Title of your abstract - place your title here: do not capitalize the first letters nor the whole title
A. Author11, B. Author22, C. Author31
1Affiliation, Full Address of Author 1, 3
2Affiliation, Full Address of Author 2
Corresponding author: ess
This is a sample abstract for the MPSBudapest2018 conference held in Budapest from 21-24 August 2018.
Preparation instructions are given below.
1. Abstracts should be written in English. The length of each abstract is limited to one A4 page. The abstract should be submitted in doc (tex) and pdffilesby sending it to
2. It is your responsibility to check that the abstract is correctly formatted and readable. No changes to the submitted abstracts will be made by the conference organizers.
3. Abstracts should be formatted for A4 size (210 x 297 mm, i.e., 8.268 x 11.693 inches). All text and figures must fit within side, top, and bottom margins of 2 cm. Use 11-pt Roman (LaTeX) default font or a similar font such as Times New Roman throughout the abstract.This and other font sizes, as used in the Word template, are listed in Table 1.
Table 1. Font sizes to be used in the abstract.
Title / Caption / Body / Refs.Size / 14 pt / 10 pt / 11 pt / 10 pt
4. The title should be typed in 16-pt boldface letters and centered. If necessary, use a second line, single-spaced just below the first.
5. Leave 14pt before the names of the authorsand10ptbefore the affiliations and addresses.After leaving two lines, the body text is typed in two-column formatwith 0.75-cm column separation. The text should be single-spaced and the first line of each paragraph should be indented 3 spaces.
6. Figures will be shown in color in electronic versions of the abstracts. Give each figure a separate caption and, like a table caption, it should be concise (see Figure 1). If you choose to submit color figures remember that most printouts from the web will be in black and white. It is your responsibility to ensure that the figures are easy to read and understand even in gray scale mode.
Figure 1. The Chain Bridge in night.
7. References in the text should be indicated using numerals in square brackets [1]. The list of references in 10-pt size.
[1] A. Author1, B. Author2, Journal (year of publication) volume, pages.