
Date ______

Metric Olympics

*** Look at your equipment carefully to determine the correct metric unit***

Station 1, Javelin Throw: Estimate how far you think your straw will go. ______

Next, Stand at the tape line, with your toe behind the line and throw your straw straight forward. Then, measure the actual length your straw went. ______

Station 2, Big Foot: Estimate the length of you foot. ______Then, take the actual measurement of your foot. ______

Station 3, Get A Grip: Estimate the amount of water you think you can squeeze out the sponge. ______Now, submerge the sponge in the water. Next, squeeze the water out over a large beaker, and carefully pour the water from the beaker into a graduated cylinder. Take the reading. ______

Station 4, Nothin’ but a Hill O’ Beans: Estimate the mass of dried beans you think you can hold in one hand. ______Using whichever hand you like, grab a handful of beans. Put the beans into a container and find their mass. (Remember to subtract the mass of the container!)

Station 5, Deep Freeze: Estimate the temperature of a beaker of ice water _____F, _____C. Using the thermometer carefully take the temperature of the ice water. _____F, _____C

Station 6, Plate Discus: For this activity, you will need to throw a plate as far as you can. First, estimate how far you think your plate will travel. ______Next, stand behind the tape mark and carefully throw the plate. Measure the distance the plate traveled. ______

Station 7, The Soft Touch: For this activity, you will be throwing a cotton ball as far as you can. First, estimate the distance you can throw the cotton ball. ______Now, carefully throw your cotton ball. Measure its length and record you data. ______

Station 8, Short and Sweet: For this activity you will be measuring four small objects. For each of the objects estimate the length and then take the actual measurement.

Estimate Actual Difference

Object 1 ______

Object 2 ______

Object 3 ______

Object 4 ______

Intro to Science 6 > Metrics & Measurement > Activities> Metric Olympics Lab Sheet 1