Tel: 01270 874237

26th February 2016

RE: - Choir Young Voices Final Arrangements

It seemed such a long way off and now its next week!!! The Young Voices concert is on WEDNESDAY 2nd MARCH 2016. The staff accompanying the children on the trip are Mrs Gohr, Mrs Dodd, Miss Halliwell and myself.

The children will leave school just after an early lunch in full school uniform. I would recommend that they have a hot school dinner as it is a long day and they won’t have a break until approximately 5.30pm. The choir need to bring with them a fully disposable packed lunch with at least two non-fizzy drinks (preferably re-sealable). They need to also have a small snack and a drink for on the way home as I usually find they are thirsty on the coach. The coach will arrive back at Pikemere School at approximately 11pm depending on traffic. All children must return on the coach. We will send a text message to advise of an approximate arrival time back at school. We leave the arena at the very end so you will have plenty of time to get back to school.

Tickets will be issued to those families who ordered them today. I will keep the white T Shirts and distribute them on the day. However, the children who did not order a T Shirt need to remember to bring either a previous years T Shirt or a Plain white (no logo) T shirt with them. I will remind those children at tonight’s rehearsal. Please do not send money, phones, cameras or any valuable items with your child. Any medication should be passed to Mrs Kowalska in the morning with full written instructions.

The choir may also bring a tin or packet of food to donate to the homeless in Manchester.

Please can any parents accompanying us on the coach be at school no later than 12.15pm on Wednesday. The concert starts at 7pm. Doors usually open at approx. 6.00pm. Parents are in Block 104 and the Choir are in Block 115. We are quite low down so you may even be able to walk across and actually see us if you are there early enough. We recommend parents wear a bright colour or wave something so your child can see you.

Please ensure you have paid for your child’s place on the coach by Monday. This is on Parentmail under School Shop.

As next week will be a busy week for your child, I will let them have a night off next Friday and restart Choir on FRIDAY 11th MARCH 2016.

I hope that those of you who are able to attend the concert have a wonderful time. Thank you to everyone for your continued support.

Mrs Kowalska

Choir Leader

Headteacher: Mrs S L Gohr