DCC/PGCMeeting Summary
Wednesday, May 15, 2013 - 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Club Room
NAME / REPRESENTING / PGC / DCC / Pr. / NAME / REPRESENTING / PGC / DCC / Pr.Diane Hurd / AAS / x / Kuni Hay / VP Instruction / x
Heidi Diamond / Business / x / Victoria Hindes / VP Student Services / x
Chris Cryer / Fine Arts / x / Fred Chow / Dean-Tech & Info. / x
Leigh Burrill / Language Arts / x / Stephanie Kashima / Dean, Inst.& Stu. Success / x
Joan Worley / Physical Education / x / Frank Kobayashi / Dean, Career Ed / x
Rebecca Wong / Science & Math / x / Lance Shoemaker / Academic Senate / x
Carol Pavan / Student Services / x / Pat Fenton / VP Admin Services / x
Steve Juarez / Social Sciences / x / David Colonia / Associated Students
Indicates Voting Member of PGC or DCC
Guests:Sonia McVey, Mel Pritchard, Inge Bond, Thuy Tran, Rod Pavao, Brad Davis
- Welcome and Check in
- Review of agenda
Request from Diane Hurd to discuss the Instruction FAIT team recommendations. Kuni asked Diane to forward any concerns to her via email to be considered at the Monday Instructional FAIT tem meeting as the agenda is full. There is no further time to discuss this matter in this meeting. Kuni clarified that the Instructional FAIT recommendations are a reflection of the FAIT Instruction team as charged by College Council, and not directly from the DCC. The FAIT Instruction team heard the DCC input and is going to make recommendations based on that and other input.
- Review of Minutes from 4/24/13
Page 4: middle of the page, after “Chris mentioned….” – change “division chairs’ work” to “department chairs’ work”
Page 8: middle of the page, 4th paragraph – change “Title V” to “Title 5”
Page 10: bottom of the page, last sentence – place period after “website” in last sentence and delete rest of sentence.
Minutes approved.
- Student Success Team Update
Kuni expressed that the Student Success Team including Kuni, Victoria, Stephanie, Cheryl Miller, Gretchen Ehlers, Susan Sherrill, Melissa Salcido, and Carol Pavan has gone to Academic Senate and Student Services Council. This is an update regarding the Student Success Team work. Faculty from BSAC, Matriculation, and SEAS committee brought forward an idea to look into the current structure of these three committees realizing that they were serving the same population and sharing the same goals and outcomes as committees. To further explore ane examine this idea, Kuni reminded the group of the retreat held in spring 2012 to discuss the congruence between the SEAS, Matriculation and BSAC Committees to address the new state student success recommendations. There was need a to have an integrated approach. There were 54 participants who came from each of the three committees at the retreat and Michael Eckhart facilitated to create a strategic vision for student success. That vision has been leading the Student Success Team through this past year to plan the implementation of the SS Act and creation of an institutional framework. The Student Success group went to all the shared governance groups to share the visionin fall 2012 semester which included an institutional framework – Institutional Effectiveness- of which one of the three institutional priorities is the Student Success. The passing of the Student Suess Act of 2012 in August led us to plan out the specific implementation of the act. Melissa and others have presented their implementation plan to shared governance groups including this group a couple of meetings ago.
The Student Success Team wanted to create a plan for moving forward in our second year of the Student Success Act. There was a model created in which the college has 3 foci for student success including Accreditation, Integrated Planning and Student Success.as part of the Institutional Effectiveness. Further, the team developed a graphic vision of how the student success team would facilitate the student success activities including mandatory orientation, assessment and educational planning.
Lastly, the Student Success Team is recommending having a Student Success Coordinator for Spring 14 – a faculty member with release time to oversee the implementation of these mandatory activities and to oversee the reporting and budget management of the 3 committees: BSAC, Matric and SEAS. There is also a discussion where this position would be facilitating to promote and create college-wide teaching and learning conversations so as to ensure students succeed (retention, completion, and persistence, etc.) his plan will be solidified in fall 2013 with an aim for spring 2014 implementation. Carol shared that there is a plan to tie funding to student success at the state level.
Kuni expressed that we are ahead of the game statewide in having an institutional mechanism and structure to address the student success activities and requirements. She expressed appreciation for the leadership of this group in having this foresight to plan ahead. Victoria expressed appreciation for the fact that this remains a faculty-driven process and this is why we want to have a faculty coordinator for these activities.
