APRIL 15 – 17, 2011
Sanction # IE1112
Held under the sanctionof USA Swimming and Inland Empire Swimming
In granting this sanction it is understood and agreed that USA Swimming and Inland Empire Swimming shall be free and held harmless from any liabilities or claims for damages arising by reason of injuries to anyone during the conduct of the event. Use of audio or visual recording devices, including a cell phone, is not allowed in changing areas, rest rooms or locker rooms.
HOST: Spokane WAVES Aquatic Team (SWAT), PO Box 28066, Spokane, WA 99228
LOCATION: WhitworthUniversityAquaticCenter, 300 W. Hawthorne Rd., Spokane, WA 99251
FACILITY:Regulation 25 yard pool with six 7 ½’ wide lanes. Water depth and starting block height meet 2008USA Swimming regulations. For 25-yard events, 8 & Under swimmers will start from the bulkhead; there are no starting blocks at the turn end of the pool. A 14 x 14 yard warm-up/warm-down pool is separated from the competition pool by a bulkhead. The start end of the pool is 15 feet deep and the bulkhead depth is 4ft. Pool, locker rooms, lobby, and deck are all wheelchair accessible. Daktronics 2000 timing system with six-lane readout and touchpads will be used. Competition course has not been certified in accordance with 104.2.2C(4).
MEET FORMAT:Friday will be a non-split meet. Saturday will be split into 2 sessions with the 11-12 Men, 13-14 and 15 & Overs in Session 2, and the 8&U, 9-10 and 11-12 Women in Session 3. Sunday will be a non-split meet with a 30minute break after event #97.
SCHEDULE: Session #1: Friday Night
Events begin at 6:00 PM
All 9 and over swimmers
Warm-ups: 5:00 PM – 5:45 PM
Official’s meeting at 5:20 PM
Coaches meeting at 5:45 PM
Session #2: Saturday Morning
Events begin at 9:00 AM
Warm-ups: 11-12 Men, 13-14, 15 & Over – 8:00-8:45 AM
Officials meeting at 8:20AM
Coaches meeting at 8:45. All scratches due at this time.
Session #3: Saturday Afternoon
Events will begin one (1) hour after end of Session #2
8&U, 9-10, 11-12 Women
45 minute warm-up immediately after Session#2 ends
Officials meeting - to be announced
Session #4: Sunday Morning
Events begin at 9:00 AM
Warm-ups: 12 & Under --7:30-8:00 AM
13 & Over -- 8:00-8:45 AM
Officials meeting at 8:20 AM
Coaches meeting at 8:45 AM. All scratches due at this time.
Session #5: Sunday Afternoon
Events will begin 30 minutes after the end of Session #4.
Official's meeting to be announced.
Meet Marshals will be present on deck during warm-ups.
ELIGIBILITY: No entrant will be permitted to compete unless the entrant is a member of USA Swimming as provided in Article 302 at the time of the meet entry. Any swimmer entered in the meet must be certified by a USA Swimming member coach as being proficient in performing a racing start or must start each race from within the water. When unaccompanied by a member coach it is the responsibility of the swimmer or the swimmer’s legal guardian to ensure compliance with this agreement. Any swimmer entered in the meet must be certified by a USA Swimming Member Coach as being proficient in performing a racing start or must start each race from within the water. When unaccompanied by a member-coach it is the responsibility of the swimmer or the swimmer’s legal guardian to ensure compliance with this requirement.
Athletes with a disability are welcome and are asked to provide advance notice of necessary accommodations.Coaches that have an athlete with a disability, that may require accommodations to the starting procedures or the swimming rules, are required to notify the Meet Referee prior to their athlete’s swim.
