Moulton Parish Council

Minutes of theGeneral Meeting of Moulton Parish Council held on Tuesday 3rd November 2015 at the Youth & Community Centre, Moulton Chapelat 6.30pm under the Chairmanship of CllrScarsbrook, who presided over CllrsBenton,Wakefield,Hahn,Poll, Cooper.

In attendance – 6parishioners.

  1. Chairman’s remarks

Cllr Scarsbrookwelcomed everyone to the meeting.He mentioned that he had been invited to represent the Parish Council and would be attending the District Council Civic Service which is due to be held on Sunday 22nd November in Spalding.

6.30 p.m. open Forum

Please note, in line with LALC advice, members of the public can ask a question or make a statement, but this is not required to be recorded in the minutes. If an item is on the agenda it will be debated by councillors at that agenda point (when the public may not take part) or, if it is not on the agenda, with the agreement of council, the item will be placed on the agenda of the next meeting for debate by council.

  1. Apologies for Absence and acceptance of reasons given

a. Cllr Lockie - bereavement; Cllr Burling – work; Cllr Wright – work;

Cllr Meade – hospital.

3. Additional Declarations of Interest

a. There were no additional declarations of interest.

b. For information only – A copy of the Independent Person Protocol recently agreed by South Holland District Council has been circulated to all councillors. This relates to the procedure for complaints against councillors which the District Council have responsibility for.

4 Police Matters

a. The crime figures for the period 1/7 - 1/10 were as follows:

ASB - 10; Criminal Damage – 2; RTC – 13; Theft – 1; Violence – 1; Burglary – 3.

The crime figures for the period 1/10 – 1/11 were as follows:

ASB – 3; Criminal Damage – 1; RTC – 2; Theft – 2; Violence – 1.

The next Community Policing panel meeting will be held on 16th November at Weston Community Centre.

5. Approval of Notes from6th October2015

Notes of the meeting on the 6th October 2015were approved as the minutes with a slight amendment to the Chairman’s remarks in connection with the team of helpers rather than individuals names for Macmillan fundraising. Proposed Cllr Benton, seconded Cllr Hahn.Agreed nem.con.

6. To receive the clerk’s report on matters outstanding.

a. The clerk’s report was received nem.con.

The chairman asked the clerk to contact SHDC with regard to point 5 relating to the Sycamore bough overhanging Bell Lane.

7.Cemetery & Churchyard matters

a. The cemetery report was received nem.con.

The chairman commended the work carried out to make safe the footpath in the churchyard. The clerk met with the conservation officer and a planning officer to look at the church wall. Whilst some mortar damage is evident the wall was deemed to be safe and unlikely to cause injury to pedestrians. An observation report will be sent from the conservation officer for the December meeting. The clerk confirmed South Holland District Council have granted permission for work to be carried out on trees subject to the Preservation Order and within the Conservation area at the churchyard over the next two years including the felling of the diseased Horse Chestnut tree. The stump also needs to be removed 300mm below ground to reduce the risk of harbouring decay fungi which could infect nearby trees. It was agreed that Marcus Goose be given the go-ahead to start work. The PCC have been advised of the impending work. The clerk will arrange for the plaque in memory of Fount Hemmant to be secured to the bench in the cemetery.

b.Cllr Scarsbrook felt that due to his offer of help to paint the bells in Moulton church once they have been restored, he would not take part in the discussions. A project to restore the bells is likely to cost in the region of £10,000 and additional funds are being sought through grants and donations. It was proposed Cllr Wakefield and seconded Cllr Hahn that a donation of £100 be given towards the fund. This would come under Section 137 spending. Agreed nem.con.

8. Highway matters

a. The Highways report was received nem.con.

The County Council’s Winter Maintenance Service resources primarily treat priority routes which equates to 1/3 of the entire highway network with little spare capacity for the remainder. Local communities are encouraged to participate in a self-help programme. LCC are suggesting that the parish council consider the nomination of a ‘snow warden’ who would be a point of contact for Highways officers in the event of severe weather and also to consider devising a priority network of footways and carriageways to be cleared and treated by the community in the event of severe weather. Cllr Poll believed this would be a waste of time as salt resources would be limited. It was felt that priority should be given to footpaths leading to schools but this would be dealt with by County. The gritting routes for 2015-16 will be available on the county website during November. It was proposed Cllr Poll and seconded Cllr Cooper that the parish council do not participate in this programme. Agreed nem.con.

Cllr Burling informed the clerk that the footpath outside 78 Roman Road in Moulton Chapel has now been repaired. Cllr Cooper made everyone aware of the new ‘ER’ signs which relate to Emergency Routes to follow in the likelihood of flooding in the Parish.

