address:
Office/Lab Location: 70 Burnett Hall
Phone Number:
Web Page:
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc): Research in our lab primarily examines animal models of schizophrenia and the effects of typical and atypical antipsychotics on these models. Undergraduates in the biopsychology lab have a chance to assist graduate students in running various studies as well as the possibility of designing/working on their own experiments.
Name: Jayme Neiman, Graduate Research Assistant;
Dr. Lisa PytlikZillig and Dr. Alan Tompkins, Principle Investigators
Program/Agency/Lab: Public Policy Center
Email Address:
Office/Lab Location: 201 Centennial Mall South, Suite 401
Phone Number: 402-472-5678
Web Page:
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc):The project looks at public engagement techniques, examining which forms, features and contexts are effective, and for what purposes and why. Specifically, we are conducting studies inundergraduate biology courses in which students consider ethical, legal, and social issues relating to nanotechnology. In that context, this research (1) creates and tests measures of the potential explanatory variables and of outcomes relevant to varied definitions of “effectiveness” of public engagements; (2) experimentally investigates the impacts of varying two common dimensions public engagement—social contexts, and purposes— on numerous individual- and group-level outcomes and explanatory variables; and (3) develops a testable model of public engagement based on those results.
Undergraduate Research Assistants will be involved throughout the entire research process by participating in the following activities: 1) literature review, 2) research execution, 3) data analysis.
1)Literature Review: The URAs will be actively involved in amassing and synthesizing articles that provide background for study-related publications. Depending on the extent to which the students contribute to this process, there is a possibility for co-author credit on the papers.
2)Research Execution: The study involves group discussion by some student participants of ELSI issues pertaining to nanotechnology and biology. The discussions are led by undergraduate research assistants who are trained on how to keep the discussion on track and on how to encourage the participants to consider various perspectives without directly giving answers to the questions.
3)Data Analysis: The selected students will have the opportunity to gain or refine data entry, coding, and analysis skills through their work on this project. Depending on their level of prior experience, examples of such experiences will include exporting data from Qualtrics surveys to Microsoft Excel and SPSS, qualitative data coding, data cleaning, creation and examination of scales, and analysis of research hypotheses
Student assistants can work from 5-12 hours per week on this project depending on their other time constraints and the depth of experience that they would like to obtain.
This is an unpaid position; however, course credit is available upon request.
Name: Milena Stoyanova
Program/Agency/Lab: Clinical/ Debra A. Hope’s lab
Email Address:
Office/Lab Location: Burnett 324E
Phone Number: 949-294-4304
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc): Female research assistants needed. RAs will guide study participants through various research procedures to measure anxiety response. RAs will receive extensive training and ongoing guidance from experimenter.
Name: Justin Coleman, M.A.
Program/Agency/Lab: Cognitive Psychology Program
Email Address:
Office/Lab Location: Burnett 33
Phone Number: n/a
Web Page: n/a
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc):Two URAs are needed to assist with data collection on two studies, one on recognition/false memory and another on autobiographical memories. All data collection will be conducted in Burnett 74. Positions require establishing a weekly work schedule with a minimum of two hrs data collection per week. Compensation can be given in the form of course credit and/or letters of reference from my adviser, Robert Belli, Ph.D. or myself. Those interested in cognitive psychology, memory, or law psych with an emphasis in cognition/memory (e.g., eyewitness memory) are encouraged to apply, but students with all research interests are welcomed.
Name: Andrew Oakland
Program/Agency/Lab: Heath and Addiction Vulnerability Lab (McChargue)
Email Address:
Office/Lab Location: Burnett Basement / 1124 North Cotner Blvd
Phone Number: 641-831-3119
Web Page:
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc): Different positions available. RAs could run experimental sessions integrating physiological and psychological measures of stress among smokers. This will involve activities such as measuring skin conductance, taking cortisol measures, using an eyetracker, and giving surveys. No prior experience needed, though this position requires committed time in the afternoon/evening.
RAs could also assist in data collection, organization, and analysis of information gathered from a halfway house for males with substance dependence. No prior experience necessary. Scheduling for this position is very flexible, with a minimum of 3 hours commitment per week required. Data collection takes place at 1124 North Cotner Blvd, in the halfway house administration building.
Name: Liz Cook
Program/Agency/Lab: Serious Mental Illness Lab (Spaulding lab)
Email Address:
Office/Lab Location: na
Phone Number: 402-219-3952
Web Page:
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc): We are in need of clinical assistants to assist with a database building project at the Community Mental Health Center of Lancaster County. The database will be used to track treatment outcomes, provide valuable information to clinical staff, and allow for the testing of important research questions. Clinical assistants will engage in chart review and data entry. Hours are flexible (individuals can put in as much time as their schedules permit).
