Airline Terminal - Restaurant

Thursday, December 18, 2003, 5:00 p.m.

Call to Order by the Chair

Chair Jon Morris called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m.

Invocation: GACRAA Board member Pat Bainter delivered the invocation.

Pledge of Allegiance: Chair Morris led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Authority Members Present at Roll Call: Pat Bainter, Billy Brashear, C.B. Daniel, Jim Gallagher, Jon Morris, Jim Stringfellow, Bob Todd, and Marilyn Tubb were present. Janice Honeyman-Buck was excused.

Determination of a Quorum It was determined that a quorum had been reached.

Approval of Meeting Highlights for November 20, 2003

Mr. Daniel moved to approve the meeting highlights of November 20, 2003. Mrs. Tubb seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Adoption of the Agenda

Mrs. Tubb moved to adopt the agenda. Mr. Todd seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Citizens Input – Non-Agenda Items

Mr. John Barber, representing the Gainesville Pilots Association (GPA), announced that the organization has scheduled a meeting on January 15, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. at Ryan’s Steakhouse; any persons interested in joining GPA are welcomed to attend.

Mr. Mac McEachern, citizen, praised airport staff for the Centennial of Flight Celebration held in the passenger terminal on December 17, 2003.

Airport Authority Input – Non-Agenda Items

Ms. Tubb echoed Mr. McEachern’s comments regarding the Centennial of Flight Celebration. Dr. Morris agreed that the event was well attended.

Consent Agenda

Archery Range License Extension

An extension to the agreement between GACRAA and the City of Gainesville for the use of airport lands as an archery range was approved with the adoption of the agenda. The extension is for three (3) months; the expiration date of 12/31/03 is extended through 3/31/04.

Airport Business:

Information Items:

Mr. Crider reported that FedEx is still interested in the Gator Air building and a meeting will be scheduled to discuss the conceptual plans prepared by Reynolds, Smith & Hills, the airport’s planning consultant.

Mr. Crider commended Mrs. Elaine Funk, Public Relations Specialist, for her leadership of the team which implemented the Centennial of Flight Celebration.

Mr. Dexter Jones, R.W. Armstrong, Inc., provided an update on the Runway 10-28 Rehabilitation project. He reported that he conducted a coordination meeting on December 18 with airport staff. He stated that the design drawings would be completed by the end of December, 2003. He stated that a meeting would soon be scheduled with the FAA to review the completed plans. The estimated time line is as follows:

Q  End of December – Complete design and specifications

Q  Early January – Advertise

Q  Mid-February – Accept bids

Q  End of February – Award contract

Q  Mid-to-late April – Construction takes place over a seven (7) to ten (10) day period.

Mr. Crider reported that a meeting was conducted on December 15 by Jeff Breeden, Reynolds, Smith & Hills, to review the conceptual design for the terminal renovation.

Mr. Crider reported that two proposals were received in response to the Request for Proposals for a Food / Beverage / News & Gift Concession, RFP 04-001. The proposals will be evaluated and considered by the Air Service, Business Development and Marketing Committee.

Mr. Crider reported that staff is working with the City of Gainesville to work out the details of a new agreement covering the Police, ARFF and AFSS.

Mr. Jeff Breeden reported that the 2nd Working Paper for the Master Plan Update should be completed in January and will be presented at meetings with the Technical Advisory Committee and Policy Advisory Committee.

Mr. Crider reported that approval was granted by the FAA for a change order for approximately $14,000 to complete the gate controller project. This change order will pay for the relocation of modems and communications devices currently outdoors to inside building, which will protect them from lightning damage.

Mr. Bainter, Air Service Development Liaison, reported that he and Rick Crider traveled to Minneapolis to meet with representatives of Northwest Airlines on December 16. He stated that Northwest Airlines was interested in operating two daily jet flights to Northwest’s hub in Memphis from Gainesville Regional Airport. He reported that another meeting would be held in January to exchange information and discuss this proposal.

Mr. Bainter reported that the most recent request for information from Continental Airlines was answered earlier in the day. Another meeting will be held with Continental Airlines in January.

Mr. Crider reported that he corresponded with American Eagle since the last Board meeting. He stated that he reiterated GACRAA's interest in continuing the pursuit of service to Miami and suggested setting a meeting date for early January.

Dr. Morris suggested that January and February may be busy months in terms of Air Service Development and cautioned that a special meeting may be needed in late January or early February to consider air service proposals.

Finance Report

Mr. Gordon Rowell, CFO, provided a report of the GACRAA budget and actual revenues and expenditures through October 31, 2003, the first month of the fiscal year. He stated that October expenses are slightly skewed due to there being three payroll dates in that month. He stated that October revenue exceeded budgeted revenue by approximately $19 thousand and annual expenses are approximately $27 thousand over budget. The expenses over budget are attributed primarily to the third payroll.

Mr. Rowell reviewed the highlights of the October statements. He noted that both airlines are experiencing higher load factors in Gainesville when compared to their system wide load factors.

Resolution 04-002 – Amendment No. 1 to University Air Center (UAC) Lease Agreement

Mr. Crider reported that Amendment No. 1 to the UAC Lease Agreement will accomplish two (2) things. First, it will extend by thirty-seven (37) days the completion dates by which UAC needs to complete construction of the maintenance hangar and the installation of the self-service fueling system. This extension is recommended because permitting for these facilities could not begin until the leasehold survey was provided to UAC and the survey was not provided until June 4, 2003, thirty-seven (37) days after UAC took possession of the leasehold. The amended dates for completion of the aforementioned UAC improvements are: June 7, 2004 for the self-service fueling island and December 8, 2004 for the maintenance hangar.

