Note of a meeting of the Healthwatch Swindon patient participation group forum held at Sanford House on 28 June 2016
From patient participation groups (PPGs) (S= staff member): Moya Pinson (Ashington House), Marian Ricks, Maureen Evans, Ian Underwood, Stella Hopkins (Priory Road), Norma Thompson, Steph & Brian Burrows (Eldene Surgery), Peter Ford, Sandra Hope (S) (Hawthorn), Alan Bunn (Merchiston), Sally Marchant, Lynne Ludlow, Tanja Robinson (S), June Beckett (S) (Ridgeway View), Phil Baker, Ian James (Westrop), Carol Brownlee (Kingswood), Susan Camburn (Phoenix), Carol Mulraney (Great Western), Srini Madhavan (Elm Tree, Shrivenham).
Jo Osorio (Healthwatch Swindon), Robin Butcher (NHS Swindon Clinical Commissioning Group), Nikki Holmes (NHS England)
Twelve PPG members, two practice staff, two CCG staff.
1 / Introductions and welcome
Jo welcomed everyone including, in particular those attending for the first time. A list of attendees/apologies had been circulated.
2 / Procuring primary medical care
Nikki Holmes and Robin Butcher presented slides describing
§  What will the procurement include?
§  Why?
§  What is the timescale?
§  How can I get involved?
And then asking those present:
§  What is important for you in the service you receive from a GP practice?
{The slides (as Powerpoint and as a pdf) are circulated with these notes and available subsequently from }
Following the presentation, those attending suggested a wide range of additional questions which could be asked of those organisations proposing to tender for the new contracts. They included the way in which potential providers would engage with their patients, the measurement of quality and monitoring actual delivery of the contract once awarded These would be taken into account by the NHS England/NHS Swindon CCG group responsible for the procurement process: It was confirmed that Healthwatch Swindon was represented on that group.
Robin Butcher confirmed that it was intended that local people should be involved with the process and that application forms inviting expressions of interest to be involved would be made available/circulated shortly.
Robin also advised those attending about progress with procurement of community health services and the involvement of local people in that.
3 / PPG Awareness Week (6-11 June)
Ridgeway View and Great Western Surgery (of those present at this meeting) described their activity during PPG Awareness Week. Unfortunately response from patients had been limited. Healthwatch Swindon had achieved a small piece of publicity in the Swindon Advertiser. Discussion followed about the use and effectiveness of social media and online activity in engaging with different population groups. It was felt, for example, that Facebook had potential as an instant source of comment and means of communication.
4 / Healthwatch Swindon report on patient experience of primary care
Attendees were reminded about the report prepared by Healthwatch Swindon during 2015 and early part of 2016 with which some present had assisted – notably by reviewing their surgery website. The report had not been published in full but references and recommendations would be included in the Healthwatch Swindon annual report due to be published by the end of June. Recommendations included the need for accuracy and consistency in the presentation to patients on paper and websites of information by practices and the CCG. Examples were given. Whilst practices may have difficulty in constantly monitoring for accuracy, it was suggested that, by some means including the involvement of PPG members, it was desirable. It had also been recommended that when policy or practice changed (eg disposal of sharps) that timely and consistent messages should be given to ensure maximum awareness of the change.
5 / Other business
b) / Ian James referred to a proposal by Swindon GPs with the CCG to develop a non-profit distributing co-operative to work together to meet some of the staffing and organisational challenges practices faced. It was suggested that this could also include the process referred to above in relation to maintaining website accuracy. Follow the link above to read the CCG Clinical Chair’s report on the subject.
In connection with website accuracy and information there was discussion about the actual opening hours of the Walk-in Centre at Swindon Health Centre, Carfax Street. These are they:

Opening Hours

8am - 8pm 7 days a week
Walk-in service
7am - 8pm Mon to Fri
8am - 8pm Sat/Sun/Bank Hols
Blood tests
7am - 12 noon Mon to Fri
6 / Volunteering opportunities with Healthwatch Swindon
Jo referred again to the volunteering roles with Healthwatch Swindon (Champion, Representative, Advisory Group and Enter & View) now that it was a service provided through The Care Forum. Three of those present who were on the PPG forum steering group had already expressed their interest by attending training events and would become more involved.
One particular example (were someone to become a Healthwatch volunteer) would be to act as the Healthwatch Swindon representative at the Joint primary care committee which was next due to meet in public on 6 July for which the agenda can be seen here.
10 / Next meeting.
The next meeting of the Forum will be at Swindon Advice and Support Centre, Sanford House, Swindon SN1 1HE from 11-1 on a date to be confirmed. The steering group previously agreed the CCG be requested to provide:
·  an update on the SUCCESS Centres,
·  Urgent Care and
·  the Children’s Clinics;
and availability of relevant CCG staff to do that is awaited

Jo Osorio/30 June 2016/PPG/PPG forum notes 28 June 2016 draft