To all Members of the Planning Committee

You are summoned to attend the Planning Committee meeting that has been arranged for 7th March 2016 at 8.00pm to take place at 63 Long Street, Tetbury for the transaction of business on the following Agenda. All Members of the Public are welcome.

Natalie Haines
Clerk to the Council
1st March 2016


1.  To receive and accept apologies for absence

2.  To allow public consultation

Fifteen minutes for public questions or statements. Each person to state name & allowed 3 minutes maximum. Questions may be answered briefly but not debated. Issues may be referred for subsequent response if necessary

3.  To receive declarations of pecuniary interest in items on the agenda not already declared on Register of Interest forms

4.  To adopt Minutes of 1st February 2016

5.  To consider any matters arising from those minutes and not on the agenda

6.  Presentation by T Pitman re The Crown, Gumstool Hill

7.  To consider planning applications received by 1st March 2016

Listed Building Consent for Internal alterations: including creation of door openings and
relocation of bars associated works. External alterations: re-opening No. 1 door and No.
1 Window at Snooty Fox Hotel Market Place / 16/00345/FUL
Full Application for Erection of side extension at 1 Magdalen Road Tetbury
Gloucestershire GL8 8LG
Works to trees in conservation areas for Small Acacia tree in front garden - reduce by third of canopy size at 44 Close Gardens Tetbury / 16/00408/FUL
Full Application for Change of use of land from agricultural to rugby football grounds, car
parking and access at Pike Field London Road
Works to trees in conservation areas for 1 x multi-stemmed Hazel - remove one large
damaged stem, cut back large branch overhanging neighbours boundary. Crown clean and crown thin by approx 15% at 46 Close Gardens / 15/03479/REM
Approval of Reserved Matters for Reserved Matters pursuant to Outline permission
granted under ref. 12/01792/OUT for the erection of 123 dwellings, car parking, access
roads and public open space at Land Parcel South Of Quercus Road Quercus Road
Full Application for Erection of dwelling (amendment to permission ref: 12/03027/FUL) at
24 Cirencester Road Tetbury Gloucestershire / 16/00466/FUL
Full Application for Replacement conservatory and erection of a sunroom at 5 Southfield
Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8EX
Works to trees with a TPO for T.1 - Beech Tree - crown lift and reduce by 1.5 - 2.0 metres in
all directions, due to excessive shading; T.2 & T.3 - Leylandii - remove as low amenity
value; T.4, T.5, T.6 - Ash Trees - reduce by 1.5 - 2.0 meters due to leaning for competition
of light; T.7 - Goat Willow - reduction by 50% to contain its size and shape; T.8 -
Sycamore - reduce by 1.5 - 2.0 metres and shape to contain its size; T.9 - Weeping Willow -
reduce by 2 - 3 meters due to excessive lean; T.10 - Cherry - light reduction by 1.5 meters
to contain size; T.11 - Ash Tree - remove due to it affecting the growth of the Weeping
Willow; T.12 - Alder - remove due to decay and its proximity to Weeping Willow;
T.13 - Goat Willow - reduce by 50% to contain its size and shape; T.14 - Beech - reduce by
1.5 - 2.0 metres to contain its size; T.15 - Oak - pollard at 3 meters due to the severity of its
lean; T.16 - Larch Tree - remove as it is dead; T.17 - small Ash Tree - fell as low amenity
value; T.18 - small Ash Tree - fell due to its low amenity value and excessive lean; T.19,
T.20 - 2 x small single-stem Ash Trees - pollard at 2.5 meters due to excessive lean; T.21 -
Cypress - reduction by 2.5 meters due to vehicles catching the branches along the
Northfield Road at Garden House / 16/000256/FUL
Full Application for Amendments to doors and fenestration and construction of extract
duct at rear at Greyhound Inn 3 Hampton Street Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8JN
15/05040/LBC & 15/05220/FUL
Listed Building Consent for Proposed internal alterations to convert existing bed and breakfast facility into a new Dental Surgery at Belgrave House 8 Market Place Additional information has been received for the above application which relates primarily to:
New Details - Retention of cupboard in sterilisation room / 16/00688/TPO
Works to trees with a TPO for T1 Beech tree crown lift canopy to 4 metres on neighbours
side. G1 three Beech trees crown lift canopy to 4 metres on neighbours side
at 25 Northfield Road Tetbury Gloucestershire
Works to trees in conservation areas for One large Silver Birch tree reduction of canopy by
third, removal of one internal secondary stem to the north side, crown lift to balance
canopy at East Barton The Green Tetbury / 16/00689/TCONR
Works to trees in conservation areas for One large Silver Birch tree reduction of canopy by
third, removal of one internal secondary stem to the north side, crown lift to balance
canopy at East Barton The Green Tetbury
Full Application for Creation of opening in boundary wall and installation of new gate at 19
New Church Street Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8DS / 15/05477/LBC
Listed Building Consent for Internal alterations and addition of rooflight. Creation of
opening in boundary wall and installation of new gate at 19 New Church Street Tetbury

8.  To consider s106 contributions as appropriate and any future applications

9.  To receive any brief Councillors reports

10.  To confirm the date of the next Planning Committee meeting s101 21st March 2016 at 6.30pm

Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities, Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.

Town Clerk

Tel: 01666 504670 Office Hours 9.00am to 3.00pm Monday to Friday