National Research University Higher School of Economics
Nizhny Novgorod
Faculty of Management
Course Syllabus
“Global Governance and International Marketing”
38.04.02 – Management
Master Program in Management
Specialization “Global Business”
Prepared by:
Fomenkov Denis, Candidate in Economics,
Confirmed by Marketing Department «___»______2014г.
Head of Marketing Department Fomenkov Denis ______
Recommended by Faculty of Management «___»______2014г.
Dean Kuznecova Julia ______
Approvedby UMS NRU HSE – Nizhny Novgorod «___»______2014г.
Chairman Prof. Bucharov Valeriy ______
Nizhny Novgorod, 2014
1. Course Description
Products and services around the world are transcending national and political boundaries at incredible pace. Due to technological advances, particularly the diffusion of digital technologies and communication devices, the landscape of business has changed drastically creating a plethora of opportunities and challenges at the same time. Companies are now confronted by the rapid globalization of markets and competition that could favor the company to get benefits from unique worldwide brand identity and economies of scale in R&D, marketing, and manufacturing. However all these changes could bring down responsiveness to local markets, slow down most marketing decisions and make worldwide brands more vulnerable.
The environment that managers face is one that is filled with complexity and contradictions. This requires global managers and especially marketers to possess a global perspective. A global manager needs to develop special set of knowledge, skills, and competencies allowing them to meet the changing, emerging, and increasingly complex conditions associated with globalization and intricately bound local markets. Apart from a common set of traits, global marketer requires a set of specialized skills, capabilities, and competencies. It includes sensitivity to cultural diversity, ability to use technology, information systems, and telecommunications effectively to collect and integrate market information all around the world, understanding of cross-cultural issues that impact marketing activities, ability to scan of competitors on a global basis and so forth.
To master those skills, capabilities, and competencies the course is based more on student-centered learning methods, with less use of direct instruction (chalk and talk). Classroom discussions (student with student and instructor with student), games, cooperative learning, guest lectures are the main teaching methods for the course. On guest lectures, students will learn contemporary knowledge and tools from prominent industry experts on such topics as global product management, global advertising and global marketing research. Among guest lecturers are top managers from Acronis, P&G, Intel and Unilever.
This course provides students with all rigor academic frameworks and models whose application in real world is shown through cases, projects, and outside speakers’ experience.
The main deliverables of the course are tasks from guest speakers, country snapshot presentation, and final project on developing marketing plan for product launch in foreign markets.
2. Student Outcomes and Competencies
At the completion of the course requirements, the student will be able to:
- Recognize cross-cultural differences and their impact on marketing activities. Analyze those differences in terms of market opportunities and risks.
- Understand issues in international marketing and avoid major mistakes in implementing marketing activities on international basis.
- Estimate economic, political, cultural, financial and legal environment of countries for adjusting marketing strategy in accordance with local opportunities and threats.
- Recognize the type of international environment.
- Understand the self-reference criterion, state the precise definition of global research problem, and apply correct marketing research methods to collect information for making strategic and tactical marketing decision in international context.
- Develop research design for global market study. Collect the data (secondary and primary) for international market research purposes. Fulfill translation and scalar equivalence criteria.
- Understand cultural sensitivity in designing and running focus groups in international marketing setting. Apply survey methods for cross-cultural marketing research.
- Employ different methods to assess the size of the foreign market for any given product.
- Do a preliminary screening of countries before identifying attractive market opportunities.
- Understand the roles that product designers, engineers, production managers, and purchasing managers play in global marketing decision making, and contribute to global new product development;
- Apply different international market segmentation approaches.
- Develop uniform positioning strategy.
- Report and present the findings of the global marketing study.
- Develop market entry strategies and plans for a company, quantify opportunity, and justify the revenue.
- Develop globally integrated marketing communications.
- Apply tools, frameworks and techniques to conduct opportunity assessments, identify high potential markets, and develop channel and pricing strategy.
At the completion of the course requirements, the student will have the following competences
Competence / Type of competence / Descriptors / Teaching methods to develop competences /Способен принимать управленческие решения, оценивать их возможные последствия и нести за них ответственность / СК-5 / Know characteristics of global environment and their influence on marketing decisions. Able to apply relevant frameworks, models, and techniques to make sound decisions concerning global product management, international marketing communications strategies and tactics, distribution, and market entry. / Enquiry-based learning; Cooperative learning; Direct instruction; Project-based learning;
Role playing; Case studies; Texts; Research projects; Critical Thinking Exercises; Guest lectures
Способен анализировать, верифицировать информацию, оценивать ее в ходе профессиональной деятельности, при необходимости восполнять и синтезировать недостающую информацию и работать в условиях неопределенности / СК-6 / Able to examine marketing data in terms of accuracy, age, reliability, and comparability. Able to integrate those data into decision-making process about different aspects of global marketing. / Research projects; Project-based learning; Direct instruction; Texts; Enquiry-based learning.