- Next week’s meeting
Kuni asked for the group to meet for a short time next week to check enrollment and discuss end of semester issues, as well as how effeiciently manage enrollment during the summer . The group agreed to meet – same time – 2:30.
- Current Division Chairs Team extension to 14-15
Kuni shared a document listing all the accomplishments of this year of the DCC and PGC. This included the following:
- Successfully planning the Fall 12 and Spring 13 schedule while Prop 30 was still up in the air
- Improved PGC planning process and schedule development process by developing a planning document that uses realistic data for planning and projection
- Moved all schedule development and enrollment planning and managing process to Office of Instruction this year as portion of such activities had been managed by the Administrative Services’ office (i.e. Red plan, etc.). As a consequent, PGC assumed full responsibilities for planning, managing, and execution of the schedule development this year
- Successfully agreed upon course offering priorities based on state priorities and Student Success Act priorities
- Successfully managed class cancellations in a timely manner to allow for shifting FTEF to late start
- Became aware of multiple state and federal level “hot topics” including Prop 30 fiscal implications, Student Success Act, Title 5 changes, DE requirements, FERPA
- Moved from status quo roll over schedule development to innovative schedule development
- Student Services and Instruction worked closely together to manage enrollment
- Responded in a timely manner to respond to retirements to identify the 9 new hires
- Participated in the FAIT Instructional process by providing valuable input
- Managing challenging personnel issues
- Assisting with TMCs and curriculum
Kuni expressed great appreciation for all the accomplishments of this group. She stated that, given that we are moving into a challenging year next year and the following, it would be highly beneficial to the college to be able to retain this leadership group until we implement the FAIT recommendations in 14-15. Kuni asked for feedback on the proposal that she posed to them last week. Leigh shared that her division is amenable to the idea and she is happy to stay. Diane shared that her division supports her continuing and she is willing to continue. She expressed concern for how the transition will happen to the next group in 14-15 if all Division Chairs leave at once. Perhaps we could consider a transition plan. Carol shared that some of the Division Chairs will be here another 3 years, such as herself. 3 Divisions have their DCs for 3 more years.
Rebecca shared that, because they are voted in, it is awkward to ask for their constituencies to support them staying on. She is not sure when her term ends but at least, her term is still in next year. Kuni asked her to check on it and get back to the group. Chris shared that he told his Division that we are in a unique situation with all the changes and that the VPI and President are requesting that this leadership group stay on. His Division supported this. Rod expressed that allowing the department faculty to have input in this decision is important. Kuni let Rod know that last week the Division Chairs were asked to get the input of their faculty and report back this week.
Steve expressed that his term is up end of fall 2013. He expressed that he doesn’t believe in democracy as much as he used to. He believes that authoritarian regimes have a usefulness in efficiency and productivity. But he serves at the will of his constituents.
Joan is stepping down in January to retire. Heidi Davis will be shadowing Joan and will step in in Feb. Joan is retiring Jan. 23rd.
Brad expressed congratulations to the group on their consistently excellent decision-making. As an organizational theorist, continuity appeals to him and he encourages this group to continue serving. He wanted to express appreciation for all the good work that has been done. The decision making process that has been developed is going to serve the institution well moving into the next couple of years.
Kuni expressed appreciation for the fact that 6 of the 8 Division Chairs will be continuing in 13-14.
Brad expressed that he wants to make sure everyone understands his decision-making process in hiring the new FT faculty. He has been contacting the hiring committee chairs and Division Chairs to discuss with them his and Kuni’s observations based on the second level interviews. His intent is to ensure that the decision he is making is informed by the Division faculty. He wants to ensure that there is a consistency between what he is seeing and what the Division faculty are seeing. He wants an opportunity to share his and Kuni’s observations and impressions prior to his making the final decision. The practice has been to invite the chair of first level committee to the second level interview. Brad wants to add on a formal meeting afterward to discuss the final decision before making the offer of employment. Brenda will be setting up those meetings.
Brad also shared that the professional development opportunity that has been floated as a shadowing opportunity is meant, in part, to develop continuity in the administrative ranks. Brad has received feedback about the proposals. He would like to move forward with this idea to create a climate where there are a lot of people who are interested in exploring leadership in the administrative ranks. He wants to be clear that this is not a process by which someone could take a short cut to an administrative position, but rather a pathway for exploration for those interested. He feels the long term benefits outweigh any short term deficits. He asked for any feedback. Rebecca stated that she is a big advocate for developing leaders and middle management. She clarified that her concern was regarding resources devoted to this particular proposal. Could we expand those that would benefit from this opportunity?