RULES:Current United States Swimming rules will govern the meet. The rules and procedures of Inland Empire Swimming will also apply. Inland Empire scratch rules will be in effect. The whistle start protocol will be used through out the meet. The “No recall” start will be effect.” The Meet Referee shall be the final authority for the conduct of the competition. Any protests or questions concerning the outcome of an event should be directed to the Meet Referee by a coach of that team. Swimmers participating in the meet without a coach must report to theMeetReferee at the start of the warm-up session for instructions. Coaches must be 2011USA Swimming members. Coaches must provide proof of current certification upon request by the MeetReferee.
ENTRIES:Swimmers may enter 5 events and one relay per day. There will be no on deck registrations or on deck entries allowed.The 500 Free on Friday is nota Pentathlon event and is only offered to 9-12 age groups. In order to qualify for Pentathlon award on a particular day, swimmers must enter all five individual pentathlon events for that day. Age groups will be combined for the 500 Free but will be scored separately and will be swum slowest to fastest. Meet Management reserves the right to limit the 500 Free to allow completion of Friday events by 9 PM. NT entries for 9-10’s will not be accepted for the 500 Free. 11-12 NT swimmers should sign in and may be allowed to swim; however, if all NT entries cannot be accommodated they all will be scratched. Timers will be provided for the 500 free, but swimmers must provide their own counters. Positive check-in is required for the 500 Free by 5:15 PM.
Friday Pentathlon events: 100 IM, 50 Fly, 50 Back, 50 Breast, and 50 Free for 13 and Over.
The 500 Free will be offered to the 9-12 age group only.
Saturday Pentathlon Events: IM, Fly, Back, Breast, Free.
Sunday Pentathlon Events: 8 & Unders: 50 Free, 50 Back, 50 Breast, 50 Fly, and 100 Free
All other age groups: IM, Back, Breast, Fly, and Free.
Relays may be any combination of gender and age within that particular age group.
ENTRIES:All entries must be in YARD times.
Please submit the following four attachments to Cindy Merrick by email at
y April 6, 2011.
- .zip entry file from Team Manager
- Print to file (Word or pdf format) of team individual entries
- Print to file (Word or pdf format) of team relay entries
- Print to file (Word or pdf format) of meet fees due
Entries may also be mailed using the Master Entry Form found on the IES website. Fill out the form completely. Age and registration numbers are required. Enter the entry times for all swimmers directly on the form. Complete and send with the attached Entry Fee Tabulation Form.
** Please include the name, phone number, and email of a contact person for entry questions.
Payment must be received by April 14, 2011 for entries to be considered official
DATABASE:The USA Swimming SWIMS database requires that ALL swimmer data be correct before any meet data (swimmer times) will be loaded into the USA Swimming database. If one knows of any swimmer’s data that is NOT correct in the meet database please notify the meet referee as soon as possible – Ron McGregor, . The appropriate changes will be made. The data will be sent to USA Swimming within 3 days of the meet.
ENTRY FEES:An entry fee of $3.00 per individual event per swimmer, $12.00 per relay plus a $10.00 surcharge per swimmer must be paid with entries. Teams should submit one check made payable toSWAT. Entries will not be accepted until fees are received.
DEADLINE:Entries must be received no later than April6, 2011. In order forInland Empire teams to be prioritized over non-Inland Empire teams, their entries must be received by March 31, 2011. If you have any questions concerning your entries, please contact Cindy Merrick at (509) 998-0616, or at .
PENALITES: If a swimmer DQs in one of the pentathlon events, he/she will still be eligible for the pentathlon award, but a 10 second penalty will be added to the obtained time when calculating that swimmer’s total time for the five events of the day. If a swimmer swims a stroke other than the one listed in the event description for that event, he will be given the slowest swimmer’s time in that event plus a 10 second penalty.
AWARDS:Each day of the meet will be a separate pentathlon followed with a Podium Awards Ceremony. Pentathlon medals will be presented at the end of the meet on Friday. Pentathlon medals will be presented after each session on Saturday and at the end of Session #5 on Sunday. Each day is a separate pentathlon and medals will be awarded to those swimmers placing 1st through 6th by lowest total time for the five pentathlon events for that day. To be eligible for the Pentathlon awards a swimmer must swim all five individual events on that particular day. Swimmers placing 1st through 6th in individual events will receive individual ribbons, whether they are eligible for the pentathlon award or not. Relays placing 1st through 3rd will be awarded ribbons. Team scores will not be recorded.
