Delegated Authority and Purpose / This is a meeting of internal and external examiners, responsible on behalf of Senate and Academic Standards Committee for considering student progression and attainment in accordance with the University’s assessment regulations and to confer awards of the University, and where appropriate of other awarding bodies, upon those who have fulfilled the learning outcomes of an approved programme of study and achieved the standards required for an award.Main responsibilities /
- To consider whether students have passed all of the requirementsof their programme of study and have achieved a standard that accords with a consistent national standard of awards.
- To apply the assessment regulations in the light of the University requirements and to ensure fairness and parity to students.
- To consider the students’ overall profile in accordance with the standard assessment regulations, agree progression, awards or reassessment and be responsible for the agreement of award outcomes to be conferred by the Board.
- To confirm unit marks, including any exceptional adjustment of marks undertaken by the Board in the light of discussion on moderation or mitigation affecting whole unit cohorts.
- To receive outcomes from the Exceptional Circumstance Board on the validity, severity and timing of individual students’ circumstances and to consider the mitigating circumstance in light of the individual student profile.
- To note outcomes of any Academic Offences decisions and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and UK Credit Transfer (to include all stage RPL e.g. Exempt 4 & 5 level for Top-Ups).
- To consider whether a student has satisfied any additional requirements as specified for awards including placements and other requirements for professional recognition or accreditation for employment or practice.
- To consider any matters raised by External Examiners.
- To refer actions and issues affecting quality and standards to Faculty Academic Standards Committee (FASC) (as appropriate).
- To confer on behalf of Senate awards of taughtdegrees
Duration / Permanent
Chair / Faculty Dean (or nominee)
Deputy Chair / None
Management and Support / Faculty/Partner Administrative staff , arranged by the relevant Faculty/Partner
Membership / Dean or nominee (Chair),
Deputy Dean (or equivalent) (Ex-officio),
Associate Dean(s) (or equivalent),
Programme Leaders,
External Examiner(s)(as appropriate),
Unit Leaders(or representative) or other staff with overall responsibility for the assessment of the major subject components (such responsibility to be defined by the Chair),
Programme Support Officer (Secretary)
Independent Member (where required) drawn from the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Group
Quorum / Dean or nominee (Chair),
Programme Leaders
External Examiner(s)(as appropriate),
Unit Leaders(or representative) or other staff with overall responsibility for the assessment of the major subject components (such responsibility to be defined by the Chair),
Programme Support Officer (Secretary)
Usual Number of Meetings / Minimum of 1 per year
Reporting Line / By exception to Academic Standards Committee
Minutes / Part 1 and a confidential Part 2 are saved in the appropriate Faculty folder at the Assessments SharePoint site
Sub-committees / Preparatory Board
Policy and Committees use only:
Final approval by: / Version number:Approval date: / Notes:
Date of last review / Due for review:
6K -Assessment Boards: Policy and Procedure