Training Minister’s Report
Year One – Pre Priesting
Assistant Ministry
Name of CurateParish/Project Context
Training Minister
This report has two functions. Firstly it forms the basis of the recommendation to the Bishop about whether the curate is ready and called to move on the Priesthood.Secondly it is a vital part of the curate’s portfolio and will be read as part of the end of title assessment.
This assessment is on the basis of national learning outcomes which all curates must evidence. The specific learning outcomes which you are invited to comment on are all ones which Ministry Division specifically require of Training Ministers. Your curate may ask you for additional reflections to support other learning outcomes, and you may well make reference to others. However, this report pro forma provides a structure for all the required Training Minister evidence.
You will be asked to comment on the same areas in all three assessment years of the curacy. The reports will therefore build up a picture of the curate’s experience and learning in these areas during the title period.
Some definitions:
Basic knowledge – what the curate should know about it
Performance criteria – how the curate should do it
Performance evidence – what the curate did
Range – variety of situation in which the curate should be able to do it
VocationCurates should be able to articulate a sense of vocation to the ordained ministry and reflect on the effect of this on their life. They should be able to speak of the development of their inner conviction and the extent to which others have confirmed it. Theyshould be able to show an understanding of what it means to be a deacon and a priest. Their sense of vocation should be obedient, realistic and informed.
Learning outcome / Basic knowledge / Performance criteria / Performance evidence / Range1. Be able to give an account of their vocation to ministry and mission and their readiness to receive and exercise ordained ministry as a priest within the Church of God / Firm in their personal sense of their calling of God to ordained ministry. / Able to relate the outworking of vocation to ordained ministry in the church, community and personal life. / Reflection from candidate and training incumbent articulating the working out of God’s calling to ordained ministry during the curacy. / Works out vocation to ordained ministry in church, community and personal settings.
Training Minister’s Comments
Ministry within the Church of EnglandCurates should show an understanding of their own tradition within the Church of England, an awareness of the diversity of traditions and practice, and a commitment to learn from and work generously with difference. They should be able to speak of the distinctiveness of ordained ministry within the Church of England and of what it means to exercise public ministry. They should be able to reflect on changes in contemporary society and the implications of this for ministry and the Church.
Learning outcome / Basic knowledge / Performance criteria / Performance evidence / Range3. Demonstrate working understanding of legal and canonical responsibilities of those having supervised responsibilities. / Canon law, Church representation rules, legal responsibilities relating to Church organization / Conduct all aspects of ministry with reference to legal constraints where appropriate / Account from Training Incumbent, Church Wardens and othersof the demonstration of the working understanding of legal and canonical responsibilities / Marriage regulations, health and safety regulations. In application to worship, buildings and grounds, statutory meetings and records, occasional offices etc
Training Minister’s Comments
4. Administrative responsibilities of those having supervised responsibilities. / Understands the details of administrative requirements of Church life eg church notices, rotas / Is diligent in respect of administration, communicating to others where necessary / Account from Training Incumbent, Church Wardens and others of the demonstration of the understanding of administrative responsibilities. / Communications, filing, data protection, rota, cleaning and maintenance,
Training Minister’s Comments
SpiritualityCurates should show evidence of a commitment to a spiritual discipline, which involves individual and corporate prayer and worship. They should be committed to a pattern of disciplined prayer, Bible study as well as their developing sacramental ministry. They should be able to show how they discern God’s activity in their life, how their spiritual practice may have changed over time and how it is changing them. They should be able to reflect on how engagement with the world and others both affects, and is affected by, their practice of prayer. Their spiritual practice should be able to sustain and energise them in daily life and future
General CommentsPersonality and CharacterCurates should be sufficiently self-aware, mature and stable to show that they are able to sustain the demanding role of an ordained minister. They should be able to demonstrate how they have faced change and pressure in a balanced and flexible way and how they manage stress. Curates should be seen to be people of integrity who can generate trust and display honesty. They should be able to speak of how they have coped with difficult life experiences, how they have reflected upon them and incorporated them within their life and understanding.
General commentsRelationshipsCurates should show the capacity to build healthy personal, professional, and pastoral relationships. They should demonstrate an awareness of the need for, and ability to establish and sustain,
appropriate boundaries between personal and professional life and within pastoral relationships. They should be able to manage conflict and show an ability to negotiate difficult relationships. Curates should demonstrate good interpersonal skills, the willingness to learn from experience, and a commitment to building inclusive relationships within diversity. They should show the potential to exercise effective pastoral care. Curates must be willing to live within the discipline of Issues in Human Sexuality.
Learning outcome / Basic knowledge / Performance criteria / Performance evidence / Range18. Form and sustain relationships across a wide range of people in general…marked by integrity, empathy, respect, honesty and insight / Understands that the church is fundamentally relational in nature and that building healthy relationships is foundational to ministry and building a healthy church. / Actively seeks, engages in and promotes healthy relationships whether the relationships be one-to-one or with regard to the corporate life of the church. / Accounts from self and lay people such as, Churchwardens and incumbent of the ability to build fruitful relationships. / A variety of settings including the church (at parish, deanery and diocesan levels and ecumenically), the community, and schools.