Name: Dr. Cynthia Willis Esqueda
Program/Agency/Lab: Race and Ethnicity Lab
Email Address:
Office/Lab Location: 106 Burnett Hall on Wednesday mornings at 10am
Phone Number: 472-3740
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc):We are hoping that undergrad students who are interested in participating in research on motivations for and expression of race discrimination against America’s indigenous populations – particularly in the legal system – will join our lab. We also examine the development, maintenance, and ramifications of ethnic identity in indigenous populations.
Examples of current projects:
- Mexican Nationals’ perceptions of self, perceptions of others, and self-esteem, as a function of Assimilation and colorism
- Content and expression of bias against Mexican Americans, Mexican Nationals who are legal immigrants, and Mexican Nationals who are undocumented in criminal culpability assignment
- The power of ideology to influence perceptions of and biases against Mexican Americans
Name: Jen Wolff
Program/Agency/Lab: Developmental
Email Address:
Office/Lab Location: Burnett Hall
Phone Number: 402-202-1062 (cell)
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc): The project is about the relationship between decision making styles and risk taking behavior and other potential moderating factors, such as self-regulation, peer relationships, and genetics. The position would involve running 2-3 sessions a week in which the research assistant will administer and paper/pencil questionnaire and also collecting a DNA sample with a cheek swab. The materials would then need to be returned to the grad student or faculty member involved with the project. Each session should generally last a little less than an hour.
At this point, I can offer use of this dataset for any undergraduate research projects and experience with a research project. I am willing to look into getting course credit as well.
Name: Krystia Reed
Program/Agency/Lab: Bornstein Lab
Email Address:
Office/Lab Location: Office: Burnett 12, Lab: Burnett 74G
Phone Number: (925)708-6725
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc):Need a Research Assistant who would help collect data on a study investigating perceptions of child sexual abuse and its relation to juror decision making. RA would run 30-minute sessions in the lab with as many participants who sign up. Times can be flexible around the RA’s schedule. Duties include obtaining informed consent, handing out surveys, monitoring participants as they take the surveys, collecting the surveys at the end, library research, and data entry. The study is just about to begin and no data collection has started yet.
Name: Dr. Scott F. Stoltenberg
Program/Agency/Lab: Behavior Genetics Lab
Email Address:
Office/Lab Location: BURN 221 (office); BURN 215 (Lab)
Phone Number:472-7861
Web Page:
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc):
Research in the BGL seeks to characterize the role of genetic variation on individual differences in health-risk behaviors. We focus on genes that influence the function of neurotransmitter systems and on behavioral traits, such as impulsivity, that increase risk for behavioral problems. Studies in the BGL have examined phenotypes such as alcohol problems, substance use, eating problems, risky driving, decision-making and gambling.
Undergraduate research assistants are involved in nearly every facet of the research. Initially RAs will collect behavioral data. As RAs gain more experience in the lab or if they have had previous genetics experience, they will extract DNA from cheek cells and help to genotype samples using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and gel electrophoresis. Students will also have opportunities to analyze data, prepare posters and attending local, regional and national research conferences. Joining the team will require registering for 3 credits of Independent Study (PSYC 299) with Dr. Stoltenberg or involvement in the UCARE Program.
We are seeking undergraduates to join the lab for the Spring semester.
Name: Dr. Edward Daly III
Program/Agency/Lab: Educational Psychology
Email Address:
Office/Lab Location: 33 Teachers College
Phone Number:472-5923
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc):We are conducting research at the Sheridan Elementary after-school program (4:00 - 5:45) and could use help especially on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The students will learn how to conduct academic assessments (just as school psychologists do them in the schools) and behavioral observation skills (also a commonly used tool of school psychologists). In addition, they will learn to give academic interventions to kids who need help in areas like reading and math, using empirically supported interventions.
Name: Alyssa Lundahl
Program/Agency/Lab: Dr. Robert Belli
Email Address:
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc):There is an opening for a freshman/sophomore (preferably) or a junior who is interested in UCARE to become a research assistant in Dr. Bob Belli's Memory Lab. Responsibilities will include learning how to program measures into MediaLab software, directly interacting with participants and running experiments, weekly lab meetings and readings, and poster presentations. If anyone is interested, please contact Alyssa Lundahl to set up a time to meet and discuss the position further.
Name:Tiffany West
Program/Agency/Lab: Child Maltreatment Research Team
Email Address:
Description of position (research topic, URA duties, etc): Tiffany West, the research coordinator for the Child Maltreatment Research Team, is looking for undergraduate students who are planning to apply to graduate school and need to gain experience in research. The lab provides a number of different opportunities to gain experience in research and in return we offer graduate school coaching. If you are interested in interviewing for a position on the team, please e-mail and we can set up a time for an interview.