Professional Development Committee (PDC)

Meeting Minutes

March 8, 2005

Meeting called to order by Row Anderson, Chair at 2:05 PM.

Member Attendance

Row Anderson, Tomanika Redd, Gid Rowell, Cheryl Garvin, Greg Duhart, Karin Smoot, and Brenda Findley. New temporary member: Thomas George, Human Resources


February minutes were read by Tomanika and approved by the Committee.

Treasurer Report

Current balance is $5,632.03.

·  The balance includes the $2,500 deposit for Barbara Glanz.

·  Row reported that a couple of people have asked about requesting funds. She referred them to Gid.

·  Someone asked about registering for an event next year. Row said to wait for the new budget year.


Rhonda Boozer has stepped down as ex-officio member. She is now the interim Chair of Staff Council, now that John Kosky has departed. Row Anderson will continue as the Chair of the Professional Development Committee.

Old Business

Karin reported the following:

CPR Classes:

·  February classes went well. The feedback from the participants was good. Those attending are interested in certification courses.

·  Eight (8) people attended the February 16th workshop

·  Karin will forward the RSVPs to Cheryl so that CEUs can be awarded

Life By Design:

·  Great attendance-47 people

·  The March workshop was videotaped. Row will find out if this video is available in the Library.

·  Karin will forward the RSVPs to Cheryl so that CEUs can be awarded



·  The Leadership Series was originally slated to be eight courses

·  John Kosky was going to start with a two hour course

·  PDC is now looking for others to lead this Series

·  May take the series down to four courses since John is no longer here

·  Dr. Harden offered to present

·  Dr. Rome is a possible presenter since he was not able to speak at “Life By Design”

·  Cheryl suggested that we drop the Leadership Series since John had not confirmed the details before leaving. Karin and Tomanika agreed.

·  Brenda reported that Human Resources is developing “Management Classes” that may come out in April and May.

·  She will coordinate these classes so that they do not conflict with PDC events


·  Customer Service is scheduled to be the April program

·  Should the program be one hour or two hours?

·  Karin reported that she has not heard from Steve Stephens, School of Business

·  Karin has asked Mary Ward in Human Resources for help

·  Angelyn Hayes, Career Services will be asked if she could get a Customer Service presenter

·  Brenda to team with Angelyn on resume’ writing and interviewing tips

·  Cheryl will post the workshop information on the Staff Council website.

·  Gid will send an email announcement to the campus.

·  Tomanika will use the posted information to have it put on the University Center marquee.

New Business

Barbara Glanz Funding Report:

·  John Wieland Homes will be meeting on the first Friday of the month to discuss funding options

·  Joyce Sandusky emailed information to them and may try to get this discussed in their April meeting

·  Dana has not gotten any responses from the letters that were mailed

·  Row thinks that Reda Rowell, Development Office may be able to get a response

·  Dana is uncomfortable with “badgering” sponsors for response

·  Row does not want this committee to become a “fundraising” committee

·  Chick-Fil-A, John Wieland, and Hartsfield-Jackson airport have all been sent letters for possible sponsorship

·  Deborah King, External Relations wants to pursue Kaufman Tire in a bigger way and possibly get our speaker fees from them

·  Cheryl agreed that we should only do small fundraisers for refreshments

·  Tomanika mentioned that student clubs/organizations were given rights to fundraise, not departments

·  Per Thomas, we could ask for an increase in fees through the Foundation before April

Staff Day:

·  PDC is only organizing the Barbara Glanz event

·  Other Staff Council committees are handling other Staff Day aspects

ASTD Books:

·  Alina sent an email about purchasing two books

·  These books will be helpful for the PDC

·  Could make the books available to the campus through the Library?

·  The Committee approved the purchase of the American Society for Training & Development books

·  Row will purchase the books with the Purchasing Card and get the information to Gid


·  Brenda Findley thinks it will be a good idea to provide the resource materials through the Library.

·  This will give more people access outside Human Resources office hours.

·  The Library could track the usage of the materials.

·  Row will talk with the Library about a “PDC shelf”

·  The Career List Serve was managed by John Kosky, but Row now has access to it

·  Thomas could send Human Resources information through the list serve

·  Row will ask Assuanta in CE to forward their information to the list serve

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:50 PM.