Способен организовать многостороннюю (в том числе, межкультурную) коммуникацию и управлять ею. / СК-7 / Know the main vocabulary of international marketing and able to use it in negotiations. Able to define goals of international marketing and run negotiations in accordance with them. Recognize cross-cultural differences and their impact on communication and negotiation. / Cooperative learning; Role playing;
Способен вести профессиональную, в том числе, научно-исследовательскую деятельность в международной среде / СК-8 / Understand cross-cultural differences and their impact on marketing activities. Analyze those differences in terms of market opportunities and risks. / Research projects; Project-based learning; Texts; Guest lectures; Case studies; Direct instruction
Способен использовать социальные и межкультурные различия для решения проблем в профессиональной и социальной деятельности / ПК-2 / Understand issues in international marketing and avoid major mistakes in implementing marketing activities on international basis. Understand cultural sensitivity in designing and running focus groups in international marketing setting. Apply survey methods for cross-cultural marketing research.
Estimate, political, cultural, and legal environment of countries for adjusting marketing strategy in accordance with local opportunities and threats. / Case studies; Texts; Research projects; Critical Thinking Exercises
Способен порождать принципиально новые идеи и продукты, обладает креативностью, инициативностью / ПК-8 / Understand the roles that product designers, engineers, production managers, and purchasing managers play in global marketing decision making, and contribute to global new product development. Develop globally integrated marketing communications / Project-based learning; Cooperative learning; Critical Thinking Exercises
Способен решать задачи управления деловыми организациями, связанные с операциями на мировых рынках в условиях глобализации / ПК-20 / Know characteristics of global environment and their influence on marketing decisions and able to apply relevant frameworks, models, and techniques to make sound decisions concerning global product management, international marketing communications strategies and tactics, distribution, and market entry. / Texts; Enquiry-based learning; Guest lectures; Project-based learning;
Case studies
Способен разрабатывать корпоративную стратегию, стратегию бизнеса и функциональные стратегии организации / ПК-21 / Develop market entry strategies and plans for a company, quantify opportunity, and justify the revenue. Develop uniform positioning strategy. develop channel and pricing strategy / Direct instruction; Project-based learning; Case studies; Texts
Способен планировать и осуществлять проекты и мероприятия, направленные на реализацию стратегий организации / ПК-22 / Able to keep track of the global marketing strategy execution. Transform marketing strategy into tactical marketing in global context. / Cooperative learning; Project-based learning;
Способен находить и оценивать новые рыночные возможности, формировать и оценивать бизнес-идеи, разрабатывать бизнес-планы создания нового бизнеса / ПК-25 / Do a preliminary screening of countries before identifying attractive market opportunities. Apply tools, frameworks and techniques to conduct opportunity assessments, identify high potential markets, and develop channel and pricing strategy. / Texts; Enquiry-based learning; Research projects; Project-based learning;
Способен выявлять данные, необходимые для решения поставленных управленческих и предпринимательских задач; осуществлять сбор данных и их обработку / ПК-26 / Develop research design for global market study. Collect the data (secondary and primary) for international market research purposes.
Able to obtain data from companies’ databanks on their operations, government publications, government sponsored commercial delegations, syndicated datasets.
Fulfill translation and scalar equivalence criteria. / Research projects; Enquiry-based learning; Project-based learning; Direct instruction;
Способен выбирать и обосновывать инструментальные средства, современные информационные технологии для обработки информации в соответствии с поставленной задачей в сфере управления, анализировать результаты расчетов и обосновывать управленческие рекомендации / ПК-27 / Employ different methods to assess the size of the foreign market for any given product. Able to analyze point-of-sale (POS) store scanner data, consumer panel data, and single-source data for making sound marketing decisions. Able to use SPSS tools to analyze global marketing data. / Research projects; Critical Thinking Exercises; Case studies; Project-based learning;
Способен представлять результаты проведенного исследования в виде отчета по консультационному проекту в сфере менеджмента / ПК-29 / Report and present the findings of the global marketing study. / Research projects; Project-based learning; Direct instruction
3. Course Outline
№ / Topic / Sum / Duration (hours) / Unassisted preparation for classes (independent study)Lectures / Practical training and workshops
1 year
Course Introduction
Syllabus Overview
1 / Globalization / 6 / 6 / 6
2 / Global environment / 10 / 12 / 12
3 / Global marketing research
(Guest speaker from P&G) / 12 / 14 / 14
4 / Global Segmentation and Positioning / 6 / 6 / 6
5 / Global Marketing Strategies / 8 / 8 / 8
6 / Global Market Entry
Strategies / 6 / 6 / 6
48 / 48 / 48
2 year
7 / Developing New Products for Global Market
(Guest speaker from Acronis) / 8 / 8 / 8
8 / Marketing Products and Services / 4 / 6 / 8
9 / Global Pricing / 6 / 6 / 8
10 / Global Advertising / 8 / 8 / 11
11 / Global Distribution / 4 / 4 / 8
12 / Marketing Strategies for Emerging Markets / 6 / 6 / 8
36 / 38 / 51
4. Outline of Lectures and Readings
Course Introduction. Syllabus Overview
1. Globalization
Key Issues
- Why to study international marketing;
- Global Perspective and Global Mindset. Global Managers;
- Saturation of Domestic Markets. Emerging Markets. Global Competition. Global Cooperation. Internet Revolution;
- Globalization of Markets: Convergence and Divergence. Impact of Globalization. "Flattening" Of the World. From Connected To Hyper-Connected World. Benefits and Drawbacks of Marketing Globalization.
