-Isms mini debate

Big Picture Question: How did the ideologies of conservatism, liberalism, socialism and Nationalism influence the events of 1815-1848?

The Situation

The year is 1850. In a slightly unrealistic historical situation, several people, espousing different ideologies and from all classes of society, meet together to discuss the revolutions that have just happened and share their views on the state of Europe, Europe’s history and Europe’s future.


1. You will be assigned one of these –isms. Have your class work and homework out to support you in your review:

  • Conservatism
  • Nationalism
  • Liberalism
  • Socialism

2. List 3-4 GROUPS of people who might support your –ism – for example: “monarchs” or “businessmen” or “factory workers” AND some events related to your –ism. (bullet points) For some ideas, look at your political spectrum chart.

3. Brainstorm in writing a response to 2 of the questions below.

The debate questions these esteemed people will be discussing

What is the best way or tactic to push for reforms?

Does liberalism offer the best, most sensible path toward reform?

Are socialism and communism dangerous extremist movements?

Can conservatives and defenders of tradition contribute to the well-being of Europe?

Why did the 1848 Revolutions fail? What could have been done differently?

Which of the ideologies poses the greatest threat to the well-being of Europe?

Rules for debate

1. Ms. Greenberg will initiate the questions for debate and call on people, but otherwise will stay out of the debate.

2. To earn the 2 participation points for today, you will have to contribute 1 time. If you contribute MORE than one time you can earn up to 5 points (3 points extra credit) – an extra point for each contribution.

2. The goal of this debate is to

1) AP Euro argumentation skills ofconnecting details to the big picture: the learning goal is to provide evidenceand analysis to answer the big picture question. The smaller debate questions are to get us thinking about that overall goal. This is what you do in your LEQ writing too!

2) Understand and review the events and ideas of this unit.

2) Have a lively yet polite discussion with your peers.