Second, the final site selection for the new self-service fueling dispenser necessitates an amended Leased Premises Exhibit 2, and corresponding reduction in square feet leased.

Mrs. Tubb moved to adopt Resolution 04-002, approving Amendment No. 1 to the Lease Agreement between GACRAA and UAC and authorizing its execution by the Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Bainter seconded the motion. A roll call vote followed: Mr. Stringfellow – aye, Dr. Gallagher – aye, Mr. Daniel – aye, Dr. Brashear – aye, Mr. Bainter – aye, Mrs. Tubb – aye, Mr. Todd – aye, and Dr. Morris – aye. Motion passed 8-0.

Resolution 04-003 – Amendment No. 3 to Delta Connection / ASA Airport Agreement

Mr. Crider reported that Amendment No. 3 to the Airport Agreement between GACRAA and Atlantic Southeast Airlines (ASA) redefines ASA’s Exclusive Use and Non-Exclusive Use areas of the terminal and provides for a recalculation of the fixed and variable rental rates based on the redefined areas. The described areas were updated in the lease amendment to reflect the areas currently occupied by ASA. Additionally, Mr. Crider stated that ASA requested that GACRAA waive the requirement for a Rental and Security Deposit, provided that ASA does not fall in arrears of more than sixty (60) days for any payments due to GACRAA under the Airport Agreement.

Mrs. Tubb moved to adopt Resolution 04-003, approving Amendment No. 3 to the Agreement between GACRAA and ASA and authorizing its execution by the Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Stringfellow seconded the motion. A roll call vote followed: Dr. Gallagher – aye, Mr. Daniel – aye, Dr. Brashear – aye, Mr. Bainter – aye, Mrs. Tubb – aye, Mr. Todd – aye, Mr. Stringfellow – aye, and Dr. Morris – aye. Motion passed 8-0.

Resolution 04-004 – Amendment No. 1 to Federal Express Corporation Lease and Use Agreement

Mr. Crider reported that the current lease with Federal Express Corporation expires January 31, 2004. Amendment No. 1 will extend the lease for a five (5) year period, February 1, 2004 – January 31, 2009. Mr. Crider reported that the Fixed Rental rate will increase by five (5%) and the Additional Rent shall be deleted due to full payment for improvements completed by GACRAA for Federal Express Corporation.

Mr. Bainter moved to adopt Resolution 04-004, approving the Amendment to the Agreement between GACRAA and Federal Express Corporation and authorizing its execution by the Chief Executive Officer. Mrs. Tubb seconded the motion. A roll call vote followed: Dr. Brashear – aye, Mr. Bainter – aye, Mrs. Tubb – aye, Mr. Todd – aye, Mr. Stringfellow – aye, Dr. Gallagher – aye, and Dr. Morris – aye. Motion passed 7-0. (Staff inadvertently skipped Mr. Daniel during roll call.)

Financial Services Consulting Request for Qualifications

Mr. Crider reported that two (2) Passenger Facility Charge applications recently have historically been submitted and approved by the FAA; in both cases a sub-consultant assisted GACRAA with the application process. Staff recommends issuance of a Request for Qualifications for firms interested in providing financial services, evaluation of those statements, and execution of an agreement for a three-year period. Once an agreement for professional financial services is in place, task orders would be issued as needs arise for specific consulting work.

Mr. Bainter moved to direct the Chief Executive Officer to develop a Request for Qualifications and solicit interested firms, evaluate statements of qualifications received, present a ranking of responses to the Finance and Operations Committee, and bring a recommendation back to the full Board for consideration of a new contract with a firm to provide professional financial consulting services over a three-year period. Mr. Stringfellow seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

The Gainesville - Alachua County Regional Airport Authority Monthly Meeting was recessed for a Public Hearing.

Public Hearing – Petition No. 147WPP-03DB – University Air Center Hangar and Fuel Site

The Public Hearing was called to order by Chair Morris.

Mr. Crider reported that University Air Center has the obligation to construct two major improvements, a maintenance hangar and a self-service fueling facility, on their leasehold. He stated that UAC has begun the permitting process and has reached the point where their plans need to be endorsed by GACRAA. With GACRAA's approval of the plans, the permitting procedure can advance within the City of Gainesville process. Mr. Crider noted that Mr. Allan Penksa, Director Facilities and Maintenance, has worked closely with UAC personnel during the site selection and permitting process.

Dr. Michael Lukowski, University Air Center president, presented the plans for the maintenance hangar and self-service fueling facility. Dr. Lukowski reported that he was optimistic that construction of the hangar would begin in February 2004. Dr. Lukowski displayed a site plan showing the planned locations of the maintenance hangar and self-service fueling island.

Mr. Stringfellow departed at 5:56 p.m. A quorum was still present to conduct business.

Mrs. Tubb moved to approve the application and plans described in Petition No. 147WPP-03DB. Mr. Daniel seconded the motion.

Members of the public were invited to comment on Petition No. 147WPP-03DB.

Mr. John Barber, citizen, noted that the plans did not include a wash rack for aircraft, and suggested that GACRAA provide funding for a wash rack.

There being no further public comments, Chair Morris closed the Public Hearing and called for a vote on the motion. A roll call vote followed: Mr. Bainter – aye, Mrs. Tubb – aye, Mr. Todd – aye, Mr. Dr. Gallagher – aye, Mr. Daniel – aye, Dr. Brashear – aye, and Dr. Morris – aye.
Motion passed 7-0.

The Gainesville - Alachua County Regional Airport Authority Monthly Meeting resumed.

Tenant Reports - None

Airport Authority Attendance – No Issues


There being no further business Chair Morris adjourned the meeting at 6:02 p.m.

GACRAA Monthly Meeting


Jon Morris, Chair Date


T. James Gallagher, Secretary/Treasurer Date