OFFICIALS: Meet Directors: Frank Christoff (509) 465-1558
Art Shervin, (509)869-8699
Meet Referee: Ron McGregor,
Head Starters: Teri Madill,Jack Beck
Stroke and Turn: Robert Bumann, Bill Brown,DougLydig, John Wolf, Emma Wolf, Art Sherven, Frank Christoff, Harm-Jan Steenhuis, Kent Merrick
Volunteer Coordinator:Kendra Edlin.
Visiting officials are welcome and SWAT would appreciate the assistance of IES officials from participating clubs. Please bring current certification and USA Swimming registration cards,which will be checked by the Meet Referee before deck assignments are made. Background checks must be completed prior to this meet. Please note times of scheduled officials meetings.
TIMING:SWAT will do its best to provide timers for the meet but the help from the parents of swimmers from visiting teams may be needed and will be greatly appreciated.
COURSE:All 8 & under swimmerswill be required to report to the Clerk of Course Area” for all 25 yard events. The Clerk of Course area is located at the turn end of the pool. Such swimmers must report to the Clerk of Course at least five (5) minutes before their scheduled events.
Parents & Coaches –please keep track of the events as they are swum.
CONCESSIONS:Concessions will be available in the lobby of the pool during the meet. Note: Concessions may be somewhat limited on Friday night.
MISC.:Swim Shop NW will have apparel and gear for sale during the meet in the pool lobby.
DIRECTIONS: From I-90: Take Exit #281, Division Street. Go North thru Downtown Spokane and across the bridge over the Spokane River. Division veers to the right and becomes Ruby Street. Continue traveling North on Ruby Street through the intersections of Sharp, Mission, Indiana, Montgomery & Foothills Drive. Ruby Street then turns back into Division Street. Continue North on Division Street thru the intersections of Bridgeport, Garland/Empire, Wellesley (Northtown Shopping Center), Queen, Rowan, Central, Francis, Lyons, Cozza, Lincoln and Magnesium Rd. Division Street will then split into Hwy 395, with Division St. to the left and Hwy 2 (Newport Hwy.) to the right. Stay in the Left two (2) Lanes to continue on Division Street (Hwy 395). Go straight thru the light at Country Homes Blvd. The next light will be Hawthorne Road. Turn Left at Hawthorne Road. Continue traveling on Hawthorne Road and thru the light at Whitworth Drive. You will then pass the Whitworth College main entrance on your right. The next road to the right is College Road. Turn Right onto College Road. Follow this road, pass the Football Field to your left, and take the first left past the Football Field. There are two large parking areas on your right and two buildings straight ahead. The Aquatic Center is the building on the right. There is additional parking along the East side of the pool between the pool and the tennis courts. Parking is also available on the south side of Hawthorne Road between Whitworth Drive and College Road if no parking is available near the pool.