Training Minister’s Comments
20. Demonstrate good practice in a wide range of pastoral and professional relationships. / Understands the nature of professional relationship within the Church context. / Is able to distinguish friendship and professional relationship, acting in a way that is appropriate to the church context. / Accounts from self, the incumbent and others of appropriate behaviour. / Work and relationships within the church and local communities.
Training Minister’s Comments
Leadership and CollaborationCurates should demonstrate an ability to offer leadership in the Church community and in the wider community as appropriate. This ability includes the capacity to offer an example of faith and discipleship which is inspiring to others and witnesses to the servanthood of Christ. They should show a commitment to identifying and nurturing the gifts of others and be able to collaborate effectively. Curates should be able to identify their own leadership style, and reflect on the strengths and weaknesses
of this and of the different ways in which leadership may be exercised within the Church. They should be able to be flexible and adaptable in leadership and demonstrate ability to guide and shape the life of the Church community in its mission to the world.
Learning Outcome / Basic knowledge / Performance criteria / Performance evidence / Range21. Demonstrate ability to supervise others in a limited range of roles and responsibilities. / Understanding of principles of supervision within a Church setting. Understanding of adult learning styles and good practice in training. / Exercises effective training and supervision of others, where required. / Accounts from Incumbent, Churchwardens or appropriate others and those supervised. / Supervision of laity in pastoral, educational, liturgical or nurturing roles.
Training Minister’s Comments
22. Demonstrate effective collaborative leadership working effectively as a member of team, as an ordained person. / Knowledge of the principles of collaborative ministry and leadership with regard to lay and ordained roles. / Leads in a manner that promotes collaborative working. / Accounts from self, Incumbent and others of effective developmental leadership within a collaborative setting. / Leadership within collaborative settings that involve the opportunity for development.
Training Minister’s Comments
23. Demonstrate ability to use understanding of group dynamics to participate in and lead groups and to reflect with insight on the use and abuse of power / Understanding of clerical authority and obedience within the C of E. Understanding of leadership and service within a collaborative setting. / Leads in a manner that integrates appropriate authority and obedience, as an assistant minister and promotes collaborative working. / Account from Incumbent, Churchwardens and others of leadership style as it encompasses authority and obedience, leadership and service. / Leadership that creates and maintains collaborative working within Church (eg leadership generally within the congregations(s), of committees, teams or working groups) or community.
Training Minister’s Comments
24. Exercise appropriate accountability and responsibility in a new ministerial context. / Understanding of roles of those bearing authority within the C of E, including an understanding of ordination vows. Understanding of extent of own authority and a realistic understanding of new context. / Leads in a manner that demonstrates, within an assistant role (i) accountability to others as determined within the C of E
(ii) responsible actions within one’s own role
(iii) acceptance of the proper authority of others within the Church of England
(iv) developing understanding of new context. / Account from Incumbent, Churchwardens and others in Church leadership within the parish of willingness to be properly accountable and accepting of the legitimate authority of others. / A range of settings of increasing demand according to the stage of curacy in church and community
Training Minister’s Comments
25. Demonstrate appropriate use of authority in ways which enable and empower other in their mission and ministry, including colleagues. / Understands the nature of collaborative working and empowerment of others. Understand the nature of the calling of all God’s people to discipleship and ministry. / Others are empowered in leadership and service through the minister’s own leadership. / Accounts from those whose leadership and service had been enabled including colleagues and Incumbent . / Ministry colleagues, church members, Christians within community.
Training Minister’s Comments
FaithCurates should show an understanding of the Christian faithand a desire to deepen their understanding. They should demonstrate a personal commitment to Christ and a mature,robust faith which shapes their life and work. Curates should show an ability to reflect critically on their faith and make connections between faith and contemporary life. They should demonstrate a capacity to communicate their faith engagingly and effectively.
General commentsMission and EvangelismCurates should demonstrate a personal commitment to
mission that is reflected in thought, prayer and action. They should show a wide and inclusive understanding of mission and the strategic issues and opportunities within contemporary culture. Curates should be able to articulate the good news of the Kingdom appropriately in differing contexts and speak of Jesus Christ in a way that is exciting, accessible, and attractive. They should enable others to develop their vocations as witnesses of the good news. They should show evidence as leaders of mission.
27. Demonstrate engagement in mission and evangelism in a range of contexts, particularly in the local community and in relation to the local church. / Knowledge of recent cultural trends in contemporary society and of models of engagement in mission and evangelism. / Engagement in mission and evangelism while sustaining relationships with people, who are like-minded and those who differ, marked with integrity, respect, openness and trust, which include ongoing exploration of values, ideals and worldviews. / Account from self, incumbent and others of engagement with contemporary culture, and the challenges and opportunities it has presented for mission and evangelism. / Pastoral settings, including the pastoral offices and speaking of the Christian hope at time of death and to the bereaved, and communal settings with evidence of sustained relationships with people outside churchTraining Minister’s Report
Quality of MindCurates should have the necessary intellectual capacity and quality of mind to cope with the intellectual demands of ministry. They should demonstrate a desire to learn through the integration of academic study and reflection on experience and a commitment to this as a lifelong process of learning and formation. Curates should show flexibility of mind, openness to change and challenge, and the capacity to facilitate learning and theological reflection within the Church community.
General commentsAny other comments
General commentsDo you recommend the curate for Priesting? / Yes/No
Signed / Date