Spruce Creek High School - Guidelines for French I Pre-IB
Teacher: Astrid Augat
Course Description: This course introduces students to the target language and its culture and develops communication skills and cross-cultural understanding. Content will include beginning skills in listening and speaking, with special attention to pronunciation; an introduction to reading and writing, as well as the fundamentals of grammar. This preparatory course will meet the requirements of the IB program
- Be polite and respectful of others at all times.
- Come to class preparedevery day: bring textbook, notebook, writing utensils and assignments due.
- Participate actively in class activities; no phones or electronic devices are allowed.
- Be responsible: be on time, get to work as soon as you enter class, and do your own work.
Material Needed:
- One 3-ring binder, 8 dividers, and notebook paper.
- blue or black ink pens, regular pencils, and onedry erase marker (preferably the “low-odor” type)
- Index cards for vocabulary flash cards; colored pencils, scissors, glue stick
Grades will be calculated on a Total Points system. Each assignment will be weighed according to its relevance in showing proficiency in French. Achievement in the following areas of language will be assessed: culture, vocabulary, structures, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Quizzes and tests will always take place on Wednesdays.
All grades and assignments will be posted on Pinnacle Gradebook as well as in the classroom.
Extra-credit will be available for supplementary activities such as participation in the foreign language festival.
Students will be assignedhomework assignmentsevery day; they are expected to complete them for the next day; they will be checked and will be part of the grade. The homework will be posted in the classroom and on the following site: frenchclasses.pbworks.com as well as on Pinnacle.
Students can get extra practice online at quia.com (with user name and password). If you don’t have a computer at home, you may use my classroom computers out of class or go to the media center. The online textbook site at my.hrw.com can replace the textbook at home; it providesgood audio practice as well.
Alternative homework assignments are available to students who fail to complete the regular homework on time or students who are absent. When we are working on a project, the HW (homework) will consist of work toward the project’s completion. Any class activity not completed in class after ample time was given for it should be considered homework.
Students should also spend some time every daymemorizing the vocabulary learned in class. Flash cards will help in retaining new words, as well as specific online games and practice activities given.
Important Class Activities:
We will use part of the binder as an Interactive Student Notebook (ISN), an effective learning tool for the class. Each page will be numbered, and the right side will be for the INPUT (information given in class, notes, activities), and the left side will be for the student work, or the things you do to demonstrate your understanding of the class data. You will work on the left side with the input and INTERACT with it in creative, unique and individual ways (ex: drawings, adds, Venn diagrams, poems, etc…)
- To learn a language, spoken interaction is very important. When we are working as a class orally, using the new words and building stories or situations in French, students will participate actively: they are expected to be sitting up, eyes on the teacher or the actors, and be focused on the activity. The teacher will go slowly enough, use gestures and props to make sure that each student can understand the story, but it is imperative that students refrain from comments in English, and when asked to give ideas through “cute answers”, to use no more than 2 words in English if they can’t give their idea in French. This will be a fun part of class!
Respect of others and positive attitude are a must.
Students are expected to follow the school rules as well as the class rules. Here are the consequences in case of misbehavior (they will not necessarily be given in that order, depending on the misbehavior)
- Teacher speaks with student out of class
- Phone call to parents
- Lunch or after school detention with teacher
- Referral to an administrator
Your presence and participation in class every day are the most important factors for success in French.
If you are absent, you are expected to make up all the work missed that day: bell ringer, daily oral work, binder work, homework. The work missed can be found in a class binder and on the site frenchclasses.pbworks.com
Students will have 3 days for each day absent to make up quizzes and turn in assignments.
Make-Up Work and Extra Help
- Make-up quizzes and tests as well as tutoring will take place before school (6:45 to 7:15 AM) every day, during lunch on Mondays and Thursdays, and after school most days (except for Tuesdays).
- I will be available after school to help students who need it, or I can find a student-tutor for you. It is expected that you seek a little help or tutoring after an absence.
I will be happy to speak with parents who have any concerns. The best way to contact me is through email at the following address:
If you prefer to talk to me on the phone, you can reach me at 386-290-2407 after 3:00 PM, or you may leave a message with your contact number and best times to reach you.
Signature of student ______
Signature of parent ______