Rules Lesson Plan

Location 1: School Grounds
(paste from Expectation/Rules Chart) / Positive Example: / Non-example:
EXAMPLE: Keep hands to yourself / Hands by side, in pockets, or behind back / Touching the walls or bulletin boards
Respect school property by leaving it in its original condition/Pick up trash and place it in the proper receptacle / Picking up trash and throwing it away / Dropping trash on the floor
Follow adult directions the first time given / Listening to an adult after being told to go to class / Going to class after receiving several requests from an adult
Speak with others in a pleasant tone and controlled voice level / Conversation level is only heard between the two people talking / Conversation level is loud enough for everyone to hear

Resources used to teach this Lesson Plan (2-3 resources with specific websites, curriculum, programs, etc.):

  1. Video: School Grounds

Specific steps of Lesson Plan (3-5 sentences. Include lesson format, activities, and details to replicate):

  1. Show the Video: School Grounds
  2. As a class, discuss contents of video.
  3. Begin by modeling some of the examples and non-examples of moving around the campus with a purpose.
Examples / Non-examples
Walk to classes, lunch or other parts of the school / Running on campus
Report problems promptly to nearest adult / Fighting or bullying others
Board buses promptly and safely / Standing around the buses
Keep hands and feet to yourself / Pushing and shoving others
Use appropriate language / Using inappropriate language
Dispose of trash properly / Throwing trash on the ground
Show acts of kindness
  1. Have students work in small groups to brainstorm appropriate and inappropriate behaviors on school grounds.
  2. Have students create a poster on how to move around the campus safely.
On August 26rd, every class will watch a student produced video in their First period class to learn school grounds expectations, procedures and routines. In the video, students will view others students moving around the campus safely.Staff will be taught and
Lesson Plan Dates & Times (also document in classroom plans AND master calendar – minimum of 4 dates)
1. August 26, 2016
2.November 3,2016
3. January 19,2016
4. March 30,2017
Who is responsible for teaching the Lesson Plan?
All first period teachers.

Rules Lesson Plan

Location 2: Hallways
(paste from Expectation/Rules Chart all rules under this location) / Positive Example: / Non-example:
EXAMPLE: Keep hands to yourself / Hands by side, in pockets, or behind back / Touching the walls or bulletin boards
Interact with others in a positive, peaceful, and controlled manner / Using polite language towards teachers and staff / Arguing with directions or taking back to the teacher
Keep your hands to yourself while walking through the halls / Hands by side while walking through hall / Touching hallway bulletin boards while walking through the halls
Comply with all requests made from security and staff in hallways / If the student is given an instruction, the student completes the teacher’s request without argument / Refusing to adhere to the rules and instructions given by the teacher

Resources used to teach this Lesson Plan (2-3 resources with specific websites, curriculum, programs, etc.):

  1. Video: Hallway Expectations


Specific steps of Lesson Plan (3-5 sentences. Include lesson format, activities, and details to replicate):

1. As a class, make a list of what it looks like to be safe in the hallways.
2. Show the Video:SMSH PBIS Video - Hallway Expectations
3. As a class, discuss safe/unsafe behaviors shown in the video.
3. Students will create a poster displaying safe behaviors in the hall.

On August 29th, every class will watch a student produced video in their First period class to learn school hallway expectations, procedures and routines. In the video, students will view others students moving through the hallways safely. Staff will be taught and model specific rules and associated consequences regarding rule breaking in the hallways, in a staff meeting.

Lesson Plan Dates & Times (also document in classroom plans AND master calendar – minimum of 4 dates)
1. August 29,2016
2. November 4,2016
3. January 20,2017
4. March 31,2017
Who is responsible for teaching the Lesson Plan?
All first period teachers.

Rules Lesson Plan

Location 3:Cafeteria
(paste from Expectation/Rules Chart) / Positive Example: / Non-example:
EXAMPLE: Keep hands to yourself / Hands by side, in pockets, or behind back / Touching the walls or bulletin boards
Wait your turn to be served / Waiting your turn in the lunch line / Skipping others in the lunch line
Check the table, floor, and throw away your trash before leaving your lunch table / Leaving lunch tray and trash at the lunch table / Throwing away lunch tray and trash when lunch is over
Receive permission before leaving your lunch table / Getting up with out permission / Raising your hand to leave your lunch table

Resources used to teach this Lesson Plan (2-3 resources with specific websites, curriculum, programs, etc.):

  1. Video: Appropriate Behavior in the Cafeteria

Specific steps of Lesson Plan (3-5 sentences. Include lesson format, activities, and details to replicate):

1. As a class, make a list of what it looks like to be safe in the cafeteria.
2. Show the Video:Appropriate Behavior in the Cafeteria.
3. After viewing the video,the students will make a list of safe/unsafe cafeteria behaviors.
On August 25th, every class will watch a student produced video in their First period class to learn cafeteria expectations, procedures and routines. In the video, students will view others students exhibiting safe and unsafe behavior in the cafeteria. Staff will be taught and model specific rules and associated consequences regarding rule breaking in the hallways, in a staff meeting.Staff will be taught and model specific rules and associated consequences regarding rule breaking in the cafeteria, in staff meeting.
Lesson Plan Dates & Times (also document in classroom plans AND master calendar – minimum of 4 dates)
1. August 30,2016
2. November 7,2016
3.January 23,2017
4. April 3,2017
Who is responsible for teaching the Lesson Plan?
All first period teachers.