Distinguished Moose Biologist Award Nomination Form

Please use this form to complete the nomination and return to Dr. Art Rodgers at the address below. Please do not attach a C.V. as a substitute. It is not expected that every nominee will score significantly in each criteria. The sum total of a nominee’s contribution to our understanding and management of moose will be considered.

1.  Name of Nominee.

2.  Academic Credentials and Positions Held. List any university degrees held by the nominee and current and past positions related to moose research or management and tenure at each position. Include state/province/nation as necessary to identify a nominee’s geographic locale.

3.  Field Experience. Describe any field level experience related to moose research or management (conducting population surveys, field research projects, habitat management, etc).

4.  Administrative Experience. Describe any administrative experience and accomplishments relative to moose (establishing surveys, hunting season and harvest quota administration, moose management plans, forestry-moose habitat planning, legislative work, etc).

5.  Research Experience. Describe any moose related research projects, interests and accomplishments including, as appropriate, teaching accomplishments such as student thesis supervision, etc).

6.  Published Moose Related Papers. List in citation form publications on moose or related to moose in peer-reviewed journals and published books or chapters.

7.  Agency or Other Official Reports. List in citation form publically available moose related reports, planning documents, management plans, etc that the nominee authored or contributed towards for an agency.

8.  Popular Media. List or describe popular articles, public presentations or use of other media to engage and reach out to the public on moose or moose related topics.

9.  Involvement and participation in the North American Moose Conference and Workshop and/or the International Moose Conference. (Describe assistance with organizing, hosting, fundraising, attendance and participation in past conferences).

10.  Editing and reviewing papers submitted to Alces. Describe current and past involvement as an editor, associate editor or reviewer for Alces.

11.  Other. Describe any other relevant information for this nominee not provided above.

12.  Summary. Summarize how this person has made a significant difference in our understanding and management of moose either locally, nationally or internationally and explain why you feel they deserve this award.

Please return the completed form to:

Dr. Arthur R. Rodgers

Alces Business Editor

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

Centre for Northern Forest Ecosystem Research

421 James Street South, Suite 103

Thunder Bay, Ontario

Canada P7E 2V6

Tel: 807-343-4011

FAX: 807-343-4001
