HPRED 1045
Directed Research Practicum
- Introductory Information
A.FacultyElizabeth Nagle, Ph.D./Kelli Ann Davis, Ph.D.
B.Office107 Trees Hall
D.Class MeetingsBy App’t
E.Office HoursContact Donna Farrell at 648-8251 for an app’t
F.Required TextNone
- Course Description
This 3 credit course will provide HPA students the opportunity to experience steps of the scientific method through their role as a “student researcher”. This will occur through responsibilities assigned as part of a University of Pittsburgh or UPMC sponsored research project. This will also allow the “hands-on”application (within the scope of practice) ofresearch methodology using principles and techniques acquired withinthe HPAcurriculum.
- Expected Outcomes
After completion of this course, the student should have acquired:
A.An introduction to conducting research and the research process
B.Experience assisting with a graduate student or faculty research project. Examples include assisting with:
1.Conducting a literature review
2.Screening or recruitment of subjects
3.Preparation of laboratory, data sheets, testing instruments, etc…
4.Collecting Data
5.Data Entry
C.Experience in a variety of settings where research may be conducted (i.e. clinical, university, performance center, etc..)
- Course Requirements
- Research practicum experience (3 credits = 75 hours)
- Students should contact the appropriate laboratory for ongoing research opportunities (See attached Directed Study opportunities sheet). It is the STUDENTS responsibility to begin this.
- Students are encouraged to explore research opportunities that will help with professional development– any opportunity not on the attached list MUST be cleared by Dr. Nagle or Dr. Davis first.
- Students must demonstrate professionalism and observe the following rules of assisting with
- Practice good communication -Faculty and Grad students will count on you—Be considerate on when you are available and contacting them if you have to cancel
- BE MATURE-Be serious and practice empathy of others.
- DRESS ACCORDINGLY—Ask what you should be wearing
- OBSERVE THE RULES OF THE LAB (I.E. no eating/Cell phones off)
- The practicum requires you assist withRESEARCH studies... teaching, or working in a setting such as physical therapy or fitness will not be counted. Special consideration may be made for a particular project (ex. Implementing a health program—permission must be given-Talk with Dr. N)
- Written Assignments (to be handed at the end of the tem)
- Obtain University of Pittsburgh or UPMC HIPAA certification (depending on where you conduct your experience)
Go to
2. Select HIPAA on left hand column
3. On middle of page, select "HIPAA training requirements"
4. Create an account/password
5. Click on Module list (top left)
6. For module listings, under HIPAA, click on UPMC OR University of Pittsburgh (whichever site you will be assisting with research)
7. Follow steps to complete course including readings
8. Complete and pass Quiz- print certificate to be handed in with directed research materials at end of term.
- Typed written journal- Students must document their research experience in the form of a typed journal after each meeting. Primary Investigators (head researchers) must sign off on weekly documentation of hours in the student’s notebook.
- Literature Review- Students must conduct a review of literature on research they are assisting with or closely related area. Print and include a minimum of 5 research articles. Type a minimum 3 page summary of literature review (Format is similar to “Literature Review” section of their Research & Sport Science research proposal)– guidelines posted on Courseweb. Cite references throughout.
- Self evaluation - Students should also summarize their research experience in aminimum typed 2 page paper to be handed in with the journal at the end of the semester.
- Supervisor Evaluation form Students must turn insealed evaluation form (or have sent) by research supervisor (evaluation posted on course web)
- Course Outline & Important Dates
a.August 26 Introduction Meeting
b.August 26-Sept 12 Locate your site
b.September 12Deadline for site location (Go to Report your Site)
c.September 22Deadline for Research Goals and Objectives submission*
d.@October 20 Directed Research Progress Meeting
e.December 10Deadline for submission of all written materials
*Note: Goals and objectives must be submitted within a week of starting your practicum
V. Grading
Journal/Self evaluation15%
Quality of Lit Review 20%
Meetings participation/ meet deadlines 5%
Supervisor Evaluation 60%
**Note: 1% will be deducted from final grade per hour not completed (must complete 75 or more hours total!)