9. Financial matters

a. The payment list totalling £2,507.81was approved.Proposed Cllr Hahn, seconded CllrPoll. This was signed in accordance with the bank mandate.The clerk confirmed that the bank mandate had now been completed with the two additional signatories and returned to Lloyds Bank. Agreed nem.con.

b. The financial statements for October were considered. Income was £3,011.57, Expenditure was £5,788.10. Bank balances totalled £75,868.89.Proposed CllrPoll, seconded CllrBenton.Agreed nem.con.

c. Cllr Scarsbrook explained that Section 137 allows the parish council to spend money (currently £7.36 per elector) on items that they do not have a duty or power to fulfil. This includes items such as donation for the church bells and poppy wreath. This has to be for the wellbeing of the Community. Cllr Poll suggested that 50p per elector be allocated to each ward which gives councillors an opportunity to support locals. It was proposed Cllr Poll and seconded Cllr Cooper that the number of electors be checked for each ward and this figure be included in the 2016-17 budget figures. Any expenditure would still need to be agreed by the Parish Council. Agreed nem.con. It was also agreed that the budget for the forthcoming yearshould also include the poppy wreath and ongoing churchyard maintenance.

10. Moulton Village

a.Cllr Scarsbrook reported that he had prepared posters and letters in relation to fund raising for the defibrillator in Moulton to be distributed throughout the village. The agent for the Gardman site very kindly arranged for the site to be tidied in anticipation of the Best Kept village competition and Cllr Scarsbrook has now suggested to the agent that he consider the offer of a working party to tidy the site again and hope for a donation for the defibrillator fund. The trustees of the MCA Ltd are supportive of the defibrillator being located on the Community Centre wall as this is close to many of the activities in the village and the nearby Harrox field. It also has CCTV installed. It was proposed Cllr Hahn, seconded Cllr Benton that this be a preferable site to the telephone box. Agreed nem.con.

b. It can be confirmed that the Elloe Stone was donated to the Parish Council but the site is still owned by the Dring family. Roy Willingham has very kindly tidied the site and cut the grass and hedges. He confirmed to Cllr Scarsbrook that he has a lot of historical data and is attempting to collate more in order to hand over to the Parish Council. Cllr Scarsbrook confirmed that this is a ‘geo-cache’ site and may be the reason for some litter collecting around the site. Due to the historical importance of the site a suggestion was made for a ‘brown sign’ and it was agreed that the clerk check out costings for the next meeting.

c. Whilst some residents have been approached with regard to their overgrown hedges and shrubs encroaching the footpaths it was agreed that another polite request be included in the village voice report.

d. A letter has been received from John Harrox School raising concerns over speeding along Broad Lane and an ever increasing dog fouling problem. Cllr Cooper felt that as a school governor he should not be included in the discussions relating to the contents of the letter. Firstly, Broad Lane was not identified as a ‘hot spot’ by PCSO Robinson when determining sites for the Speed Indicator Device (SID) and Cllr Scarsbrook did not believe that Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP) would consider this as a priority. Ground sockets and portable speed signs are still being considered by LRSP and County Highways and unlikely to be a quick solution. After some discussion it was agreed that the clerk check with PCSO Robinson as to whether the mobile speed device could be utilised. It was agreed that passive warning signs may also be beneficial and these could be displayed at both ends of Broad Lane although these could conflict with the 20 mph advisory signs near the school.The general feeling was that ongoing problems will always be prevalent outside schools and this is due to poor parking at school drop off times which causes difficulties for other motorists. Secondly, whilst there is a dog bin near the Community Centre in Broad Lane it was agreed that the clerk contact South Holland District Council and Cllr Cassonwith view to obtaining a dog bin for the west end of Broad Lane. Proposed Cllr Wakefield, seconded Cllr Poll. Concerns were raised however regarding the emptying of the bins and that these are not always emptied every week by SHDC. These concerns will be brought to the attention of the district council. The school will be contacted advising them of the Council’s proposals.

e. The Best Kept Village (BKV) presentation evening will be held on Monday 9th November at 7 pm where tea, coffee and cakes will be offered. Everyone is encouraged to attendin the hope that they will enjoy viewing the judges’ comments and feel part of the success of the competition.

As part of the BKV winners package Lincolnshire County Council undertake to cover the cost of the supply/amendment of the required sign face on two nameplates. Councillors agreed that they would prefer to see a sign on the village green in the centre of the village rather than amending the two signs on the A151 or the one positioned along Station Road. The clerk would contact Highways to check the criteria for the signs.

11. Planning

a. The planning report was received nem. con.

b. For information only – The South East Lincolnshire Local Plan – Spatial Strategy Background Paper has been circulated to Councillors. Cllr Poll did not feel that the information within the report told us anything in addition to what we already knew or expected.

