Curriculum Committee / Page 1 of 2
Department: / Course Number:
Discipline: / Course Level: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Grading Mode: / Pass/No Pass / Letter Grade / Credits:
Title Abbreviation for transcript: (30 characters)
Full Title:
Catalog Description (60 words or less)
Please attach course syllabus, specific objectives, outline, suggested text(s) and forms of assessment.
Is this a variable credit course? / Yes No / If yes, what range of credit?Is this course repeatable for credit? / Yes No / If yes, what is the limit?
Auditable for half price? / Yes No / If experimental, when? / First / Second
Was this course previously offered? / Yes No / Attach experimental course report(s) and student evaluations.
Is there a special fee for students? / Yes No / Specify:
Provost or V.P. for Finance Signature:
(required only if fees apply)
Degree/Major/Option affected/required (specify):
Will this delete a course? / Yes No / What Course(s)?
What term will be the last offering of the course(s) to be deleted?
Affect other department(s)? / Yes No / What Department(s):
Describe all communication with affected department(s):
Justification for adding the course to the curriculum:
General Education / Yes No / Specify Below
Library: Please describe your consultation with the Library (signature required).
If significant additional resources will be necessary, please specify.
Library Consultant’s Signature: / Date:
Technology: if significant technological resources are necessary, please describe your consultation with ITS/LTOE.
Other: Describe other resources that will be necessary.
Additional Cost: Describe additional costs such as supplies, equipment, etc. if applicable.
Project number of sections, expected enrollments and the semester the course is to be offered for the next four years:
Year:Fall Enrollment:
Spring Enrollment:
Other Enrollment:
Staffing: Please check Yes or No for each and include number of credits.
DCE (Summer or Winterim only) / Yes No
Present Staff / Yes No / Release Time? / Yes No / Release Credits / Overload? / Yes No / Overload Credits
Additional staff? Explain:
Provost: Describe your consultation with the Provost (required):
Provost Signature:
Department Vote: / Council of Teacher Education Vote: / Curriculum Committee Vote:
In Favor / In Favor / In Favor
Opposed / Opposed / Opposed
Abstained / Abstained / Abstained
Absent / Absent / Absent
Department Chair or Program Chair: / Date:
Dean's Signature: / Date:
Council of Teacher Education Chair: / Date:
Curriculum Committee Chair: / Date:
If this proposal concerns a General Education course (Skill, Perspective, Writing, Integrative), a copy of this form must be submitted to the Chair of the General Education Committee, following action by the Curriculum Committee.
Please consider the environment before printing this / 05/08/2012