“First Church”

Becoming a 1st Century Church in the 21st Century

A monthly newsletter of

First United Lutheran Church of Roseau


According to Wikipedia “The eighth month in the oldRoman calendar, October retained its name (from theLatinôctō meaning "eight") after January and February were inserted into the calendar that had originally been created by the Romans.” This is probably why it isn’t called December (for the tenth month) since all the months were shifted. I call it trick or treat month! All I remember is candy. The FULC family has found a positive way to help the area families celebrate the holiday of spirits. Trunk or treat has been a success in the past. Please remember to tell your neighbors to bring their families over for a hotdog and something sweet.

Something else that is sweet is the work that has been done on the parsonage property. It gave the house an updated look and is ready for the Whites to move in. Thank you all that helped with your backs and wallets. We are looking forward to see them.


Pastor White Update
Pastor David White’s first service will be Sunday, October 8 and an Installation is planned for that Worship Service. A welcome gathering is scheduled for later in the month.

Halloween Event

No “Tricking,” just “Treating” Halloween event at First United - October 31 from 4-7 pm. CANDY donations will be accepted until Sunday, October 29. Halloween Decorations will also be accepted (they will NOT be returned)!! Decorating will take place in the afternoon on October 29. Candy & decorations can be left in the church OFFICE. Thank You!

Men’s Breakfast

First United Lutheran Church is having a monthly Men’s Breakfast on the first Wednesday of the month. Our next one will be on Wednesday October 4 at 7:00 am. This month we are fortunate to have Roger Skime as our guest speaker to tell us about his walk with Christ. Roger has been involved in the snowmobile industry at Arctic Cat for over 55 years and has also built a large cattle ranch in Skime. Through all of Rogers’ life, Christ has been and continues to be a central part of his life. Breakfast is no charge. Have some food and a short devotional to help get your day started. Short enough to get you to work by 8:00 or leave earlier if you need to. If you can stay longer, we will most likely have some additional fellowship. Bring a friend with you. All are welcome to attend.


Our Fall Supper is fast approaching, Sunday, October 15 from 4-7 p.m.We have had an excellent response to our request for pies and workers. Thanks for that! Please don't forget that we also have a silent auction and produce sale in conjunction with the supper. Consider donating any excess garden produce, baked goods, canned goods or items that you wish to donate. These can be dropped off at the church prior to that evening. FULC church family is so generous in supporting theseevents. God Bless you all! Stewardship Committee.

Council Minutes

First United Lutheran Church Council Meeting
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Present: Dewey Hites, Scott Mooney, Rick Peterson, Frank Poell, Penny Erickson, Raynard Lundgren, Connie Johnson, Paula Baumgartner, Dave Johnson, Chuck Eaton

●Opening devotion: Scott

●Secretary’s report: (Dean)

●Last month’s minute’s approval: Ray motioned, Rick seconded. Unanimously passed.

●Pastor’s report / call committee:

●Arrival date is currently October 1 for church on Sunday.

●Treasurer’s report: (Penny)

●Treasurer’s report approval: motioned, seconded. Unanimously passed.

●Checking $42,258.03, savings $12,982.23

●An information sheet will be put together to for people looking to donate stock to the church.

●Legal documents are put up in the church for employees.

●We found the debit card has the same protection as a credit for fraud protection. A credit card will not be applied for.

●Youth: (Paula, Scott Wed Word)

●Confirmation will start shortly after Pastor White gets here.

●Sunday school

▪Will begin on September 17th with a new format.

●Mission trip is being planned for in 2018.

●Youth had fun on trip to the twin cities.

●Kids did great selling concessions at the Gazebo.

●RAYL meeting was at FULC. Karina Fredrickson and Gabe Carlson has started on plans for See You at the Pole (SYATP) event.

●Youth groups meet for the first time September 13.

●A Savings Account will be opened for mission trip fundraising at Citizens State Bank.

●Music: (Frank)

●Bells are starting practice September 12th.

●Property: (Rick)

●Parsonage work

▪Work day was hot and made progress. Work is approximately half completed.

●Pastor White said a computer desk is fine. The desk will re-assessed when he arrives.

●Parsonage flooring installation has started.

●Mission and Outreach: (Penny)

●M&O covered $317 for food from VBS.

●Stewardship (Dewey):

●October 15th will be the meatball supper. Plans are under way. There will be a silent auction.

●Adult Ed: Women will be starting a Bible study this fall.

●Meeting adjourned. Closed with Lord’s Prayer



Youth group is in full swing! 4th-6th graders meet once a month and 7th-12th graders meet every Wednesday.

The 4th-6th graders enjoyed youth group outside on September 13th with games, snacks and a lesson on The Trinity. They will meet next on Wednesday, October 4th after school.

The 7th-12th grade participated in See You at The Pole on Wednesday, September 27th at 7am on the school front lawn. Student leaders lead prayer and music for more than 50 youth and several adults. Thank you to the adults who were there to show their support for our youth. That evening, 17 youth went to the corn maze. We had a great time. Thank you to the volunteers who drove.

