Dear Parent/Guardian,

On Tuesday, December 9th, Eastern Passage Educational Centre will bring our grade 8 students to the Nova ScotiaArtGallery and the Discovery Centre for an understanding of Cultural Identity and as per our social studies curriculum outcomes and a closer understanding of how cells function as per our science curriculum outcomes. Cost for the event is $8.00 per student; busses are paid for by EPEC. If you are interested in being a chaperone for this event, please complete the permission form below and check the appropriate box (to chaperone we must have a valid Police Record Checks and Child Abuse Registry on file)

Outcomes for Social Studies & Science:see reverse of this notice

Event details:

Students will board the bus at EPEC at approximately 9:10 am.

Students will arrive at the NS Art Gallery at approximately 9:55 am.

Our students will be divided into 4 groups viewing and learning about the following aspects during their tour: Collective Remembrance Propaganda Posters from the Great War, the MaudLewisGallery, Northern Exposure and 4th Wall: Justice, Art & Youth. Students will have lunch on site.

Students will board the bus at the ArtGallery to then go to the Discovery Centre for 1 pm.

Students will be given an educational workshop entitled All is Cells That Ends Cells.

Students will board the bus at 2:20 pm to return to EPEC for dismissal. This should provide enough time to leave a 10 minute gap in case of traffic.

What should your child bring?

•If your child has a phone, please allow them to bring it; remind them of appropriate usage.

•You child should bring their own lunch. Please try and provide a bagged lunch that does not involve a microwavable item. Bottle water or a drink is good to have as well.

•There is no place to buy a lunch and it will be important for your child/ward to bring something to eat.

•No money is necessary on this trip as there will not be time to visit the gift shop.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ms. Chisholm:

Thank you in advance for your support!

Mr. Crowell & Ms. Chisholm


I ______give ______permission to attend the NS Art Gallery and the Discovery Centre and acknowledge that the trip is $8.00 to cover the guided information package.

Health Card #: ______

Immediate contact number for Tuesday, December 9th


I would like to chaperone.

Outcomes for Social Studies:

8. 1.1 investigate how artistic and literary expression reflects the following aspects of Canadian Identity: landscape, climate, history, people, citizenship and related challenges and opportunities

8.2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the basic features of Canada’s landscape and climate

8.2.2 Analyze the effects of selected geographic factors on Canadian identity

8.3.3 Analyze the effect of WWII on Canada and her people

8.6.1 Portray their understanding of Canadian identity

Outcomes for Science:

D1 Illustrate and explain that the cell is a living system that exhibits the following characteristics of life

D2 Distinguish between plant and animal cells and use microscopes or microviewers to produce a clear image of cells

D3 Using an operational question, explain that growth and reproduction depend on cell division

D4 Distinguish and evaluate between ideas used in the past and theories used today to explain how cells and organs work

D5 Relate the needs and functions of various cells and organs to the needs and functions of the human organism as a whole

D6 Explain structural and functional relationships between and among cells, tissues, organs, and systems in the human body