Bidders Response

  1. Organisation Details (for information only)

1.1 / Organisation Name and Legal Status: / e.g. Company Ltd
1.2 / Address:
1.3 / Registered address (if different from above):
1.4 / Phone Number:
1.5 / Details of contact person for competition / Include name, position, address, telephone number and email address.
1.6 / Email Address:
1.7 / Website Address:
1.8 / Company Registration Number:
1.9 / Date of registration:
1.10 / Has the organisation traded under any other names: / Yes/No
(delete as appropriate and provide details)
1.11 / Organisation and role of other consortium members:
1.12 / It is important to the RSPCA that teams have an established working relationship, please indicate whether the consortium has previous experience of working together. / Yes/No
  1. Financial Information

2.1 / The RSPCA requires a minimum turnover of £350,000 forthe Potential Supplier (architect firm proposing to act in the role of Lead Consultant for the multi-disciplinary design team)Please self-certify by answering ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ that you meet the requirements set out. / Yes/No
2.2 / Has your organisation met the terms of its banking facilities and loan agreements (if any) during the past year / Yes/No
2.3 / If “No” what were the reasons, and what has been done to put things right?
2.4 / Has your organisation met all its obligations to pay its creditors and staff during the past year? / Yes/No
2.5 / If “No” please explain why not:
2.6 / If asked, would you be able to provide at least one of the following?
A statement of your turnover, profit & loss account and cash flow for the most recent year of trading / Yes/No
A statement of your cash flow forecast for the current year and a bank letter outlining the current cash and credit position / Yes/No
  1. Business Activities for Lead Consultant

3.1 / What are the main business activities of your organisation?
3.2 / How many staff does your organisation have?
3.3 / ARB Registration
  1. Experience

4.1 / Please provide details of contracts of a similar scale to that of the RSPCA’sNew animal centre project (Maxtwo)
  • Client Organisation (name):
  • Client contact name and phone number:
  • Date contract awarded:
  • Contract reference and brief description:
  • Value:
  • Date contract was completed

4.2 / Please provide details of contracts relevant to the RSPCA’s requirement for experience of alternative build methodologies.(Max one.)
  • Client Organisation (name):
  • Client contact name and phone number:
  • Date contract awarded:
  • Contract reference and brief description:
  • Value:
  • Date contract was completed

  1. Insurance

The minimum insurance covered required for this contract by the RSCPA are:
5.1 / Public Liability / £5million
5.2 / Professional Indemnity / £250,000.00
5.3 / Please self-certify that all consultants within the team meet the requirements set outby answering ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ . (If no please state which consultant this relates to and whether they would be willing to obtain the required level if appointed) / Yes/No
5.4 / If you answered NOto question 5.3 please state which consultant this relates to and whether they would be willing to obtain the required level if appointed

6. Confidentiality

Should our organisation be successful in satisfying the requirements of the

PQQ and be given the opportunity to participate in the design phase, I confirm

that all information relating to the competition will be treated in the strictest

confidence. (tick to confirm)

  1. Declaration
  • I confirm that the information supplied is truthful and accurate and I have authority on behalf of the company and other organisations within the consortium group to make this declaration. I understand that any information which is subsequently to be found to be inaccurate or not factual may preclude my organisation from this and any future contracts with the RSPCA.
  • If a contract has been entered into, which relied on the truthfulness of the information supplied and this subsequently shown to be inaccurate, then the contract may become invalid. Notwithstanding any other legal remedies, the RSPCA reserves the right to terminate any such contract and to recover any costs and expenses associated with the tendering, letting and re-letting of the contract.

Should our organisation be successful in satisfying the requirements of the PQQ and be given the opportunity to participate in the design phase I confirm that all information relating to the competition will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Signed for and on behalf of the Organisation:
Position/Status in the Organisation: