Newsletter No 83 (aka 2017-09) – 28Feb 2017

Last weekend:
Marathon Man Marc Bennett clearly thinks he’s a big Deal, completing another 26.6 miles in 3:37:39 - yet another outstanding effort from this man. With all those long runs under his belt, I’ll Betteshanger-ing on at the end (look it up…).
Elsewhere, the Terminator is not for the faint-hearted, so huge congratulations to the intrepid nine who made it. A special mention goes to Jon W who carb-loaded all of the previous day in the V-Shed (Bristol) and the Victory (W Swindon); how he made the start line is anyone’s guess, though whether he saw it – or the finish… And, thoughhe may have left the area, the inspiration that is Tim Powell still shows how it should be done. Great job everyone!
This week(end)…
Someone will out racing somewhere –Marc Bennett will no doubt have a marathon somewhere.
Great British Spring Clean – Saturday 4th March 2017 10 – 12 noon
It’s not too late to join Social Sec Juliaand other Hounds tidying up the town collecting rubbish before meeting back at the Club for Soup and Cake so, if you can help for all or just a small part of the morning please let her know.
At time of writing, only 10 tickets left – see last newsletter/Facebook for details.
2016/17 Wiltshire Off-Road League
The 2016/17 League tables show that, in Divisions 1 and 2, the two Hounds teams each came fourth. Whilst the 28 men and 16 ladies who took part throughout the series deserve our congratulations, Simon Rawlings should be singled out as he was the Men’s overall winner and also MV50 winner. Well done to all concerned, and especially Simon!
Beginners Group
Though it was a little damp this week, and with a chill around the edges, nine cheery beginners made short work of Longleaze and Marlow (all 3.9 Km of it), aided and abetted by Jon T, John M, Laura, Moe, Den W, Julia and Nige. And that was despite being on my bike… Thanks folks!
“101 Dalmatians Royal Wootton Bassett Hounds”
Twenty-four Hounds have so far put their paws up for this, participation in the RWB Carnival on the afternoon of Saturday May 20th; Karen Ferris is looking for another 77 to bring the total to 101. All club members, as well as associate and family members,are welcome to join in. So, unless you are pre-disposed to dressing up and looking like a dog’s dinner (you know who you are), there’s no skirting the issue - club kit will be the recommended dress for the day.
Please vote on the polllink so that Karen knows who will be taking part. It should be a lot of fun!
Future Club Events
19 Mar – CC: Highworth 5,
29 Mar - Wednesday Chilli Night
14 Apr – CC: Good Friday 10 mile
28 May – CC: Dauntsey 10k / 17 Jun – Broad Town 5 (watch this space!)
21 Jun – CC: Chippenham Longest Day 10k
06 Aug – Stur Half (Jolly Hounds outing)
More to come….
Poets Corner
Thanks again to Paul Fishwick, whohas kindly offered the following:
There's a man who believes
There's something strange about me
When I'm out, in the winter, in shorts
But I believe that it's he
Who's the strange one, not me
Because HE'S missing out of course.
And I think that if he
Would come running with me
He might begin to understand.
And I think he would see
What it's like to be free
'Til the farmer shouts, 'Get orf my laand!'
Wessex Ridgeway Relay
The Dorset Dodders are organizinga 100k relay along the Wessex Ridgeway for teams of 4-6, which takes place on May 21st, starting at 07:30. Entries are now open, limited to the first 25 teams to get their entries in! More information here.
Thanks to this week’s contributors. As usual…
RWBHRC Webmaster