Our first RAYL event of the year is October 4th from 7pm-9pm at the Roseau Elementary gym and Roseau pool. Games, prizes and snacks, open to all area 7th-12th graders. Thank you to parents who have volunteered to help out with this event.


Mission & Outreach

Violence Intervention Project; which serves NW Minnesota thanked us for our recent donation to their fundraising event which helped them raise a total of $15,000.

Greater Grand Forks Feed My Starving Children sent us a thank you for our recent donation of $200 which paid for 909 meals; in total they packed 435,456 meals. Along with meals going to the Grand Forks area meals were also sent to Haiti and Namibia.

September 17tha freewill offering was taken during services and was combined with $500 from M&O that will go to the Salvation Army for hurricane disaster relief for Harvey and Irma affecting the Texas and Florida areas.

October 29thShirley Mitterling will share her recent mission experience in Dumantsi, Ukraine.

Thank you,



All of the ladies of our church are a part of WOW and we would like all ladies to know they are welcome to come at anytime. We meet every other month on the second Monday of the month at 6:30. Our meetings are usually at the church and we try to keep them as short as possible, they are usually over by 7:30 or 7:45! We now meet in February, April, and June, then we take the busy summer off and pick up again in September, November and December.

We are currently working with the ladies of the Stewardship committee to get our annual Fall Supper organized. Save the date: October 15th 4pm to 7pm. The call ladies from each of the 4 groups will be calling soon if they haven’t already for workers or contributions! Please consider helping out in anyway you can. There will also be the silent auction and bake sale items upstairs to contribute to and of course to bid on for your enjoyment!

We also do Blessings X2 with the ladies of the Baptist church every month. We take desserts and a couple of workers each month to help serve people of our community a nice meal. They truly appreciate it and it is a wonderful way to serve our community. Gwen Sallberg heads this up so if you want to help in this way just ask her or Doreen Jensen.

We are also planning to do a couple of meals for our new pastor and his wife when they arrive. If there is anything you would like to do for this, you can contact Doreen Jensen.

We will be doing the ‘NO TRICKING, JUST TREATING’ at our church again on Halloween evening. Candy can be donated and a basket should be in the narthex for this shortly. If you want to help at all with this contact, Julie Eaton or Janet Hetteen.

Looking ahead: Operation Christmas Child will be done again this year. I know many of you might already be getting yours ready. The date to have items or your box at the church is November 1st.

We are going to begin a new Bible Study in October. It is called “SEED” It is a short 6-week devotional with a video and 2 books. It is planned to begin on Wednesday, Oct. 18th at 9:30 at the church. Contact Ina Baumgartner or Connie if you are interested or just come! If you can’t make it every Wednesday, come the one’s you can.

Also we would like to thank all of those who went to the nursing home in September to help with bingo and coffee time.


Ina Baumgartner

Sandi Beito

Sound Booth

If you are interested in helping in the Sound Booth, please contact the Church Office. Training is provided.

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

Donations are DUE November 1. There have been changes in what you can pack … the Church website has a link to all the OCC information. Drop-off box & brochures are in the Narthex (boxes are available to fill – contact the office).

Christmas Cantata

2017 Christmas Cantata - Mary Karl will again be conducting a Christmas Musical, accompanied by Ruth Eaton. FULC and Our Redeemers Lutheran Church of Badger have presented this special Christmas musical program for several years at their respective churches. Mary always chooses beautiful music that has both traditional familiar Christmas songs as well as some newer Christmas arrangements.

The first practice will be held at 5:00 PM at Our Redeemers in Badger on Sunday, October 22. There will be no practice on the 29th. Practices will resume on Sunday, November 5, 5 PM, at FULC. The two churches will then alternate Sunday practices until the performance dates. Performance date for FULC is 7 PM, Sunday, December 17. Title of the musical and the date for the performance at Our Redeemers will be announced soon.

FULC musicians are encouraged to share your musical talents to help make this another special celebration of the birth of the Christ Child. Please contact Barb Roseen at 463-2442 (leave message) or e-mail her at if you are able to participate.

Looking Ahead…


  • 10/8-11 – LCMC Annual Gathering
  • 10/15 – Fall Supper at 4 p.m.
  • 10/31 – No “Tricking,” just “Treating” Halloween Event at 4 p.m.


  • 11/5 – Roseau Manor Service at 2 p.m.
  • 11/6 – Church Council
  • 11/19 – Community Thanksgiving Service
  • 11/23 - Thanksgiving

Things of Interest (FYI)…

  • Need Sunshine? If you know of somebody who could use some SUNSHINE, please call Carol Poell at 463-2024 or 242-4655 or contact Connie at the church.
  • ALL Committees & Groups are encouraged to submit their information for the Church Newsletter. Email to the office by the 30th of the month(for the next month’s newsletter).
  • Men’s JAG… Tuesday’s at 6:30 a.m. – at the church.

Thought of the Day

Jesus is a friend who knows all your faults and still loves you anyway.

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