- Evolution of Global Marketing. Domestic Marketing. Export Marketing. International Marketing. Multinational Marketing. Global Marketing.
- Ethnocentric. Polycentric. Regiocentric. Geocentric.
- Issues in Global Marketing.
1. Kotabe, M. & Helsen, K., 2010.Global marketing management, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. (Chapter 1 Globalization Imperative)
2. Kotler, Philip; Armstrong, Gary (2014 [i.e. 2013): Principles of marketing. 15th ed., global ed. Harlow [etc.]: Pearson. (Part1.The Changing Marketing Landscape)
3. Friedman, Thomas Source: CIO Insight. Mar2005, Issue 51, p42-50. 6p.
4. Kedia B, Mukherji A. Global Managers: Developing A Mindset For Global Competitiveness. Journal Of World Business. Fall99 1999;34(3):230-251. Available from: Business Source Premier, Ipswich, MA. Accessed June 11, 2014.
5. Douglas, S. & Wind, Y., 1987. The Myth of Globalization.Columbia Journal of World Business, 22(4), pp.19–29.
6. Friedman, T.L., 2005. The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century 1st edition., New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
- Anon, 2001. Globalisation and its critics.The Economist. Available at:
8. Hollis, Nigel. “Rethinking Globalization.” Marketing Research 21, no. 1 (Spring 2009): 12–18.
9. Insights: Ideas for Change - Thomas Friedman - From Connected to Hyperconnected
2. Global Environment
Key Issues
- Economic Environment. Country Competitiveness. Emerging Economies. Evolution of Cooperative Global Trade Agreements. Global E-Commerce.
- Financial Environment.
- Global Cultural Environment and Buying Behavior. Elements of Culture. Cross-Cultural Comparisons. Adapting To Cultures. Culture and the Marketing Mix. Global Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
- Political and Legal Environment. International Agreements. Social Pressures and Political Risk. Marketing Barriers in International Trade. Regulations on E-Commerce.
1. “The Global Competitiveness Index 2013-2014 - World Economic Forum.”
2. Arouri, Mohamed El Hedi; Boubaker, Sabri; Nguyen, Duc Khuong (2014): Emerging markets and the global economy. Online-Ausg. Oxford: Elsevier.
3. Kotler, Philip; Armstrong, Gary (2014 [i.e. 2013): Principles of marketing. 15th ed., global ed. Harlow [etc.]: Pearson (Chapter 19. The Global Marketplace)
4. Kotabe, M. & Helsen, K., 2010.Global marketing management, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. (Chapter 2 Economic Environment)
5. Kotabe, M. & Helsen, K., 2010.Global marketing management, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. (Chapter 3 Financial Environment)
6. Kotabe, M. & Helsen, K., 2010.Global marketing management, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. (Chapter 4 Global Cultural Environment and Buying Behavior)
7. Kotabe, M. & Helsen, K., 2010.Global marketing management, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. (Chapter 5 Political and Legal Environment)
- Gupta, V., Hanges, P.J. & Dorfman, P., 2002. Cultural clusters: methodology and findings.Journal of World Business, 37(1), pp.11–15.
9. The WTO...... In brief
10. Briley, Donnel A.; Aaker, Jennifer L. (2006): Bridging the Culture Chasm: Ensuring That Consumers Are Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise. In Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 25 (1), pp.53–66. DOI: 10.1509/jppm.25.1.53.
11. Arnould, Eric J.; Thompson, Craig J. (2005): Consumer Culture Theory (CCT): Twenty Years of Research. In J CONSUM RES 31 (4), pp.868–882. DOI: 10.1086/426626.
12. Ghoshal, S., & Nohria, N. (1993). Horses for courses: organizational forms for multinational corporations. Sloan Management Review, 34(2)
3. Global marketing research
Key Issues
- Research Problem Formulation
- Secondary Global Marketing Research
- Primary Global Marketing Research. Focus Groups. Survey Methods for Cross-Cultural Marketing Research. Observational Research.
- National Culture In International Marketing Research
- Internet for Global Market Research Studies.
- Market Size Assessment.