Kuni expressed that she is committed to continuing the professional development of this group of leaders.
Brad shared that the interim Dean of Workforce position has been posted internally. We are looking for someone for 6 months or more. All of the positions that have come forward in the past 4 months, we have been considering interims for and this position is no different. He would be very happy to see applications for the shadowing or interim position from any or all of those in this group. Diane asked if the shadowing position is directly connected to the interim dean. Brad responded that both people would be considered members of the Executive Cabinet and that the shadowing position would benefit from contact with the entire Cabinet and could potentially explore a future in any administrative position. Kuni shared that our Cabinet works in a circular way where the shadow position could work with the appropriate administrator depending on the project and activity in question at any given time.
Brad expressed that the expectation is not for the interim position to hold full responsibility for mentoring the shadow position. There will be multiple Dean positions open in the next year. Everyone in this room is equipped to do an administrative job, but not having had the job before, experience in an interim or shadowing would be valuable if they were to want to pursue it in the future.
Leigh asked for clarification on the shadowing responsibility. If it was only .4 release time, this person would have other instructional duties aside from the shadowing. Kuni responded that the activities need to match not only the schedule of the person, but also what the person wants to learn and what needs to be executed. There are many different ways we can provide leadership skill building. Kuni expressed that we are making a commitment of time and energy to spend extra time with these new positions because we feel it is important. The administrators are committed to this college and we hope that by investing our time and energy, there will be a healthy contribution to the college, the work will be done and we will shape a new future for the college. We are approaching this with intentional commitment.
Brad has confidence that we can solve the problems we have with the talent we have already here at the college. There are so many people with so much talent here that we have a great future ahead of us if we can make use of this talent. Victoria shared that other colleges do have these shadowing opportunities that result in some faculty moving into administrative leadership.
- Updates:
- Academic Senate
The Senate reported that they may have a meeting over the summer to discuss the new faculty hiring prioritization process. They passed a motion regarding Program Review. It asks the PGC to create a policy to allow programs that are struggling with success and retention (though their efficiency is high) to experiment with prerequisites and be given some allowance in regard to efficiency changes. The Senate discussed IS with the Chancellor. The Director of IS contacted Lance a month ago with questions. As a result, Lance agendized both the Chancellor and Director of IS for May 14 after the Chancellor had indicated this date. The Director of IS not only never responded to Lance but also didn’t show up to the Senate meeting. Lance and Dianne Dorian told the Chancellor a year ago that IS was a big problem. Whitney Clay then brought the issue to the Senate representing the BSAC committee’s serious concern. Lance is going to express to the Board that IS is continuing problem at the college. Lance shared that he believes that IS needs major changes such as removing the current IS structure as a whole and hire a consulting company to fix multiple issues on multiple levels that we have quickly and systemically (there are CCs throughout the state who does this such as San Mateo Community College District), not just minor tweaks as it is not going to change anything. After this discussion, the Senate has presentations on the cheating policy and matriculation.
Lance shared that Cheryl Hackworth and Jim H expressed that the ADC is definitely not going to make recommendations regarding any programs. Leigh expressed that her perception is a bit different. She understood the ADC charge was to take one year to revitalize, so there was never a consideration to make recommendations in fall. Lance, Steve, Leigh and Stephanie all agreed that the ADC will be making progress reports to the ADC on the programs in question.
Lance shared that Laurel Jones may become President at Cabrillo College. There is discussion about internal candidates to replace her. Laurel was recruited by Cabrillo. Lance shared that Dianne (Dorian) feels Laurel is one of the best presidents the college has ever had. Lance shared that there is a new VPI, Leandra Martin, coming in.
See information above.
- Student Services
Victoria shared that we have 4 students from Shanghai Normal University. 3 males, 1 female. Business, Economics, Computer Science, Biology majors. Matriculation plan was presented to Academic Senate. It is currently going through final edits. There was a big End of Year Celebration last night. 180 students received scholarships this year. The new student convocation is August 16th. Victoria will communicate this to the Senate. We are anticipating 500 new students to attend. This doesn’t include concurrent students.
- Classified Senate
No report
No report
- Accreditation
Password protected version of the initial draft report is going out in a day or two to the college community for feedback. Please provide feedback. Deadline end of next week. We will continue to work on report during summer. Next Steering Committee meeting is next week Friday.