NORTHERN SPOKANE / Closest to Whitworth/Pool / DOWNTOWN AREARamada Inn / (800) 210-8975 / RamadaInnCityCenter / (800) 210-8465
9601 Newport Hwy. / (509) 468-4201 / 123 Post / (509) 838-8504
Apple Tree Inn / (509) 466-3020 / Holiday Inn Express / (509) 328-8505
9508 N. Division / 801 N. Division
Quality Inn Oakwood / (509) 467-4900 / Red Lion River Inn / (509) 326-5577
7919 N. Division / 700 N. Division
Comfort Inn / (509) 467-7111
7111 N. Division
7 Miles WEST OF SPOKANE / Red Lion Inn At The Park / (800) 325-4000
Super 8 / (888) 288-1878 / 303 W. North River Drive / (509) 326-8000
12003 West Westbow Rd. / (509) 838-8800 / Quality Inn / (509) 838-6101
I-90 Exit 272 / 110 E. 4th Ave
SESSION #1 / Event # / Friday events cont…
FRIDAY, April 15, 2011 / 10 / Women / 13-14 / 50 Back
Warm-ups @ 5:00 PM / 11 / Men / 13-14 / 50 Back
Events begin @ 6:00 PM / 12 / Women / 15&O / 50 Back
Event # / Women/Men / Age / Description / 13 / Men / 15&O / 50 Back
1 / Women / 13-14 / 100 IM / 14 / Men / 9-12 / 500 Free
2 / Men / 13-14 / 100 IM / 15 / Women / 13-14 / 50 Breast
3 / Women / 15 & Over / 100 IM / 16 / Men / 13-14 / 50 Breast
4 / Men / 15 & Over / 100 IM / 17 / Women / 15&O / 50 Breast
5 / Women / 9-12 / 500 Free / 18 / Men / 15&O / 50 Breast
6 / Women / 13-14 / 50 Fly / 19 / Women / 13-14 / 50 Free
7 / Men / 13-14 / 50 Fly / 20 / Men / 13-14 / 50 Free
8 / Women / 15&O / 50 Fly / 21 / Women / 15&O / 50 Free
9 / Men / 15&O / 50 Fly / 22 / Men / 15&O / 50 Free
SATURDAY, April 16, 2011 / SATURDAY, April 16, 2011
Warm-ups 8:00-8:45 / Warm-ups immediately after end of Session #2
Events begin at 9:00 / Events begin one hour after end of Session #2
Event # / Women/Men / Age / Description / Event # / Women/Men / Age / Description
23 / Men / 11 - 12 / 100 IM / 49 / Women / 8 & Under / 100 IM
24 / Women / 13 - 14 / 200 IM / 50 / Men / 8 & Under / 100 IM
25 / Men / 13 - 14 / 200 IM / 51 / Women / 9 - 10 / 100 IM
26 / Women / 15 & Over / 200 IM / 52 / Men / 9 - 10 / 100 IM
27 / Men / 15 & Over / 200 IM / 53 / Women / 11 - 12 / 100 IM
28 / Men / 11 - 12 / 50 Fly / 54 / Women / 8 & Under / 25 Fly
29 / Women / 13 - 14 / 100 Fly / 55 / Men / 8 & Under / 25 Fly
30 / Men / 13 - 14 / 100 Fly / 56 / Women / 9 - 10 / 50 Fly
31 / Women / 15 & Over / 100 Fly / 57 / Men / 9 - 10 / 50 Fly
32 / Men / 15 & Over / 100 Fly / 58 / Women / 11 - 12 / 50 Fly
33 / Men / 11 - 12 / 50 Back / 59 / Women / 8 & Under / 25 Back
34 / Women / 13 - 14 / 100 Back / 60 / Men / 8 & Under / 25 Back
35 / Men / 13 - 14 / 100 Back / 61 / Women / 9 - 10 / 50 Back
36 / Women / 15 & Over / 100 Back / 62 / Men / 9 - 10 / 50 Back
37 / Men / 15 & Over / 100 Back / 63 / Women / 11 - 12 / 50 Back
38 / Men / 11 - 12 / 50 Breast / 64 / Women / 8 & Under / 25 Breast
39 / Women / 13 - 14 / 100 Breast / 65 / Men / 8 & Under / 25 Breast
40 / Men / 13 - 14 / 100 Breast / 66 / Women / 9 - 10 / 50 Breast
41 / Women / 15 & Over / 100 Breast / 67 / Men / 9 - 10 / 50 Breast