12. Moulton Seas End

a.The flag pole and purchase of further flags was discussed. Currently Mr John Heron has the key to the flagpole and the Union flag. It was proposed Cllr Benton and seconded Cllr Cooper to check the cost of purchasing a St George’s flag. It was proposed Cllr Poll and seconded Cllr Cooper to check the cost of purchasing a Lincolnshire flag. The clerk would contact Mr Heron for contact details for flags and a copy of the flag pole key.

13. Moulton Chapel

a.For information only – The SID reports have been circulated to Councillors for information and forwarded onto the police.

b. The Management Group will meet with Hannah Skingley from Carter Jonas to discuss further updates on the Crown Estate plans for the playing field in Moulton Chapel. It was agreed that Cllr Wakefield replace Cllr Cooper in his absence at this meeting.

c. Following concerns by residents along Fengate and subsequent correspondence from the residents, John Hayes MP, Lincolnshire County Council and Cllr Lockie in connection with the bus pick up point, councillors discussed at length the current and previous bus pick up points. Mrs Paget and Mrs Ivatt-Grummitt voiced their concerns during the public forum and asked when the bus stop was removed, who gave permission for this and how long it had been in situ before being moved. Cllr Scarsbrook confirmed that the parish council had not asked for the stop to be changed but that Cllr Lockie had contacted Lincolnshire County Council in an un-official capacity raising concerns by the landlord of the Wheatsheaf. Cllr Scarsbrook felt that the ward members should offer their thoughts to the councillors and public present as they are the people who see the issues. Cllr Poll did suggest that perhaps Cllr Lockiemay have mentioned that he was a ward member in which case the officer may well have responded to a ward councillor differently than to a member of public contacting them with concerns. Councillors agreed that the public should not be using the Wheatsheaf car park as a drop off point for their children as it is privately owned. The bus has clearly caused the forecourt of the Wheatsheaf to be broken up and weakened the edge of the highway and this stretch of highway has a particularly dangerous corner and is far from suitable. Equally, the current pick up point near to the entrance of a field along Fengateis unsuitable as there is no footpath along this stretch of highway and is causing un-necessary damage to residents’ drives.

Cllr Wakefield stated that for many years the bus pick up point was near the junction of Woodgate Road along Roman Road which would be the most suitable site. The bus shelter provides shelter in inclement weather, the paved area is clean and protected by a metal fence for safety and the tarmacked Highway will not wear unduly. Cllr Lockie had asked that this matter be deferred until the December meeting to allow his full explanation of the situation however, it was proposed Cllr Wakefield and seconded Cllr Benton that a letter be sent to County Children’s Services with the proposal that the pick- up point be re-instated to Roman Road / Woodgate Road which has to be the most suitable site. This was unanimously agreed. John Hayes MP will also be copied into this communication.

14. Allotments

a. The state of some of the allotments in Moulton is still causing concerns despite the tenant assuring the Council that it will be dealt with and tidied up. The tenant is in breach of his tenancy agreement as the allotment is not weed free and this in turn is causing a nuisance to other allotment holders and neighbours. Two previous forms of communication have been sent to the tenant raising concerns. It was agreed that a further letter be sent to the tenant instructing them that the land should be cleared of rubbish and either dug or ploughed and that this should be remedied by the 1st January 2016 otherwise a one month notice to quit will be served. Proposed Cllr Wakefield, seconded Cllr Poll. Agreed nem.con.

15. NALC

a. There were no councillors interested in offering their name for consideration to be represented on the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) Smaller Councils Committee 2016/17.

16. Smoke Free Play Areas

a.SHDC have carried out a consultation to introduce a smoke free zone in the district, specifically children’s play areas, outside schools and children’s nurseries. The majority backed the proposal at consultation stage and the Council have been successful in securing external funding to erect the signs. The signs will be designed by school children and put up at the entrances. Councillors agreed to support the signs and felt that the play area in Moulton Seas End would benefit. A recommendation for contacting Moulton Harrox Social Club, Moulton and Moulton Chapel schools would also be suggested to the district council.

17. Correspondence

a. General correspondence was made available for inspection after the meeting.

Reference was made to the British Heart Foundation funding for defibrillators but unfortunately these are unlocked & un-coded versions which would not be suitable for Moulton.

18. Staffing matters

a. The Chairman was saddened to report that a letter of resignation had been received from the clerk. Despite the notice period being one month, the clerk felt that this did not give sufficient time to deal with matters and offered to continue for three months or so during this busy period and agreed to be at hand to answer any queries going forward. Councillors agreed that the clerk & Cllr Scarsbrook meet to discuss a job advertisement and look at the job description in detail.