ANN Strategic Planning 10/2/14

Facilitator Marlene Rebori

Present: Dana, Lu, Andy, Brenda, Cheri, Lisa Marie, Renee, BJ, Patti, Phil

Intro’s of facilitator, board members with review of ANN ACCOMPLISHMENTS:

Ø  Created a network of 4,600+ np’s in database

Ø  Established annual conferences in LV & Reno, education & networking for np’s

Ø  Continued funding during economic downturn; strategic development plan needed

Ø  Webinars & workshops for continued education for np’s

Ø  Hired pt-t vs interim ED

Ø  Name recognition thru AB60 efforts

Ø  Board meeting face to face J

Not in any particular order here are the other topics discussed.


1.  Set policy, governance of ANN – DOER (thanks Dana!!)

2.  Fundraise to support ANN – DONOR

3.  Recruit future board members with quality & diversity - DOOR OPENER


·  Statewide org for supporting np’s thru

o  Capacity & sustainability building resource

o  Delivering relevant, timely resources including best practices

o  Providing education, training & advocacy

·  Umbrella org fosters development & professionalism of NV np’s

·  Coordinates referrals & networking events and trainings

·  Develops programs and benefits that are not duplicated


·  Establish actionable/concrete goals & specific objectives; build infrastructure, formalize internal operations to be model for np’s using best practices;

·  Help ED capture memories of org for future board & ANN members;

·  Clarify expectations & roles of bored & ED, vol’s, create cohesive team;

·  Refine purpose & priorities, ensure not duplicating


·  F/T ED, implement annual review process & purpose

·  Identify membership targets

·  Rural inclusion/expansion

·  Document history

·  Create sustainable development plan


·  Immediate –

o  scan historical doc’s - Renee

o  Get signatures on bank acct– Brenda

o  Find 1023 & make avail to BM’s, keep in org carry forward file - Brenda

o  Recraft vision statmt – Andy

o  Apply for NV Women’s History Project & coordinate oral history documentation w Nancy Brown, Karen Barsell, Catherine Marshall?, Renee, Patti & others involved in ANN creation– Lisa Marie

o  Review ANN by-laws & update – Lu

o  Take notes of this Strategic Plan - Patti

·  During next year (?) –

o  Document history & evolution of ANN through timeline

§  Roundtables hosted by Schwab for ED & mgmt staff education & networking

§  Committee created to explore need

§  Board developed mission & vision, added benefits for members

§  Northern NV memberships recruited

o  Establish/expand marketing tools for members, vendors, sponsorships

o  Explore other funding resources – foundations, corporations, individuals +

o  Create timeline for 2015 and beyond efforts

We then had a blast finding our favorite, least known, most obvious and necessary by-laws J; changes to Lu to update these by end of conference.

Session adjourned, Marlene thanked and we went to lunch!