42 / Men / 15 & Over / 100 Breast / 68 / Women / 11 - 12 / 50 Breast
43 / Men / 11 - 12 / 50 Free / 69 / Women / 8 & Under / 25 Free
44 / Women / 13 - 14 / 100 Free / 70 / Men / 8 & Under / 25 Free
45 / Men / 13 - 14 / 100 Free / 71 / Women / 9 - 10 / 50 Free
46 / Women / 15 & Over / 100 Free / 72 / Men / 9 - 10 / 50 Free
47 / Men / 15 & Over / 100 Free / 73 / Women / 11 - 12 / 50 Free
48 / Mixed / 11 & Over / 200 Medley Relay / 74 / Mixed / 12 & Under / 200 Medley Relay
SUNDAY, April 17, 2011 / SUNDAY, April 17, 2011
Warm-Ups 13 & Over 7:30-8:15, 12 & Unders 8:15-8:45 / Events will begin 30minutes after end of session #4
Events begin at 9:00
Event # / Women/Men / Age / Description / Event # / Women/Men / Age / Description
75 / Women / 8 & Under / 50 Free / 98 / Women / 8 & Under / 50 Breast
76 / Men / 8 & Under / 50 Free / 99 / Men / 8 & Under / 50 Breast
77 / Women / 9-10 / 200 IM / 100 / Women / 9-10 / 100 Breast
78 / Men / 9-10 / 200 IM / 101 / Men / 9-10 / 100 Breast
79 / Women / 11-12 / 200 IM / 102 / Women / 11-12 / 100 Breast
80 / Men / 11-12 / 200 IM / 103 / Men / 11-12 / 100 Breast
81 / Women / 13-14 / 400 IM / 104 / Women / 13-14 / 200 Breast
82 / Men / 13-14 / 400 IM / 105 / Men / 13-14 / 200 Breast
83 / Women / 15 & Over / 400 IM / 106 / Women / 15 & Over / 200 Breast
84 / Men / 15 & Over / 400 IM / 107 / Men / 15 & Over / 200 Breast
85 / Women / 8 & Under / 50 Back / 108 / Women / 8 & Under / 50 Fly
86 / Men / 8 & Under / 50 Back / 109 / Men / 8 & Under / 50 Fly
87 / Women / 9-10 / 100 Back / 110 / Women / 9-10 / 100 Fly
88 / Men / 9-10 / 100 Back / 111 / Men / 9-10 / 100 Fly
89 / Women / 11-12 / 100 Back / 112 / Women / 11-12 / 100 Fly
90 / Men / 11-12 / 100 Back / 113 / Men / 11-12 / 100 Fly
91 / Women / 13-14 / 200 Back / 114 / Women / 13-14 / 200 Fly
92 / Men / 13-14 / 200 Back / 115 / Men / 13-14 / 200 Fly
93 / Women / 15 & Over / 200 Back / 116 / Women / 15 & Over / 200 Fly
94 / Men / 15 & Over / 200 Back / 117 / Men / 15 & Over / 200 Fly
95 / Mixed / 10 & Under / 200 Free Relay / 118 / Women / 8 & Under / 100 Free
96 / Mixed / 11-12 / 200 Free Relay / 119 / Men / 8 & Under / 100 Free
97 / Mixed / 13 & Over / 200 Free Relay / 120 / Women / 9-10 / 100 Free
121 / Men / 9-10 / 100 Free
122 / Women / 11-12 / 100 Free
123 / Men / 11-12 / 100 Free
124 / Women / 13-14 / 200 Free
125 / Men / 13-14 / 200 Free
126 / Women / 15 & Over / 200 Free
127 / Men / 15 & Over / 200 Free
Whitworth University, Spokane, WA
April 15 – 17, 2011
Team: ______
Address: ______
Phone: ______
Entries prepared by: ______
Surcharge # Swimmers ______x $10.00=$ ______
Individual events# Ind. Events ______x $3.00=$ ______
Relays# Relays ______x $12.00=$ ______
TOTAL ------$______
Make checks payable to: SWAT
Mail entries and payment to:
Spokane Waves Triple Pentathlon
9614 E. Greenbluff Road
Colbert, WA 99005
Attn: Cindy Merrick
Please waive signature for delivery